The First Mage

Chapter 1673: I am full

Immediately afterwards, a large number of third-order spells hit the monster's body one after another, and the monster's screams followed. Lynch could feel that every spell of his own was real. The damage to this monster, although the monster's body is unusually tough, but this toughness has a limit no matter what.

Obviously, as long as I continue, I will be able to completely defeat this monster soon...

However, before Lynch was happy for too long, he discovered that the ultimate fire element once again blocked his spells. For a while, Lynch looked directly at the Constructed Life. Only then did he discover that it turned out to be The movement of constructing life suddenly slowed down, and the speed of devouring the ultimate fire element was not as dense as before. The slowest time, even after half a minute, he took the second bite.

It was precisely because of this that the monster was given enough time to recover, spraying out more extreme fire elements and replenishing the extreme fire elements previously lost.

Lynch has a headache for a while, isn't this guy already full?

Looking at Palin with a blank face next to him, Lynch thought for a while, looked directly at the constructed life flying in the air, and said vigilantly: "I warn you, if you stop now, you will kill me, I If you die, you won’t have any ready-made resources to enjoy in the future, like magic crystals and cores, no one can provide you with them."

The Constructed Life squeaked, seeming to be entangled in Lynch’s words, flapping the wings behind him, as if hesitating whether to return to Lynch’s sleeve now, after all, just as Lynch thought, after a lot of devouring, It is full now, it is difficult to eat more extreme fire elements...

"I'm not kidding... If you are willing to lose such good resources as mine, then just come back..." Lynch added.

"..." Constructed Life gave Lin Qi a fierce look. Although he could not speak, his lips squirmed. Seeing that, if he could speak, he would definitely curse at Lin Qi...

Immediately afterwards, the mouth constructing life opened again, and immediately afterwards, it rushed towards the extreme fire element in front of him, and continued to swallow it with big mouths, and when swallowed, the body was still twisting, obviously In this way, to express dissatisfaction with Lynch...

Seeing it continue to be busy, Lin Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately continued to release more Tier 3 spells to deal with the monster when the ultimate fire element cracked.

"What did you say to it?" Although Palin knew that Lynch was talking to Constructed Life, the noise around him was so loud that he didn't hear the specific content clearly.

"Doing so much..." Lynch rolled his eyes, ignoring Palin, but continued to deal with the monster in front of him.

This time, constructing life is undoubtedly a lot harder. With its help, Lynch almost doesn’t need to care about the trouble caused by the extreme fire element. He only needs to skip the extreme fire element and directly deal with the monster. That's it.

Although the monster is extremely powerful, it cannot withstand Lynch’s massive third-order spell attacks. Therefore, in just five minutes, Lynch has completely killed the monster...

Immediately afterwards, after a loud bang, the monster fell directly to the ground...

"Too bad." Although he defeated the monster, the nervous moment just put Lynch in tension.

But that constructed life doesn’t matter what Lynch is thinking, it stroked its bulging belly, and ran towards Lynch with a grumbling face. After a few squeaks, it was very angry. Ran into Lynch's sleeve.

"This guy..." Lynch was a little bit dumbfounded for a while. I have to say that sometimes this construct is really cute, and it contrasts sharply with those constructive creatures that are cold and have no emotions. Unfortunately, he It cannot be traced back to the source of the constructed life. If it can be traced, it is possible to investigate how the constructed life was born...

Moreover, according to the introduction of the Marfa Great Sorcerer before, the creature that constructs life, after being swallowed, often swallows more power, the faster it grows. It just swallowed so many extreme fires. Element, now I don’t know if it can touch the conditions of evolution...

To be honest, if the constructed life can really evolve, then Lynch is extremely looking forward to his evolution.

"Your constructed life is really amazing, and it can help you deal with these extreme fire elements together. Then when we deal with the elves, will it also help?" Palin asked.

Lin Qi couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this. Although it was said that the Constructed Life was indeed showing an unprecedented ability to swallow in the process of dealing with the ultimate fire element. However, if you want to rely on the Constructed creature to destroy the elves, it is undoubted It's a fantasy.

Especially, the current constructed life has not grown up yet, so it is not particularly powerful at all. With its power, there is no way to deal with the elves with mysterious abilities. Therefore, I have to say that Palin really likes it. Just kidding...

But to be honest, the current constructed life is indeed too mysterious. I really have to study it when I have time to see if I can dig out other abilities...

"The two guys, Hailar and Quito, don't know where they are going now. Damn, these two cowards are too shameless. After encountering danger, we ran away alone..." Lin glanced at the front, the front was empty, and there was no trace of the two wizards at all: "I knew that I shouldn't have given them the antidote before, it's a waste."

Lynch’s face was full of black lines at the moment, but he didn’t say much: “Now, I’m almost searching here. Apart from danger, there seems to be nothing particularly important. If we don’t want to meet other monsters, we will go away?"

"Okay." Palin patted his chest and said with a lingering fear on his face: "I wanted to go a long time ago. Isn't this always entangled in danger... But how do we get to the ground?"

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