The First Mage

Chapter 1541: Trapped

"What the hell..." In response to the call, it inevitably made Lynch look suspicious. After hesitating for a long time, Lynch gritted his teeth and decided to go and take a look. After all, he is really a little bit about the surrounding situation. I don’t know, if I look at the past, there may be some new discoveries.

So quickly, Lynch followed the guidance of the voice in his ears and reached a gap in the huge stone not far away.

The gap was dark and narrow, and at most he could barely stretch an arm in, but couldn't see what was inside. Lynch didn't care about that much, so he squatted down and stretched his arm in.


As Lynch rubbed it for a while, he really found something. According to the touch, it seemed like a wooden shelf.

But the most important thing is that there are some bottles distributed around the shelf, with the warm touch of crystal.

Lynch had some energy at the time. He endured the severe pain on his body and stretched his arm longer before fumbling to take out the potion bottles one by one.

Until the end there was nothing, and Lynch also had cold sweat on his forehead due to the severe pain caused by the action.

But when he saw the potion bottles in front of him, he couldn't control that much. He just opened the first bottle. As soon as he smelled the scent, Lynch immediately recognized it. This is exactly the vitality potion. The main effect is Stop bleeding and restore vitality.

The effect of the vitality potion is not too strong, but it is low in cost and has a wide range of applications, so it is a necessary healing potion for the mage to go out.

But how could this kind of medicine appear in this ghost place? Besides, this isn't a valuable thing. As the nephew of Master Merlin's tower boss, how can Lynch like these cheap potions...

And when Lynch's face was speechless, the voice in front rang in his ears again.

Just like before, this slightly vague voice is still talking about a position...

Lynch knew that he had no choice now, so he didn't hesitate and just followed the voice's instructions.

Soon, Lynch was in front of another crack made up of huge rocks, which was much bigger, barely able to accommodate an adult.

Lynch leaned over and squeezed into the crack. There was still darkness inside. Lynch used the light technique to barely see a few meters around him. ,

There are rough boulders on both sides and on the top of the head, and the gap between them happens to form a narrow passage that can only allow one person to walk through at most.

After going forward for three or four minutes, the front suddenly became clear.

There is a whole rough stone wall across here. At this time, in the stone wall, there is a door deeply embedded, as if it is one body with the stone wall, and the surface of the door is covered with a whole complex magic pattern. , People look dizzy.

However, Lynch took a few glances and discovered that it was some kind of forbidden magic pattern. Generally speaking, it was to prevent someone from breaking in. Once someone touched the forbidden magic pattern, it would touch the corresponding force to rebound.

But that magic pattern is obviously not the most important thing. Now the most important thing is the stone wall...

When Lynch approached in the dark, he found that the entire stone wall showed a dull black surface, but it was crystal clear and smooth like a black gemstone, and it was all made of high-purity crystal stones. ,

Crystal stone is a kind of ore. It is usually a companion creature produced by high-purity crystal veins. Although it is not as rare as crystal in quantity, it is also valuable as a good magical insulator.

Generally speaking, this material is a common material for high-level magic boxes, used to isolate the fluctuation of magic items.

But this is actually a whole wall...

You know, crystal stone has both high hardness and good magical insulation, so there is a great demand for crystal stone from the outside world, and the price has always been high. If the first person to find this stone wall is not Lynch, and If it was Palin, it is estimated that Palin would have already jumped up excitedly, after all, he was also a guy who saw money open.

"come in……"

The voice in the ear came again, the original voice was still a little fuzzy, and Lynch could barely distinguish the content of the voice.

This time, the voice was much clearer. It was the voice of a middle-aged man, hoarse and gentle, and it sounded like a faint exhaustion.

However, Lynch didn't seem to hear this sound, and didn't mean to enter, just lighting up the light technique in the darkness near the stone wall and continuing to observe.

The voice seemed to understand what Lynch meant. When it sounded again, it seemed to say with a smile: "You are cautious, but you seem to have forgotten that I was the one who attracted you, so I think you still want to see me. Right?"

"You finally showed up." Lynch stopped at this time and stopped pretending. In fact, when he heard this voice, Lynch also appeared extremely shocked, although he had already realized that maybe someone was there. Peek at yourself, but that is just a guess after all.

Now, when the speculation becomes a reality, Lynch's shock can be imagined.

"I can understand your language, you should be a human mage?" Lynch asked subconsciously. Although he was speaking into the air, he believed that the person should be able to hear his voice. .

"No, I am not a human being. I am only communicating with you with my consciousness, so you can understand me."

"Communication through consciousness?" Lynch was stunned, but after all, he is a traverser, and his ability to accept these unthinkable things is very strong. He quickly said: "Then you are not a human being, so what are you?"

"I am an elf..." The voice was silent for a moment and then said: "Moreover, I have also been in the world of Anriel, so I can recognize your identity when you just come down. The wizard of the Riel world to the Sen'jin plane."

"..." Lin Qi couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth. It has been countless years since the elf retreated from the world of Anriel, at least tens of thousands of years, if the elf had really been in the world of Anriel. , Then he is at least long live now...

This discovery made Lynch quite shocked.

It even dilutes the shock of seeing the wizard for the first time.

"Human Mage, I can't delay with you now, because I don't have much time left." The voice quickly continued: "My name is Hartdy."

"Hartdy?" Lynch took a deep breath. "Well, my name is Marfa Merlin."

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