The First Mage

Chapter 1460: Flicker

"Huh? Is it really coming?" Palin stared.

But soon Palin knew that Lynch did not fool him. After falling for a few minutes again, their feet really touched the thick ground. However, compared to the cracks, the environment here , It seems to be a little unbelievable again, like a square.

However, this is the feeling of Lynch and the others after all. Now the surroundings are dark, and they can't really see all the environment clearly.

"Let's use some other way to illuminate..." Lin Qi thought for a while, and it was obvious that there was no way for them to move smoothly here with the lighting technique. He immediately planned to release some large-scale spells, but Before the magic power converged, Lynch's nose twitched suddenly: "This is?"

"Huh? Marfa Merlin, did you have any new discoveries?" Perrin noticed something wrong with Lynch and asked subconsciously.

"This seems to be the smell of sulphur powder..." Lynch sniffed, and the smell became clearer.

Following that, Lynch walked a few steps forward, but, at this moment, a gust of wind blew around, followed by flames, appearing on the square one after another, in an instant Dispelled the darkness, making the place extremely bright.

It is also because of this that Lynch and the others can finally see clearly the environment here.

The flames just now floated extremely strangely in the air. Although there were no fulcrums, the flames showed no signs of falling. They were like flames created by magic. However, if you smell them carefully, you can see In the flames, the smell of sulfur powder was smelled.

However, what Liu Yi and the others are concerned about now is naturally not these flames. What they are concerned about is this square.

After seeing something on the square, everyone was stunned, including Lynch. Now his eyes were widened and his breathing was a little short.

I only saw that in this square, all were actually corpses! These corpses did not know how many years they had been left here, they had already been thoroughly air-dried and turned into pieces of mummy.

But the weird thing about these corpses is that even if they have become mummy, it can be seen that their appearance before alive is extremely beautiful, and their ears are much sharper than ordinary humans. In addition, Including their figures, they all look very slender.

After seeing these points clearly, the identities of the corpses in front of them are already known, and they don't even need Lynch and the others to guess...

"Is it all the corpse of an elf?" Palin was breathing fast, looking at Lynch beside him with some excitement.

After all, they are all elves' corpses!

In Anrui’s world, the elves have been extinct for too long, not to mention the living elves, even the corpses of the elves have already completely disappeared. Therefore, although the human wizards have been in touch with some of the elves left behind Alchemy technology, as well as some high-level elves text, however, no one has ever really seen elves, even corpses, there is no chance to touch them.

This is something that even the great wizards feel helpless.

But now, if the corpse of an elf appeared in front of them, it would undoubtedly make Palin extremely excited.

"Yes, these should be the corpses of the elves." Lynch also looked very excited. It was the first time he saw the corpses of the elves, and the corpses of the elves placed here were more than one or two. At a glance, there are dozens of them.

Such a large number of elven corpses is a huge treasure in itself. I am afraid that no matter who it is, when they see so many elven corpses, they will be excited and indulge in it.

"It's so good that our luck is not good... Sorcerer Doria has said more than once that if he can see an elf corpse in this life, it would be worth it to fall now. But , He hasn't found the elf's corpse yet, but we found it... If this is known by Doria Sorcerer, he might have to be envious." Palin's voice trembled slightly.

Lynch asked in surprise, "Magic Doria still has this kind of thought?"

Palin rolled his eyes. "Don't you know?"

Lynch touched his nose. To be honest, he really didn't know about it...

When I was with Doria Sorcerer before, most of them exchanged some important things, but rarely chatted, and because of this, he really didn't know much about these things.

"Anyway, if you can send the corpses of these elves in front of Doria Sorcerer, I think he will be very happy, maybe he will give you some rewards!" Palin just finished saying that something was wrong: "Oh no, you are no longer an assistant teacher of Doria Sorcerer. From your perspective, you should already look down on his rewards..."

"What kind of bullshit?" Lynch rolled his eyes: "If there is a reward, don't be a fool... If you can get some rewards for an elf corpse, I will definitely give it to him. Do you think it will be ordinary? It's too ordinary, he is embarrassed to take it out?

Palin scratched his forehead: "You seem to have some truth in what you said..."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, I'll go and take a look first." Lynch took a deep breath and walked towards the elves' corpses with an extremely expectant mood.

Although there are so many elven corpses right now in front of them, these elven corpses have been in this place for countless years after all. To be honest, Lynch is really worried about what will happen to these corpses.

Soon, he cautiously stepped closer to the corpse of the nearest elf.

When he came here, Lynch could see the appearance of the elf more clearly. Although it had become a mummy, Lynch could also see that this was a very young elf. Seven or eight years old.

However, Lynch knew that the age of this elf was definitely not seven or eight years old...

Generally speaking, the lifespan of the elves is extremely long, even the shortest lifespan can live for several hundred years. And the most important thing is that most of the elf's life has remained the same as when he was young, and only in the last period of life will it reveal the true appearance of the age.

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