The First Mage

Chapter 1682: Contention

"Ice, the Frozen Ring?"

When the young mage saw this scene, his face was full of weirdness. You must know that the Frozen Ring is just an ordinary second-order spell. Its function is to change the elemental environment near the caster, dispel all other elements, and only retain the water element. element.

But its effect must be based on the ability of the caster, just like the archmage casts a spell, but it will make the concentration of nearby water elements two or three times higher than other elements.

Therefore, this spell is generally used to create a spell-casting environment for spells that are good at water magic, and achieve the effect of home battle, but that's it, it is impossible to do more.

But what happened just now?

A simple ring of ice, actually directly blocked his own Pyroblast technique?

However, just when he was deeply shocked by this, Lynch just frowned and looked at the young mage with dissatisfaction: "Do you know that you have damaged the heart of the Shadow Wolf King too badly," As a result, its alchemy value has been greatly reduced. I said, isn't there a good alchemist in your mercenary group?"

"you you……"

For a while, the young mage couldn't figure out the details of Lynch at all, but his face was pale, and he looked at Lynch in surprise: "I tell you, our mercenary group is not easy to provoke, but our commander is famously dark King, it’s easy to kill a mage like you, you, you'd better put the Shadow Wolf King down to me..."


Lynch shook his head, knowing that this guy couldn't say anything useful, and then waved his hand...

Following that, a whistling sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded...

Then I saw that an ice blade suddenly tore the air out, and flew out like a silver snake towards the young mage. The speed was so fast that people couldn’t react. It just flashed in the air. After that, he flew behind the young mage.

Then, the young mage touched his neck in a daze, only to realize that he was safe and sound, and he was relieved. He just wanted to open his mouth and continue to say a few ruthless words, but suddenly felt wrong.

The head was a little heavy, the eyelids were a little heavy, and the body was a little soft. His eyes turned down involuntarily, and only a "plop" was heard...

Noel in front of him was shocked to see that a thin line appeared on the young mage’s neck without warning, and the thin line expanded rapidly. In the end, his entire head was straight from the neck. There was an incision, and it rolled down, and it fell in front of my eyes gruntingly. After a few laps, my face was facing up, and my eyes were still looking at me with a little confusion...

Until this time, the blood stains slowly spread on the ground, soaking the ground, the pungent **** smell makes people vomit...

Noel also swallowed a few spit heavily before overcoming the past. You know, although Noel is a magician, he was promoted by various means. He used alchemy most of the time. The real battle between life and death is not a specialty.

And this shocking death sometimes made him feel a little chill...

"Okay, continue on the road..."

But Lynch didn't seem to feel anything. After saying this, he raised his hand to signal the mercenary next to his car to free himself a carriage, and wanted to continue to study the shadow wolf king.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind...

"This Shadow Wolf King is what I want!"

Lynch frowned, looked at Noll for a long time and said, "Great Alchemist Noll, everyone has seen it just now. This should be my trophy, right?"

"What is your trophy? This is what my teacher wants!"

At this time, Noel didn't care about the blood in his eyes and the shock in his heart. He just stared at Lynch without letting go, and said word by word: "I tell you, this mercenary group is for my teacher. My teacher will handle the matter later!"

When this word falls, the meaning is also very clear. His teacher is the master Garok, can you offend a little wizard?

No matter how arrogant you are, you offend Garlock?

That's the same level as your teacher, Rudolph, or even a higher person...

I lend you a courage? !


But Lynch just sneered: "What does it matter to me?"

After finishing talking, he continued to turn around in Noel’s shocked gaze. At this time, the dispute between the two had attracted most of the team, even those who had planned this trip in the car. The brains are all shocked by the dispute here...

Before, even the young mage failed to disturb them when they were making trouble. After all, in their opinion, it is normal to have some troubles on the road. Naturally, someone will deal with them. Their energy should be put on more important things. No need to get out of the car to check the small things.

But now...

This is the rhythm of infighting...

Can't leave it...

"Everyone, when it happened just now, I believe everyone has seen it. Not only did Marfa Merlin, who was invited to help, not help everyone, but just now, he snatched away the magic materials that my teacher needed urgently and insulted me. Teacher, Master Garok, you guys tell me, how can my teacher help the team when they encounter alchemy difficulties in our team in the future?!"

At this moment, Knoll saw the situation, suddenly became wise, took out Garlock's name, and publicized it here.

Speaking of this, but from the crowd, he found Balperin looking at frowning, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "President Balperin, you know about this too. Tell me about it. My teacher has always given you face like this, but this Mafa Merlin has been making trouble here and insulting my teacher. How can such a person let me cooperate with him?!"

At this moment, Balperin also frowned, his face becoming rather embarrassing.

You know, whether it's Lynch or Noel, they are all invited by him, but now there is an infighting here. This is what the outsiders can see. What is it?

As the host of the invitation, he is really the only one who is qualified to say a word at the scene, but at the moment, it is not good to be biased towards Lynch. After all, Noel is still fighting a Garok master behind him. Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce cannot offend him. That kind of person.

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