The First Mage

Chapter 1556: Dewey

As for Hailar, even though he was in extreme anger, the appearance of Sorcerer Dewey made him react immediately, followed him in a deep breath, and said to Sorcerer Dewey, "Sorcerer Dewey, This Marfa Merlin has just been insulting me, and now I want to teach him a little lesson to protect my reputation, and at the same time, protect the reputation of our Knicks family."

In Hailar's view, after he had said this, the Dewey Sorcerer should support himself as before...

As a genius wizard of the Knicks family, Hailar is naturally the key cultivation target in the Knicks family. This also leads to that although the Dewey wizards usually have an unsmiling expression to other wizards, but in In front of Hailar, he was as gentle as an elder.

Moreover, no matter what Hailar wants to do, the Dewey Sorcerer will generally express his support directly, and will not make Hailar helpless.

In fact, in the Knicks family, Hailar was able to reach this height, it can be said that it was basically cultivated by the Dewey Sorcerer.

For someone like such an elder, Hailar will naturally feel that he will definitely be on his side...

Although Marfamerlin is indeed extraordinary, the Dewey Sorcerer should not be afraid of Marfamerlin because of this. After all, the foundation of the Knicks family is not comparable to the Watson family...

However, when he was waiting for Mage Dewey to speak with great expectation, he saw Mage Dewey coldly saying: "Hail, then, are you just looking for trouble with Mafa Merlin?"

"It's not that I troubled him, it was him that troubled me." Hailar was taken aback, but still subconsciously said.

Sorcerer Dewey frowned.

But at this time, Lynch suddenly said: "Magic Dewey, you are here just right, you just came, you may not be very clear about the situation here... In fact, I just wanted to overhaul the alchemy crossbow on the guard tower. In the car, but the Sorcerer of Hylar suddenly brought Lundin and Wikipedia over, and threatened that this was something from your Knicks family, and that he wanted me to roll off the tower. As for the next thing, You have also seen that if it weren't for you to come early, it is estimated that the spells of the Sorcerer Hylar have already hit me..."

"Hailaer, what Marfa Merlin said is true?" Mage Dewey's face became more and more ugly, and he turned to look at Hailar with extremely indifferent eyes.

It's just that Hailar didn't react for a while, and stood there for a long time without speaking.

He just looked left and right, looking a little confused, what's the situation? In his imagination, after Sorcerer Dewey came back, he would definitely stand on his side for the first time, and then righteously asked Marfa Merlin why he dared to offend their Knicks family, and even, in the end, it might Will also help myself teach Marfa Merlin.

However, the development of the script is a bit different now. His face is very ugly from beginning to end, and this ugly is not aimed at Malfa Merlin, but more like it is aimed at him.

All of this is undoubtedly making Hailar a little bit unable to understand...

"Well, it seems that what Marfa Merlin said is true." And Hailar's silence, in the eyes of the Dewey Sorcerer, is undoubtedly a tacit consent.

At this time, Lynch also added fuel to the fire in a timely manner: "Of course it is true, Sorcerer Hylar, although he is a Sorcerer, I am afraid that he would not dare to lie in the public. Otherwise, would it? Didn’t you lose the face of your Knicks family? Vicki and Lundin, did you say?”

"Ah? How do we know?" Wikki and Lundin were shivering under the pressure brought by the Dewey Sorcerer. They didn't dare to say a word at all. It's just that now Lynch is taking the attention of Dewey Sorcerer. Turning to them, it made them have to endure this pressure head-on, so for a while, they almost cursed Lynch in their hearts.

"Vicky Lundin, what's the problem with what Marfa Merlin said?" The Dewey Sorcerer is quite clear about their relationship with Hailar, so he also knows that as long as the action is initiated by Hailar, there must be Wiki and Lundin. Participation, so for now, just ask them directly.

"This..." Both Wiki and Lundin were hesitant to speak.

"Is it right?" Sorcerer Dewey increased his tone.

Suddenly, the pressure on Vicki and Lundin increased dozens of times. The two almost sat on the ground one after another, and then quickly nodded pale and said: "Yes, Mafa Merlin said it is generally good, but it is true. It's the watch tower of our Knicks family. Even if the Sorcerer Hylar doesn't let him go up, there is no problem, right?"


Sorcerer Dewey didn't say anything, in fact, he didn't know what to say now.

He just looked at the two mages of his family with a speechless look, and he wanted to slap them both. Damn, is it possible that their Knicks family can only cultivate mentally handicapped people like Lundin and Wikipedia?

Look at what you said, what do you mean by not letting Marfa Merlin go up to the sentry tower? It doesn’t seem to be a problem, and it’s justified and upright, as if you’re complaining. Damn, do you have any? Sick? Don’t you know that the Knicks family is currently in a cooperative relationship with the Royal Academy of Magic, and will soon unite to deal with the constructed creatures outside?

As a result, when you said so, they made the Knicks family like a villain, as if they were not sincerely cooperating with the Royal Academy of Magic.

If this is known by the Sorceress Rethof and the Great Sorcerer of Marfa, when they get angry, they cancel their cooperation and let them deal with the construct creatures outside alone.

Is it possible to deal with one or two hundred thousand constructed creatures just by relying on the power of the Knicks family? These **** really want to kill the Knicks family...

Moreover, it's fine to offend people. Now Hailar, the bastard, is actually Mafa Merlin who has sinned...

Don't you know that Marfa Merlin has a bad temper? If you have a small temper, how dare you single-handedly enter the Watson family?

At the meeting of the wizards that just ended, they also asked Marfa Merlin to take out the Alchemy Puppet Legion as the main force to deal with the construct creatures outside. At this time, if you have Marfa Merlin because of such a small matter. He was offended and died. After the Knicks entered the battlefield, he made some small actions behind his back, so that the alchemy puppets would not support the Knicks battlefield at all. At that time, the Knicks' casualties would be really immeasurable. what……

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