The First Mage

Chapter 1527: blacksnake

"Fuck you!" But when Lynch heard Palin's voice and looked up, his expression suddenly changed, especially when he saw Palin wanted to touch the parchment. At the time, Lynch couldn't help shouting directly.

However, the situation is no longer under Lynch's control. Now on the field, as Lynch’s voice just fell, he immediately touched the parchment with Palin’s fingertips. Until this time, Pei Lin Cai looked at Lin Qi suspiciously: "What's wrong, is there any problem?"

But, at the same time, trouble came. I saw Palin’s fingers just touched, and a thick black mist rushed out between the bookshelves. This black mist just came out. , It condensed into a five-six-meter-long snake, and the huge snake head knocked Palin directly to the ground, followed by a flick of its tail, and gave Palin a face.

In the end, the black snake let out a bad laugh, and disappeared from the door.

Lynch was too late to do anything. He watched Palin being pumped out of balance, knocking down two rows of bookshelves, triggering three magic traps, seven lightning blades, three large fireballs, and six arcane bombs.

Then, Lynch stared at these spells that were enough to kill Palin dozens of times, almost whizzing past Palin's head, disappearing into the void.

But I don’t know if Palin stepped on **** before going out, so now it’s lucky. Although so many spells passed by, Palin was not injured. All the spells did not accurately hit. he.

Even the Black Snake that appeared at the beginning failed to hurt Palin.

It's just that despite this, the accident that happened just now made Palin somehow unable to react. The whole person sat on the ground with a face full of confusion, and did not react for a long time.

"Damn... there is such a thing?" Palin couldn't help muttering, looking very shocked.

"On that parchment paper, there is a magic trap. Don't do it like this next time. Your good luck will not always exist." At this time, Lynch also came over and looked at Palin. Angrily blamed: "My magic detection gloves have already reacted just now. Damn, it's a pity you didn't listen to me."

"This...I know it's wrong! I won't dare to do it again..." Palin also knew that the situation was brought up by himself, so now he lowered his head and didn't dare to explain, but just accepted criticism very humbly.

"You're such a bastard." Seeing Palin seemed to still want to continue explaining, Lynch interrupted him directly and immediately pulled him aside.

At this time, Lynch directly squatted down and picked up a roll of yellowed parchment from the ground. This was exactly what Palin fell on the ground when he knocked over the bookshelf. He spread the parchment directly on the ground. Then he watched it intently.

After a while, Lin Qi looked up and looked at Palin with a strange look.

Palin was seen as a little guilty, and said in a shame: "Didn't I apologize just now..."

"No, I mean, you seem to have done something..." Lynch closed the parchment in his hand: "Because this thing is the architectural drawing of this tower..."

"Huh?" Palin's eyes widened when he heard the words: "Damn, won't my luck be so good? In the end, I was the first to discover the architectural drawings?"

"Okay..." Seeing that the guilty conscience on his face instantly disappeared and turned into an extremely excited Palin, the corners of Lynch's mouth twitched, but in the end he said nothing.

"Come with me." Before Palin finished his sentence, Lynch had rolled up the parchment, put it in his pocket, and led the way towards the depths of the bookshelf.

Palin was inexplicable, but he still followed Lynch.

But when he came to the depths of the bookshelf and came to a wall, Lynch directly followed the markings on the architectural drawings, knocking on the top, and then only heard the sound of the machine running. A door opened directly.

"Why is this place weird? Where does this lead?" Palin glanced inside, then shrank his neck a little worriedly: "Isn't it good for the two of us to enter this unknown place? Should we call those wizards over, so that even if we encounter trouble, it will be easier for us to solve it."

"Don't worry, there is no dangerous place behind here, it is recorded in the architectural drawings." Lynch shook his head, instead of following Palin's arrangement, he went in directly.

Palin couldn’t help but feel a little depressed when he saw this. He hadn’t seen any architectural drawings before. The ghost knew there was something here. After all, the guy Mafa Merlin knew what was going on here, but it didn’t mean he knew it. what……

But since he has already entered, there is no way, so let's follow in...

So Palin quickly walked in with Lynch.

After walking down, Palin knew what exactly it was.

In fact, the place Lynch brought Palin to is the core power room of the entire tower. This power room is also the foundation for the construction of this tower. If there is no power room, then the entire tower It is absolutely impossible to run so smoothly.

Of course, this high tower has been abandoned after all, and many alchemy technologies should have disappeared. Otherwise, under the control of the power room, this high tower should be far more dangerous than it is now...

Lynch stood outside the door of the power room, spread the parchment paper, and whispered the spell on it. On the magic circle on the surface of the door, the magic patterns lit up one after another. Amidst the vibrating sound, the door slowly moved to both sides. turn on.

Lynch led Palin to step in, and then a magic reactor that occupies most of the power room came into view.

This magic reaction furnace is nearly five meters high, with an almost oval surface covered with dense magic runes.

And through the thick layer of magic crystals in the middle, you can also see the dark gold pipes crisscrossing inside. They are all made of special magic alloys, and only this special material that has been synthesized little by little by alchemists. Can withstand the pressure of overclocking magic output.

Moreover, on weekdays, it continuously extracts the magic power contained in the underground magic crystal ore, and transforms it for use by the entire tower.

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