The First Mage

Chapter 1555: not interested

As soon as these words came out, let alone Wikipedia, including Hailar himself and Lundin, their complexions all changed. After all, Lynch was already naked to express how much he looked down on Hailar.

"Palin, Sophis, the Hylarian Sorceress, looks a bit too arrogant, do you want to come down and see, how thick a Sorceress's face can be?" Lynch turned to look at the post. Palin and Sophis on the tower.

Palin and Sophis both looked at each other. Although they had seen Lynch taunting others, it was the first time they saw Lynch taunting a wizard like this. If you look closely at this moment, you can find that Hailar. The face that had been irritated by Lynch was blue and purple.

Moreover, if the anger continues in this way, it is clear that Hailar will be completely violent...

"Well, it seems that you are not interested in Sorcerer Hailar." Lynch shrugged helplessly, and then continued to look at Hailar: "Sorcerer Hailar, you have also seen it. My partner is not interested in you. As a result, I don’t have much interest in you. In that case, you can leave here now."

After speaking, he looked at Hailar with a smile on his face.

"This Marfa Merlin is really a lunatic..." Before Hailar could speak, Vicki and Lundin looked at him with caring eyes, as if they were caring for a mentally handicapped child. After all, Lynch’s current behavior is indeed a bit too stupid...

I'm afraid this guy is used to being arrogant at the Royal Academy of Magic, thinking that relying on his identity and power, he can eat no matter where he is, and he can ignore anyone.

But this time, I have to say that Marfa Merlin really provokes the wrong target...

Among other things, Hailar's fighting ability alone was enough to make Malfa Merlin suffer.

You know, Hailar is a genius [Xinbi Quge]!

A genius wizard often means that his strength is not comparable to that of a wizard of the same level. Although Hailar is only a second-level wizard now, he has also created to defeat a fifth-level wizard. The outstanding record of the taxi.

Take another look at Mafa Merlin. Although his resume is indeed a bit scary, aside from those things, he himself is only a first-level wizard after all, like a wizard of this level, just in case. Get up, but it is impossible to be Hailar's opponent.

And now, Marfa Merlin has angered Hailar to an unbearable degree. This is undoubtedly a very crazy death-seeking behavior. It is worthy of affirmation that Marfa Merlin is about to be out of luck...

After all, Hailar’s ​​character is not peaceful...

Sure enough, just when the ideas of the two people of Weiyi and Lundin fell, they saw the Hailar who had not spoken. Now his whole body has been filled with an extremely powerful wave of magic power in an instant. This magic power is so strong. There was even a hurricane on the court, which directly pushed Weiwei and Lundin away.

Not to mention them, including the nearby wizards who hadn't paid attention to this place before, now they all look at this place from afar with surprises.

Once a magician starts his hand, it means powerful destructive power and influence. At this moment, seeing Hailar's extremely angry look, almost everyone is shaking with fear, some do not understand, this comes from What does the young wizard of the Knicks family want to do?

You know, now is not the time to engage in internal fighting...

Now everyone is building the camp non-stop. At the same time, outside the camp, the one or two hundred thousand constructed creatures are even more eye-catching. If some moth comes out at this time, then it will really cry. It's too late.

"Are you going to stop the Sorcerer Hylar? It seems that his target is Sorcerer Malfa Merlin? By the way, the two of them don't seem to know each other? When did the conflict arise?"

"The battle between the two wizards can be prevented by a pioneer mage of our level? If you want to go up and die, you can go by yourself, but don't pull us."

"Yeah, we still have to reserve some strength to deal with those constructed creatures..."

Whether it is a mage from the Royal Academy of Magic or a member of the Knicks family, they are whispering now, but there are many people who want to stop it, but the problem is that they can't stop the fight between the wizards, if they force it Come up, their safety is not guaranteed...

"It seems that Sorcerer Hylar can't help but want to exchange spells with me. In that case, I will satisfy you." Lynch also glanced at his hatred value as he spoke. At this moment, the hatred value he has obtained. , Is beating with an extremely alarming frequency, and has even exceeded two million in a short time.

Such a rich hatred value naturally made Lynch very satisfied.

But he feels not enough...

After all, the growth rate of hatred value can go even further.

And to take it one step further and choose to fight Hailar, this is undoubtedly an extremely correct choice. After all, in the battle, it will be easier to provoke Hailar. You only need a more disgusting spell to make Hailar was bouncing on the spot for a long time...

"Haha, want to communicate with me? I'm afraid you won't survive the end of the exchange." Hailar has been so excited by Lin Qi that he loses his mind at the moment, and can't care about too many things. Now he only has Lin Qi in his eyes. , And Lynch's life...

However, just when Hailar and Lynch were about to start their hands, they immediately saw a figure hurriedly approaching in the distance. When they came to Hailar, everyone could see clearly that it was the Dewey Sorcerer. .

"Sorcerer Dewey, why are you here?" Helen and Vicky immediately turned their eyes on the Sorcerer Dewey with horror. After all, they had discovered that the current Sorcerer of Dewey fell on them. His eyes are very cold and cold...

As the highest-ranking wizard in the Knicks family, Sorcerer Dewey generally has a strong deterrent effect on anyone except the Great Sorcerer, including other wizards. When I saw him, he was very respectful, even the wizards were so, let alone their great mages.

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