The First Mage

Chapter 1474: Emboldened

"Master, are we leaving?" House looked at Lynch.

Lynch thought for a while, then smiled: "No... this time we won't leave, there is only one demon. I can just check my current strength..."

After all, he has just been promoted to the Sorcerer, and he still doesn’t know much about his current abilities. When he encountered the little devil before, Lynch did not use his own power, but relied on the spirit of the flame chapter. The fairy flame successfully got rid of those demon creatures.

And now, the appearance of this huge demon actually gave Lynch a chance to test his strength.

"So, I can fight side by side with the master?" House's eyes lit up when they heard they were about to stay and fight the demon.

Lynch nodded: "If you are willing to fight this demon, now is the right opportunity..."

"Okay." House nodded.

Palin next to him is about to vomit blood: "Do you know what power this demon possesses? You are going to fight it... what if you can't fight it?"

"I still know this demon..." Lynch said indifferently.

Previously in the Plane of Dawn of the Elves, Lynch had obtained a lot of books and materials in that abandoned library, and among these books and materials, some were about demons.

Among these demons, there is a detailed introduction to some of the more characteristic demons. For example, the demon with a black and white head that is flying in midair now has complete information.

The white head of this demon possesses a strong ability to tear apart the body of a mage easily, while the black head possesses the purest destructive power, even capable of breaking A small hill was shattered, and the most important thing is that these two heads can be separated from the devil's body during battle. They are like two spherical objects, which can be in the devil's sight. It is the most powerful weapon to fight the enemy.

At this moment, as Lynch knew, when the demon was less than tens of meters away from them, the demon who had come towards them directly uttered a roar from his mouth, followed by the white one. The head separated directly from the body and hurried towards Lynch and the others.

This scene is undoubtedly extremely incredible...

After all, once the head leaves the body, according to normal circumstances, this creature should also lose its life instantly...

However, due to the special physical structure, this demon will not end up in this way.

This is also because it has two heads...

Each of its heads can maintain normal life operations. If one leaves the body, it will not have the slightest impact on this life operation. It can still make this demon live in dragons and tigers, and therefore, will be born Such an amazing way of fighting.

However, although it has this incredible ability, it cannot be said that it has no shortcomings.

For example, if two heads are separated from the demon at the same time, then the demon will also fall directly. Therefore, in the process of fighting this demon, all you have to face is always just a head. , Instead of facing two heads at the same time.

"This demon is really weird, I won't fight with his head... Even if I become an archmage now, I just want to choose some normal opponents." Palin said very jealously.

Lynch rolled his eyes: "I didn't expect you to fight it... When I fight it later, you can just leave me alone."

After that, Lynch used flying skills and went directly into the air.

In the field of the archmage, because the magic power needed for flying is too much, the average archmage can’t maintain the flying arts as much as they want, and their magic power can’t be consumed, but they are becoming a wizard After the warrior, the weakness of flying skills disappeared. After all, the magic power of the wizard is dozens of times that of the archer...

After arriving in the air, Lynch looked at the head that flew towards Palin and others, and besides raising his right hand, he directly released a Tier 3 spell to explode.

After that, a lot of magic power was consumed, but this kind of magic consumption, at least Lynch can easily maintain, it will not be like when the third-order spell was released for the first time, and he was half dead...

And when Lynch released the ground fire and exploded, he saw a large amount of flames appearing from around the white head almost instantly, and immediately exploded.

However, this explosion can't be generalized to the power of second-order spells...

At the moment when the spell exploded, an amazing mushroom cloud instantly covered a distance of hundreds of meters around it. Not only the white head, even the demon's body, was directly covered by the mushroom cloud.

Even Palin and House were flooded in the scope of the explosion.

"Damn! Marfa Merlin, what are you doing?" Feeling the blazing heat and the fierce impact from around him, Palin had only time to swear, and he was blown away immediately.

As for House's situation, it was not much better than Palin, and he flew more than ten meters away.

Lynch in mid-air also saw this scene at this moment. His face couldn’t help showing an awkward look. After all, it was the first time to release a Tier 3 spell, so Lynch has somewhat underestimated the power of his spells. Regardless of the surprise or surprise [Biquger], I went to observe Palin and House's physical condition for the first time.

Fortunately, they were not injured...

The core target of the third-order magical explosion just now was not the two of them, so the reason why they were bombarded was only due to the aftermath of the spell. Although it seemed a bit exaggerated, it was fortunate that there was no substantial damage.

After realizing this, Lynch could not help but secretly relieved.

But to be honest, he himself did not expect that the process of releasing his third-order spells would be so smooth...

Even, it is really instant!

To be honest, when he was just promoted to Sorcerer, although Lynch felt that relying on the power of the magic furnace, he could indeed be able to promptly cast Tier 3 spells, but that was a Tier 3 spell after all! It's not that first-order spells can be compared with second-order spells, so to be honest, Lynch really doesn't have much confidence in his heart.

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