The First Mage

Chapter 1526: Credit

I saw a gray book on a bookshelf next to him. I don’t know why, but this book aroused Palin’s curiosity. There seemed to be a voice in his mind that kept telling him, let He took this book down and read it.

However, when Palin was about to reach for it, Lynch said lightly: "If you don't want it, just go and get it."

"Huh?" Palin said with a stiff hand and hesitated: "It's not that serious, right?"

"You'll know if you try it." Lynch said, and glanced at the magic detection gloves in his hand. When the book was just detected, Lynch seemed to respond to the magic detection gloves. , Which also means that there are magic traps in that book, so Palin will be reminded in time.

Palin retracted his hand in a jealousy and glanced at the book a little bit reluctantly, then walked away with some regret and continued to wander around the bookshelf.

Like Lynch's words, he still wouldn't dare not listen under normal circumstances. After all, this guy is several times stronger than him. Once he says that there is danger, it will be really dangerous in all likelihood.

"Huh? It's here?" Seeing Palin no longer touched the book, Lynch was secretly relieved, and walked towards the end of the bookshelf. However, when he came here, Lynch's eyes suddenly stared. It's too big, because he found that at the end of the bookshelf, he actually saw the desk that was covered with magic traps before, and the corpse of McGinn with the expression of fear beside the desk...

How is this going……

For a moment, Lynch was a little creepy.

Everything he saw in front of him was clearly McGinn’s alchemy laboratory, and from the wall, he could see the study behind the wall. However, this shouldn’t have appeared at all. After all, this is a basement, and the alchemy laboratory. The location is on the top floor, which is clearly a place that can't be beaten...

But now, I actually saw it...

And what Lynch can be sure of is that when he went to the top floor before, he didn't find that place was connected to this basement. I have to say that everything he sees right now is indeed incredible...

"Could it be that it is the ghost of alchemy again?" Lynch naturally doesn't think he is hell. This is another application technique of space technology, but he knows very little about this field, so he can't help it. Reasonably explain.

In the end, it can only be attributed to the power of elf alchemy...

"Is this the corpse of the elf you are talking about?" Palin had heard Lynch talk about it before, so he wasn't too scared when he saw McGinn's corpse.

After just two glances, he looked back at Lynch again, and asked a little hesitantly, "Should I bury his body? This is also an elf anyway... I always leave the body here, as if not too good."

"Buried?" Lynch was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard Palin's words: "Are you crazy... you actually want to bury the elf's body, if you don't bring him back, but instead bury him, if you are killed by the devil, The guides know that, I might have to tear you up alive, believe it or not?"

"Okay..." Palin thought about it carefully. This matter seemed to be such a situation. He couldn't help but shrank his neck. It seemed that he was really thinking too much. I just forgot about it. The corpse still possesses extremely high research value. I believe that after bringing it back to the camp, the wizards will rush to study this elf's corpse...

"Okay, I will look around these four weeks. I always find it strange here. Continue to check, maybe you can find something extra." Lynch shook his head, and then continued to use magic detection gloves, one by one. To get rid of the trap, I searched for bookshelves one by one.

Of course, during this process, Lynch also opened the books from time to time.

Ordinarily, checking a book in the study should be a very easy task. It takes a little time at most, but when the owner of the study is an elf, it is completely different.

Because you never know, when you open the next book, you will be blasted into the sky by a spell.

Therefore, every time Lynch opens a book, he needs to use magic detection gloves to check to confirm that there are no abnormal magic fluctuations and no strange spells remaining.

Moreover, you must always keep your mind focused on spells and not let yourself be confused by those high-level magic knowledge, so Lynch's progress is extremely slow.

Palin waited for almost an hour before Lynch found half a bookshelf.

"I said what are you looking for?" The area near the bookshelf is so big that Palin can touch McGinn's body no matter how he turns, and he can't stand it after an hour.

"Look for the architectural drawings of the tower." Lynch said without looking up. .

"Why are you looking for this?" Palin asked strangely.

"If we can find that thing, then we will have a more detailed understanding of the tower, and then many strange things will be able to be explained accordingly."

"Then you are so sure, there must be architectural drawings here?" Palin asked curiously.

"I can only take a chance..." Lynch said as he continued searching.

However, it was unlucky to say, he had been searching here for a long time, but he had not found the high tower architectural drawings he wanted. This discovery not only made Lynch more and more impatient, he was already guessing, did he take it for granted, in fact, there is no so-called architectural blueprint for this tower?

But as an alchemist, the elves should be able to save such things. After all, this is the habit of many alchemists. In this way, if there is a problem with the tower, it can also be repaired more efficiently through architectural drawings.

"Malfa Merlin, look what I found!" But at this time, Palin pointed to a very humble parchment on one of the bookshelves and shouted to Lynch.

Just waiting for Lynch to check the bookshelf, Palin was really boring, so he wandered around, that is, during the wandering process, he found this slightly special parchment.

He couldn't help but guess that this might be the architectural drawing of the tower.

So immediately reminded Lynch directly, intending to take credit for it.

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