The First Mage

Chapter 182: Magic Crystal Raw Ore

It's just probably because of bad luck. Since he came, no magic crystal has been found. Palin couldn't help wondering whether this Marfa Merlin had come to play with himself again?

In fact, not only Palin finds it strange, but even Lynch finds it strange. He doesn't believe that the magic crystal here was accidentally thrown down. After all, no wizard has ever set foot on this plane...

Could it be that there is a magic crystal ore hidden here?

Thinking of this, Lynch’s breathing could not help but heavier. A raw magic crystal ore means an endless stream of magic crystals, especially a raw ore that has not been excavated. I don’t know how many magic crystals there will be in it. Excavating all of them, it can be said that he never needs to worry about the magic crystal anymore.

But now it seems that this matter should be impossible...

Because Lynch discovered that just as he and Palin were looking for the Black Rock Magic Crystal, Hawking had already moved from the front of the crowd to the back. After coming to them, Hawking frowned and said, "What are you two doing here?"

There is no way for Lynch, Hawking asked himself, he can't deceive him by speaking nonsense? Shaking his head, Lynch explained honestly: "I suspect that there should be a magic crystal ore under this area..."

"Are you sure?" Hawking's expression changed slightly, and then he stared at Lynch very seriously, a magic crystal mine, even for Oakland College, which is a great fortune.

But Lynch did not answer Hawking’s question immediately. Instead, he squatted down and dug up the dirt under his feet. When he dug almost as deep as a finger, he swept the dirt away, and Lynch immediately saw the dirt. The black rock magic crystal hidden in it.

At this time, there is actually no need for Lynch to explain anything...

After Hawking saw the black rock magic crystals under the ground, he turned and left. When he came back, he had followed a large number of wizards behind him, everyone came to the area where Lynch was, and then diligently dug up.

But not long after digging, suddenly a black light emerged from the mud.

"What is this?" Some wizards didn't realize the danger of this black light at all, so they didn't think of avoiding at all at first, but when they reacted, it was too late.

I saw the black light rushing directly into the body of a mage. The mage's expression only changed, and he quickly decayed following the breath of life. In just a moment, the mage was completely silent...

"Damn, what's the matter?" Lynch next to him was also shocked when he saw the mage die so quickly. Only then did he realize that the underground environment seemed not as safe as he had imagined.

"There seems to be something in his body." Hawking came to the mage at this time, checked it carefully, then raised his head and said solemnly.

Hearing what Hawking said, Lynch also reacted immediately. When the black light entered the body of the mage, the body of the mage did not completely calm down, tearing open his mage robe, you could see a The black line is swimming fast in the body.

It should be this thing that took away the life of this mage.

"Be careful when digging. If you encounter black light, you can avoid it." Hawking said, and then saw Hawking's eyes tightly looking at the ground. When another black light rushed up, Hawking reached out and grabbed it. Live this black light.

At the same time, a magical power appeared in Hawking's hand, which trapped it. At this time, Lin Qi could see clearly that the black light was actually a small black bug, but this black bug was rather weird. The mouth was densely overgrown, and when he was caught by Hawking, his mouth was still closed, as if biting something.

It's no wonder that the mage died so quickly, being intruded by such a small bug, no one can stand it.

"Mr. Hawking, this is a parasitic worm?" Lynch looked at the little worm carefully, and then spit out a few words from his mouth.

Hawking nodded: "Yes, this is a parasitic worm."

Lin Qi nodded solemnly.

Parasitic worms are a kind of existence that can parasitize in the body of warcraft and humans. Whenever they see a fresh body, they will desperately parasitize in, but their parasites are bloody, and they will bite the body immediately after entering the body. Everything in it, and then waited until this parasite died, lurked for a period of time, and then continued to search for other parasites.

Now these parasitic worms are trapped in the ground, and there are no parasites themselves. Seeing these mages come here is like a cat seeing a mouse. I guess I'm not even more excited now...

Now that the parasitic worms have been discovered, the speed of digging has naturally slowed down. Most of the time they have been avoiding the parasitic worms. It does not mean that the parasitic worms cannot be solved. The parasitic worms are mainly hidden in the ground. The bottom of the ore is probably the raw ore, so at this time everyone can't use spells to deal with them.

So apart from avoiding, there is really no good way.

At this time, the speed of digging is undoubtedly beginning to gradually slow down, but there is no way. Compared with the progress of digging, the most important thing for them now is to ensure the safety of the mage.

However, in order to prevent the parasitic worms from falling back to the ground, Hawking also specially arranged some mages to stare at the parasitic worms. As long as the parasitic worms appeared, they would immediately use magical bombardment.

Beasts like Parasitic Insects, although their talents are terrifying, their own strength is not strong, just the size of a strand of hair, even a magic apprentice can easily destroy them, not to mention everyone present. It's an elite mage.

Soon, the number of parasitic worms is getting less and less, and everyone is digging faster and faster. In the end, there are no more parasitic worms for a long time. It seems that these parasitic worms have also been resolved. .

And Lynch is also one of those who deal with parasitic worms.

He didn't directly participate in the excavation. To be honest, he was a little tired now. If it was a good thing when he first found the magic crystal, then Lynch would not be happy now. After all, with Hawking's intervention, this original mine It completely became the property of Auckland College.

Although it is said that without the leadership of Hawking and others, I would not have been able to enter Budapest, but thinking that the huge number of magic crystals would gradually go away from him, it is indeed a bit sad to think about Lynch. If I knew this, I would be better off. Collect as many magic crystals as possible.

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