The First Mage

Chapter 1470: Satisfied

And just as the two people made crazy guesses, the magic around them seemed crazy, forming a violent whirlpool directly on the field, rushing towards Lynch while spinning. At this moment, the speed at which Lynch absorbed the magic , It was almost to the extreme, the magic that seemed to be surging, poured into Lynch’s body in the blink of an eye, so that the ocean of magic that had formed around it for a long time disappeared after a while...

All the magic power has entered Lynch's body!

At the same time, there was an astonishing explosion on the court.

The explosion was deafening.

It's just like a strong earthquake...

At this moment, Palin and House felt a sharp pain in their ears, and then the eardrums seemed to be torn. The two people who were in pain covered their ears, and their mouths made unbearable painful muffled noises.

"Damn..." Under the stimulus of intense pain, Palin only had time to utter a curse, and immediately afterwards, his consciousness was torn directly, and he fell into endless darkness, but before he passed out. , He discovered by accident that House also seemed to have fallen to the ground. Seeing his appearance, he was probably just like himself, unconscious...

This was Palin's last thought.

Immediately, he wandered in the darkness, his consciousness rising and falling...

I don’t know how long it has been before Palin felt someone pat his cheek and kept yelling: "Palin, Palin?"

The voice was very familiar, it was Lynch's voice.

Palin opened his eyes with great effort, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Lynch's familiar face.

"Malfa Merlin?" Palin yelled very weakly, trying to stand up, but he didn't seem to have much strength all over, struggling for several times without success.

However, Lynch helped Palin up for the first time, and then immediately fed him a bottle of rejuvenating potion, which made Palin gradually get better.

"What happened to me?" Palin just woke up, his brain was blank, remembering what happened before was a little vague...

Lynch looked speechless: "How do I know what's wrong with you? After my meditation is over, I saw you and House both passed out in a coma, lying not far away from me, shit, okay? The devil kills in, otherwise all of us have to become the devil’s food."

"Oh... I remember!" Palin widened his eyes and said, "When you fellow meditated, the power that escaped was so powerful that it stunned me and House."

"There is such a thing?" Lynch was surprised, but then smiled bitterly: "Sorry, I don't know what the situation is. You also know that when meditating deeply, I am not very clear about the external situation. ..."

"Okay..." Palin wanted to scold Lynch a few words, but thinking about it, it seemed that it was indeed the case, after all, he often went into deep meditation.

"Look at House." Lynch soon stopped talking to Palin. Although Palin was indeed awake, House hasn't woken up yet, and he doesn't know how his body is.

However, Lynch just came to House when he saw House stand up from the ground rubbing his eyes. He probably didn't know the current situation, so he said vaguely: "Where am I?"

"Where you were before you were in a coma, where you are now." Lynch did not breathe.

House also heard Lynch's voice clearly at this time, and couldn't help turning around to look at Lynch, with a surprised expression on his face: "Master, you finally woke up, how is it? Are you all right?"

"What can I do..." Lynch smiled lightly.

"Marfa Merlin, don't patronize House, I ask you, are you already a wizard now?" Palin followed and asked a key question.

"Yes, not surprisingly, I am indeed a wizard now." Lynch said with a sigh of emotion.

When he came to the plane of revival this time, he originally planned to come for the impact of the wizard, but now, living up to expectations, he finally succeeded.

I remember that when he was in Oakland College, Lynch’s biggest dream was to become a wizard, and later in the capital, he wanted to become a wizard. After all, only in this way can he truly be a wizard. Master the capital to stand on, and now, after so many years of fantasizing, he has finally grown into a wizard...

Lynch at this moment is naturally completely different from before.

The various abilities of the body have been greatly improved, and the magic power is at least dozens of times the level of the archmage. Under such a vast magic power, it is no wonder that the magicians rarely experience their magic exhaustion.

Of course, the most important thing is the improvement in strength...

Lynch now has the ability to release third-order spells...

I remember that when he was on the plane, in order to release a Tier 3 spell, Lynch almost took his own life in, and even the magic power of his whole body, even with the support of the magic furnace, was completely consumed. .

But now, when he releases the third-order spell again, the situation is different...

His current magic power is enough to support him to release all kinds of third-order spells. At the same time, with the help of that magic furnace, Lynch can even instantly cast third-order spells...

Of course, all of this is only Lynch's observation, and the specific ability improvement will have to wait until actual combat to be able to figure it out.

However, it is conceivable that although he has just stepped into the field of wizards, his strength is not comparable to those of the newly promoted wizards. With his combat power, it is comparable to those of Doria wizards. The veteran magician should not be a problem, after all, Lynch has too many cards...

"There is also the Book of Ten Thousand Laws." Lynch suddenly remembered the Book of Ten Thousand Laws.

When the Archmage was at the beginning, Lynch could not further unlock the seal in the Book of Ten Thousand Dharma, so this magic weapon is only at the level of the psychic magic weapon, but now that he has become a magician, it is natural He has the ability to further unlock the seal. I believe it will not take long for the Book of Ten Thousand Dharma to be upgraded to a true magic weapon.

At that time, relying on the power of the Book of Ten Thousand Laws, Lynch could release an infinite number of third-order spells, using these third-order spells to form a flood of third-order spells...

The torrent of third-order spells!

Even if the Sorcerer saw this, he would have heard of it, and then fled in a hurry.

Thinking of that picture, Lynch couldn't help feeling satisfied.

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