The First Mage

Chapter 183: Magic Net

But look, what you have now is only the dozen black stone magic crystals in your hand.

However, it is not a waste of work!

Lynch comforted himself while continuing to observe possible parasitic worms.

After almost a day and a night, this raw mine was completely exposed to everyone's sight. It can be said that when the raw mine appeared, countless people's eyes flashed with greed.

Since no one has been excavating all the year round, the number of magic crystals in the original mine can be said to be incredible. Just at the entrance of the mine, a large number of magic crystals have been randomly placed.

There was a dazzling luster on the magic crystal, which almost pierced everyone's eyes.

"That's too much..." Although Palin's family is in business and it is considered relatively rich, Palin subconsciously swallowed after seeing so many magic crystals.

Lynch shook his head: "These are the property of Oakland College. What use is it for you to just look at it, and have the ability to grab it?"

"That's fine..." Palin hesitated, but in the end he didn't have the guts.

As for the other mages, they had already planned to enter the mine at this time, but Hawking stopped these mages for the first time. These mages may have forgotten the lesson of the parasite at that time, but Hawking was not so careless.

Since there are parasitic worms in the mine, who can guarantee that nothing else will appear? If these mages rush in recklessly, not only will there be no way to get the Blackrock Magic Crystal, but these mages may still die a few.

Therefore, everyone is almost on guard while slowly entering the mine.

However, before entering the mine, the first thing to do is to collect all the magic crystals near the mine. Although the mine is not large, there are almost dozens of magic crystals collected. These magic crystals are naturally. Give it to Hawking.

After entering the mine, a decayed smell immediately permeated. Although the mine is buried under the ground all the year round, it is very dry in the mine. It can be said that there is no trace of moisture. In this dry condition, the whole The mines are full of unpleasant smells.

Even this smell is a bit pungent!

As soon as Lynch came in, he felt his head dizzy. Looking at the other mages, it was probably not much better than Lynch.

Fortunately, none of these scents had any toxins. Lynch just got used to the smell after taking a few heavy breaths, and then there was no discomfort.

"Hey, how come there are bones in the tunnel?" After entering the mine, Palin gave a soft voice.

Actually, without him reminding, Lynch, like other wizards, saw the bones in the mine for the first time, but when he was about to examine the bones, he found that a black light appeared on the bones, following closely. With these white bones, they got up from the ground and regrouped. Soon four or five skeleton warriors holding white bone knives stood up from the ground.

"Undead creatures?" Lynch's face changed slightly. He did not expect that there would be undead creatures on the Budapest plane.

But fortunately, it's just the lowest-class skeleton warrior...

Now the people entering the mine are a group of elite mages. Facing them at this moment, these poor skeleton warriors are not enough to look at. They are just four or five skeleton warriors. They don’t even need Lynch to take action, and I don’t know who released them. After a ground thorn, these skeleton warriors were turned into bones all over the ground.

"No, there are more undead creatures..." But at the moment when these undead creatures died, Lynch suddenly felt a shock at his feet. When he looked up again, Lynch found that the depths of the mine were already Dozens of skeleton warriors came in groups.

And these skeleton warriors are obviously different...

Their bodies are all red and black, and they cannot be compared with ordinary skeleton warriors.

Lynch looked up and down, and found that this was a Dark Gold Skeleton Warrior...

As a variant of the skeleton warrior, the dark-gold skeleton warrior is a powerful undead creature whose strength is comparable to that of the archmage. It is said that the skeleton of the dark-gold skeleton is very hard, even if it is a first-order spell, it is difficult to destroy its skeleton. Brings some damage to the Dark Gold Skeleton Warrior.

But it just hurts.

For example, now, Hawking hasn't said anything, but the endless stream of spells has bombarded the body of the Dark Gold Skeleton Warrior.

Immediately after everyone saw, the Dark Gold Skeleton Warrior was bathed in flames. Although the skeleton of his body kept making noises, it still did not spread out, and walked towards the wizards very firmly.

"So amazing?" Lynch was surprised, but he didn't idle either. He shot it right away.

When he shot, he directly threw a restraint technique.

Like these undead creatures, it is simply unrealistic to defeat them in one fell swoop. Compared to fighting with them and doing some unnecessary consumption, the most suitable thing now is to restrain them first, and once restrain them. The Dark Gold Skeleton Warrior will be much easier to pack up.

However, when Lynch’s restraint technique took effect, although the actions of the dark-gold skeleton warriors did stop for a moment, after that, these dark-gold skeleton warriors broke free from the shackles and moved on.

Lynch couldn't help but glanced at them unexpectedly. Although the restraint technique was only a very simple magic apprentice-level spell, the power contained in the restraint technique was also improved geometrically when he cast it at his current level of a second-level wizard.

But now the restraint technique is actually invalid?

Lynch did not believe in evil and threw the weakness spell and frost freeze, but these spells, without exception, could not effectively control the Dark Gold Skeleton Warrior.

"This kind of undead creatures are born with relatively strong magical immunity, and if you want to restrain them, you must at least use spells above the first order." Hawking's voice sounded in Lynch's ears.

At this time Lin Qicai suddenly realized.

Damn, I haven't changed my mind...

Now these dark-gold skeleton warriors are not the low-level undead creatures that they used to face in the clock position. Now they are the variants of the skeleton warriors. At this time, no matter how many apprentice-level spells are used, they Biology will not play any role.

Thinking of this, Lynch used the magic net of the first-order spell again.

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