The First Mage

Chapter 1475: Fight

But now, he can be sure that he can indeed cast Tier 3 spells instantly...

At the moment when this ground fire blast was released, Lynch just felt the consumption of magic power in his body and the rapid rotation of the magic furnace, immediately following the ground fire blast appeared in the air.

This terrifying third-order spell release speed, no matter who sees it, I am afraid it will be shocked...

Moreover, although it is instant, the power is not weakened at all. At the same time, due to the magic power of the magic furnace, the third-order spells released by Lynch are actually several times more powerful than normal third-order spells. In other words, if you judge from the power of magic, you can't tell that Lynch is a newcomer who has just stepped into the wizard...

I have to say that this is the power of the core meditation principles...

Lynch's magical melting pot as the core meditation thought originally had an advantage that no one else could match, but now, when Lynch truly becomes a wizard, this advantage is magnified to the extreme.

As a result, Lynch can be sure that although he is still a first-level wizard, he can definitely fight a fifth-level or even a sixth-level wizard...

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that demon..." At this time, Lynch, who was immersed in joy, was taken aback, and then looked at the demon directly opposite with embarrassment.

I was so excited just now that I forgot that there are enemies...

This means that the devil has no ability to think, nor can he speculate on Lynch’s thoughts. Otherwise, if he were to know Lynch’s state just now, he would have to be **** off...

"No...what about that white head?" Although the demon was still floating in the air, but Lynch looked around, but there was no way to find the white head. This inevitably made Lynch a little bit jealous, could it be this? The devil hid his head, planning to sneak attack?

Right now, Lynch closed his eyes, the power of perception spread to the surroundings, looking for the white head.

However, what surprised Lin Qi was that after perceiving it once, he also did not find a trace of the white head, which seemed to have disappeared from the field.

"Could it be... I have solved the white head?" After realizing this, Lynch couldn't help but move slightly. When the ground fire burst out before, his attention was focused on Palin. As well as on House's body, he didn't observe the effect of his spell, but judging from the current situation, the third-order spell just now seemed to really destroy the opponent's head...

"The third-order spell is really fierce..." Lin Qi's heart moved slightly. If it was a second-order spell or a fire explosion technique, there was absolutely no way to solve this demon's head so simply, but just now, It was just a third-order spell, and it turned out to have caused such an amazing effect, which also made Lynch more satisfied with his current strength.

Following that, Lynch looked at the demon on the opposite side.

After the demon lost one head, he was obviously a little crazy. Even the last black head began to move around. It seemed that he wanted to fly out of his body to attack Lynch, but in the end the demon still did not choose to do that. If this head also leaves the body, then this demon will truly fall...

Lynch will also win without a fight!

Right now, the demon rushed towards Lynch.

Lin Qi smiled slightly. After examining the power of the previous third-order spell, he also had a general understanding of his current strength. Following that, Lin Qi mobilized the magic power in his body, and then a large number of three Order spells, one after another dropped out of Lynch's hands.

All kinds of splendid spells exploded in mid-air, almost changing the colors of the world and the earth. That kind of momentum is more than ten times more powerful than the second-order spells!

"These... don't seem to be second-order spells, they are all third-order spells?" On the ground, Palin looked at this scene, and was stunned.

Since coming to the Royal Academy of Magic, he has had contact with too many wizards. Of course, at the same time, he has not seen the battle between the wizards. Therefore, the process of their casting spells is naturally More understanding.

Although those wizards can basically make instant casts when releasing first-order spells or second-order spells, they often need a certain amount of time to prepare and chant when they release third-order spells. Spell.

However, it’s a little weird to release a large number of Tier 3 spells like Lynch now.

If it is said that Lynch barely achieved this effect after using the Book of All Laws, then there is nothing to say, but at this moment, under Palin’s gaze, he has not seen the shadow of the Book of All Laws. what does this mean? It means that this is completely relying on Lynch's own strength to cast Tier 3 spells instantly.

Suddenly, the shocked look on Palin's face undoubtedly grew stronger...

Although he knew that Lynch has always been fierce, he did not expect that he could be so fierce that he had just been promoted to the Sorcerer, and he had already begun to cast Tier 3 spells instantly...

According to this trend, how many people can compete with him in the field of Sorcerer?

Is this a **** rookie wizard?

Palin was going crazy. After becoming an archmage, he originally thought that the distance between himself and Lynch had been shortened, but now he knew that the distance between them was not only It doesn't mean to get closer, but it's getting farther and farther...

Just the ability to instantly cast Tier 3 spells is something that I can’t match in my life...

"Master is really getting stronger and stronger..." House over there also had an incomparable look in his eyes.

Under the bombardment of Lynch’s massive Tier 3 spells, the demon had absolutely no resistance at all. Lynch’s suppression was out of breath. Only a short period of time passed, and the demon was all covered by it. The wounds caused by the spell, a lot of blood permeated down the wound, and the demon's aura became weaker and weaker. According to the current trend, it will not take long before Lynch can completely kill the demon. .

"That's not right..." But at this time, House suddenly reacted: "Master, you said that you want me to fight this demon?"

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