The First Mage

Chapter 1542: space

"Oh...Malfa Merlin Sorcerer." Hartdy followed: "You come in now. There should be a crystal ball ten steps to your left. I have activated it now. You only have to Standing in front of the crystal ball, you can see me."

"Huh?" Lynch thought about the meaning of the voice's words, and used the light technique to follow the guidance. Sure enough, there really was a crystal ball on his left.

After hesitating a little, Lynch walked over and stood in front of the crystal ball.

Sure enough, a little light was born in the crystal ball's crystal clear interior, and after that, the light burst suddenly, and a picture appeared on the surface of the crystal ball.

The first thing that catches the eye is a space. This space is not large, it is also five meters in radius, and it is painted black on all sides. It looks like it has been taken out of a whole crystal stone. There is no gap in all directions, and it is airtight.

It was like experiencing an earthquake here, and various sophisticated alchemy equipment, pipes and debris were scattered on the ground, but apart from that, there was not much loss.

But what attracted his attention most was an extremely old elf in the middle of the messy pipe...

The elf was really too old, his face was deeply wrinkled, and there was no vitality at all. It seemed to fall at any time. It was in stark contrast to the energetic voice that Lynch had heard before, and , When Lynch carefully observed him, he was immediately shocked, because this elf, unlike ordinary elf, his body was directly constructed!

Flesh and machinery blended. There were mechanical parts on his body constantly surging, trying to swallow him completely. At the same time, there were countless colorful runes pouring out of his body, turning into a seven-colored flame, covering his body. When I got up, it was a layer of seven-color flames, red, orange, red, green, blue and purple, and it looked like a burning rainbow.

Although I don’t know what these are, Lynch can see that Hartdy’s half-constructed body is connected to four pipelines made of Thorium. This thing Lynch is It can be understood that it should be pipelines, relying on these pipelines, Hartdy can continuously extract magic power or energy from a certain place.

And the reason for this...

Lynch asked tentatively, "Is there something wrong with the transformation of the elf's body into a semi-construction?"

"Yes... I didn't expect you to find out so soon." Hearing this, Hartdy was obviously a little surprised, but he quickly explained to Lynch in a friendly manner: "During the process of transformation, the constructed body , Trying to swallow my consciousness completely, so I have to rely on continuous extraction of magic power to resist this complete construction. Therefore, I can stay sensible until now."

Listening to this explanation, Lin Qicai suddenly realized.

It is simply impossible to forcibly transform a flesh and blood body into a constructed creature. However, relying on the elf’s incomparable alchemy technology, Hartdy was able to force it, but this kind of completely unrealistic transformation , Obviously, it also brought Hartdy huge troubles, making him very tormented. He couldn’t help contending with the constructed body all the time. At the same time, he had to stay in this place and be completely Bound, it is impossible to leave for a lifetime.

In this case, life is better than death...

However, why Hartdy did this, Lynch somewhat understood.

He may want to extend his life...

After all, even the elves cannot survive that long. The only way to live forever is to construct it. However, the price paid for this kind of thing is too great, I am afraid it is difficult for anyone to choose. this way.

"What about Palin and Thomas? Oh, yes, those two friends of mine. How are they now? Why can't I find them anymore?" Although I don’t know why Hartdy did this, it’s obviously Not what Lynch cares about, he quickly changed the subject.

"Oh, you said those two people..." Hartdy explained: "When I brought you here with the Constructed Giant, I also sent them to a safe place. Don't worry, they don't Nothing will happen."

"Threatening me?" Lynch's face changed slightly. After all, he could hear it. According to Hartdy, the current Palin and Thomas should have fallen into the hands of this guy.

"Don't worry, it's not a threat. After all, I don't need you to do anything for me." Hartdy quickly explained.

"Since you are not threatening me, send me to their side now." Lynch said.

"That's not okay, I need you to do me a favor..." Hartdy said directly, but he probably sensed the alert in Lynch's expression and quickly explained: "Don't worry, it's not intentional Before I ask you to help, I will tell you a story if you are troublesome."

"Oh? What story?"

"The thing between the elves and the world of Anriel."

"Okay..." Although Lynch is still wary of Hartdy at the moment, if this is the case, then Lynch is still very interested in listening.

"Hmm..." When Hartdy saw Lynch, he didn't refuse. At this moment, he was slightly relieved, and then said: "You should know that the elves ruled the entire Anriel world, right?"

"I know..." Lynch nodded.

Hartdy continued: "Actually, this is not the meaning of the entire race of elves..."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Ruling the world of Anriel, that actually means dark elves, not light elves."

"What about dark elves and light elves..." Lynch was a little confused.

Hartdy explained: "The light elves and the dark elves actually represent the two camps among the elves. For example, I am the light elves, and in our light elves, there is actually no Those who intend to rule the world of Anriel, in our opinion, if they can live in peace with humans and live together in the world of Anriel, that is undoubtedly a very good thing."

"So, the dark elves are a camp that advocates the use of force to suppress humans and rule the world of Anriel?" After hearing Hartdy's words, Lynch couldn't help but be attracted. After all, things like this, Anriel There is no related record in the world, and he faintly felt that he was about to know a great event.

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