The First Mage

Chapter 1469: magical

This scene is no wonder.

Palin can be regarded as getting along with Lynch day and night, but he still can't figure out how on earth Marfa Merlin did this...

"Haha, my master is now a ninth-level archmage, and he has no intention of waking up and is still meditating. Does this mean that he can become a wizard soon?" Excited and authentic beside.

After observing for so long, he no longer feels uneasy. Instead, he is happy because of Lynch’s promotion. After all, that is his master. The stronger Lynch’s strength, it means the shelter he brought to him. It is more comprehensive. It is conceivable that if Lynch becomes the Great Sorcerer in the future, he can really walk sideways in the world of Anriel.

"Would it be such a simple thing to want to be a wizard..." Palin took a deep breath. All the archmages wanted to become a wizard, but not everyone. To be able to become a magician requires not only strength, but also great luck.

The two are indispensable.

If one of the most critical links is missing, no matter what you do, there is no way to become a real wizard.

Therefore, although the movement made by Marfa Merlin is really great, Palin is not sure that this guy will be able to become a wizard...

"Forget it, I'm just asking for nothing. Anyway, I believe that my master will definitely become a wizard." House was confident in Lynch.

"Naturally, I also hope that Marfa Merlin can become a wizard... However, this kind of thing is not very easy to say now, let's continue to watch it." Palin said helplessly.

It’s just that neither House nor Palin expected that they would have watched it for about ten days...

Lynch’s meditation time this time obviously created a new record for his entire career as a mage. He had never had such a long meditation before, and it was still deep meditation...

The so-called deep meditation, to be honest, is similar to the state of suspended animation. I don't know the external situation at all. All my thoughts are immersed in my body.

And in these ten days, Palin and House didn’t dare to leave this place easily. They stayed true to Lynch. All their attention was on Lynch, for fear of any accidents, which made them The two dared not rest. After so many days, they were also exhausted. It is no exaggeration to say that if there is a bed now, they will definitely fall asleep, without any hesitation.

However, even if it was like this, Na Mafa Merlin was motionless and never made any movement.

Under the magical shower, Lynch seemed to be asleep. In the quiet air, only Lynch's even breathing could be heard, but there was nothing else.

So much so that Palin began to wonder if Lynch had unexpectedly passed out in a coma now, and was actually not meditating at all...

But if there is no meditation, the magic around you can't be justified...

After all, during this period of time, the magic power that has enveloped this place is not useless. They are like finding the entrance, rushing into Lynch’s body extremely madly, and Lynch’s body is also like It is a greedy behemoth, and it does not hesitate to swallow all the magic power directly. At this moment, Lynch has almost turned into a big stomach king. The magic power is like food. .

It is also because of this that the two people present are a little worried, worried that these magical powers will break Lynch’s body...

Fortunately, this worry has not become a reality. Although Lynch did not move at all, they can still know through observation that Lynch’s physical function is still extremely normal, and his breath is gradually progressing. The speed is slowly increasing.

"I don't know how long he has to meditate, shit, I'm so tired..." Palin sat on the ground and complained constantly. Because of his high concentration, he didn't dare to rest, which made him tired now. It was a little outrageous, with thick eyelids, as if once closed, there was no way to open it again.

Looking at House next to him, his situation is much better than Palin. House is a fighter after all. His physical fitness is much stronger than Palin. However, at this moment, House’s face is slightly more complex. It was pale.

"No, you can watch it first. I have been able to last for ten days. I really can't do it anymore. I will rest and rest before talking..." Palin said.

"Then if there is something wrong with my master, can't you help me in the first place?" House stared.

"I haven't had any problems for so many days. How could it happen that when I was resting, I happened to have a problem?" Palin rolled his eyes: "Okay, don't say anything, you can say it again, I I have to rest now, Lao Tzu is just a weak mage, do you think I am as strong as you?"

After speaking, Palin decided to close his eyes and get a good sleep.

However, before Palin could do this, a powerful impact suddenly spread from Lynch.


Whether it was Palin or House, neither of them realized that an accident would suddenly appear.

Therefore, when this impact force hits them, the two of them can be said to have no defense at all. Following them, two figures, under the impact of this impact force, flew out directly, even though they said They finally stopped at a place less than ten meters away, but they also felt a fiery pain, especially Palin, grinning, almost fainting.

"What the **** is this **** Marfa Merlin doing?" Palin went crazy, staring at Lynch over there with wide eyes.

"What a strong aura..." House also got up from the ground at this time. When he felt the aura transmitted from Lynch, House was stunned. That aura, compared to Lynch just became nine. When the first-level great mage was stronger, I don't know how many times it was stronger. The powerful fluctuation of magic power was like tearing House's body apart, causing him to surge out of fear from the depths of his heart.

"Such a powerful aura...It's not like a ninth-level archmage can have. Could it be that the fellow Marfa Merlin has succeeded. He has become a wizard?" Palin cried out in disbelief.

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