The First Mage

Chapter 1674: Ahead

"It's very simple..." Lynch looked at the dirt above his head and said: "Go straight up and create a path..."

In fact, returning to the ground from the bottom of the earth is really not a problem for a fifth-level wizard like Lynch. Under the bombardment of Pyroblast, they quickly opened up a path. How long is it to return to the ground, and after returning to the ground, feeling the light that has not been seen for a long time, whether it is Palin or Lynch, it is a long sigh of relief at this moment.

"Malfa Merlin, look." At this moment, Palin pointed to the front.

In fact, there is no need for him to remind. Lynch himself has noticed that in the forest ahead, I don’t know when, the investigative team members came from there, and they are walking in the forefront at this moment. It was a large group of wizards from the Royal Academy of Magic and the Knicks family, and behind them were tens of thousands of exploratory wizards with exhausted faces.

Of course, it was not these people that really caught Lynch's attention, but Hailar and Quito who were following the wizards.

After seeing these two people, Lynch's mouth twitched. These two bastards, running really fast, actually ran to the investigation team...

But it is strange to say that the investigation team should not be investigating around here now, they should be in a more distant place, why are they here now?

But it’s not surprising to think about it. The first phase of the investigation team’s investigation was not particularly long. Now that they have been out exploring for a long time, it’s almost time to return to the war fortress...

"Malfa Merlin?" When Lynch noticed Hailar and others, in fact Hailar and Quito also noticed him, so their expressions immediately became weird. When Lynch dealt with the monster before , They left Lynch and ran away by themselves. According to their thoughts, Lynch should be in big trouble this time, and even worse.

Especially Hailar felt that this time was an opportunity.

Although he had already found Sorcerer Knight before, and wanted Sorcerer Knight to help deal with Lynch, but if Lynch could die here, it would undoubtedly save a lot of time, and he also It can save a piece of blackened natural disaster stone, anyway, the value of that thing is extremely high, originally he is not willing to give it to Sorcerer Knight.

Therefore, after meeting the investigation team, to be honest, their mood has always been extremely good.

It’s just that Hailar never thought that after a stumble, this Marfa Merlin and Palin were still alive intact, and seeing that they did not appear to be injured, doesn’t it mean that the monster has been Are they wiped out?

Reminiscent of the terrifying power of Lynch that he saw along the way, for a while, Hailar cursed in his heart, this guy, is it too difficult?

"Malfa Merlin, why are you here? Are you like the Sorcerer Hylar and others, came out to explore?" And the Sorcerers at the Royal Academy of Magic, seeing Lynch at this moment, it was also a moment of surprise. A magician came to ask.

Before Lynch could speak, Palin looked at Hailar firmly: "We were originally with the Sorcerer Hailar and others, but when we were in danger, these two guys actually left us and ran alone. Oh, shit, it's so damning!"

"Oh?" When many wizards heard this, they frowned and looked at Hailar and Quito. After all, if such a bad thing really happened, it would not be too fun.

"Palin, are you fainted?" It's just that Lynch interrupted Palin's words at this time, and then smiled and said: "We didn't come out with Sorcerer Hylar. We just met some danger, but it's already Let me solve it. This matter has nothing to do with Magister Hylar. Don't think too much about it..."

One is the Minister of Magic, or a famous wizard, and the other is a small fifth-level archmage. Whoever can believe it is naturally nothing to entangle. Therefore, after Lynch spoke, many wizards They all gave Palin a fierce look. After all, it was a felony to fabricate some imaginary things to destroy the relationship between the Royal Academy of Magic and the Knicks family!

"I rely on..." Feeling the scolding gazes of the wizards, Palin couldn't help but cursed in his heart at this moment, what the **** was this Marfa Merlin doing... Isn't it true that what he said just now? Why did he suddenly deny what he said, and let himself cause the dissatisfaction of these wizards?

Damn, it's really terrible...

What is this Marfa Merlin thinking?

But no matter what Lynch thinks, Hailar and Quito, who were nervous about being exposed, are now a long sigh of relief. After all, leaving their companions to run away alone, this kind of thing, if it spreads out, treat them Is really unfavorable...

But fortunately, Marfa Merlin is a sensible person...

Immediately afterwards, after a while of greetings, everyone set off again, and their direction, which was similar to what Lynch thought, was directly towards the direction of the war fortress.

On the way, Palin complained: "Malfa Merlin, what the **** are you doing, why did you help those two guys? It made me almost punished..."

"Now you can't let Hailar have an accident. In case he is driven out of Sen'jin, it will not do me any good." Lynch shook his head.

Later, when he saw Palin what else he wanted to ask, Lynch didn’t intend to continue talking. After all, the thing about his hatred value is the biggest secret in him. Don’t talk about Palin. Replace with himself. 'S parents can't talk nonsense...

After several hours of advancing, seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the war fortress, Lynch also began to consider whether he had to go to the alchemy laboratory again. After all, his experiment had not yet started, but he thought It was a little embarrassing for Lynch to think that the Knight Sorcerer might still be in that alchemy laboratory.

"Or, should I go back to the Royal Academy of Magic first?" Lynch was a little tangled.

However, just as he was about to enter the war fortress, suddenly, from inside Lynch's sleeve, a flame was spraying out, and the flame was extremely strange, it turned out to be a black flame.

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