The First Mage

Chapter 1459: dream

"Master, this place is really dangerous..." When he saw so many demons walking on the road, House's eyes were jealous, but he was more excited. He was eager to fight with these demons to improve. Own actual combat ability.

Feeling the excitement, Lynch could not help but said: "Okay, now is not the time for you to fight to your heart's content. Hold it back, but you can rest assured that I will give you a chance to fight them, otherwise I won't Bring you to the plane of revival."

"Okay, everything is subject to the master's arrangement..." House said very humbly.

This scene again made Palin envy standing next to them. After all, servants are too tempting. They are those who entrust their lives to you, let alone Lynch’s servants. Still a real berserker, Palin also wants to find a berserker to be his servant if possible...

It's just a pity, this is just an unrealistic dream after all. After all, he doesn't have the luck and strength of Lynch...

The three of them walked all the way, avoiding those demons as much as possible on the way. Therefore, there was no substantial collision with the demons. Lynch's goal was achieved at the same time, and he did not waste one in the process. Bottle of devil potion.

Until dusk, they finally found a special place.

"Master, did you see that there is a crack in the ground in front of us, let's go around it, I am worried that after we walk up, the place will collapse directly..." House pointed to the one on the open space in front of us. Crack, said to Lynch.

Lynch nodded. In fact, when he hadn't got close to this place, he had already noticed the crack, and from the appearance, the crack did not seem to be caused by man, but it was caused by crustal activity. , So a crack extruded...

But compared to House's proposal, Lynch felt that they could go and see near the crack...

After all, along the way, they have never found a suitable environment for them to hide in, but now that this crack has appeared, Lynch has suddenly opened a new way of thinking. If they can, maybe they can hide. Entering into the cracks, in this way, not only will the demons not discover their existence, but at the same time, he can also meditate with Palin and others in the cracked space...

But the question now is whether the space inside this crack is deep...

Standing in this direction, after all, there is no way to see the inside of the crack, so Lynch quickly walked over cautiously, and then glanced under the crack, followed by frowning, because he found, The depth of this crack is deeper than imagined, and it has reached the level of bottomlessness.

"You don't want to go in and see, do you?" Palin has fought side by side with Lynch for so long, and he has experienced countless planes. Therefore, he generally understood Lynch’s ideas very quickly. of.

Lynch raised an eyebrow and praised: "Pellin knows me better... Yes, I really want to go down and take a look."

"No..." Palin followed Lynch's gaze and glanced at the bottom of the crack, and then said with a tremor: "Under this crack, I don't seem to know what's in it. What should I do if I enter the devil's lair?"

Of course, this kind of thing, of course, is not what Palin said casually. After all, when they were in other planes before, they also fell into the crack more than once, and it turns out that every time they fell in, they always No good things will happen. Nine out of ten times, they are all directly surrounded by monsters...

Lynch shrugged. There is a certain probability of what Palin is worried about. However, it is only a probability after all. If they are lucky, they might be under the crack, except that there will be no demons. There may even be a vast space for them to meditate...

Therefore, no matter what the situation is, now that he encountered this crack, Lynch would naturally have to go down and look at everything.

At the moment, Lynch directly blessed himself and House at the same time with a feather spell, and then said to Palin and House: "Let’s go, go down and take a look, rest assured, if there is danger, I will protect you from exiting. Come."

"Everything is up to the master!" As Lynch's servant, House naturally has nothing to say. Although he is also worried about the danger under the crack, he is very aware of Lynch's strength, even if it is dangerous. At that time, his own person will also be very thorough in protecting his safety.

In contrast, Palin was more entangled than House.

However, he didn't say anything in the end.

After all, he also knew that this was something Lynch decided after all. With this guy’s temper, once he decides something, no one can change it. If he raises any objections, he will probably tell himself again. , If you are afraid, you can leave the plane of revival now...

In fact, how could Palin easily leave the plane of revival...

Therefore, he had no choice but to bite the bullet, follow behind House and Lynch, and then blessed himself with feather art, and jumped into the crack.

It has to be said that the depth of this crack is indeed quite good. After jumping in, due to the effect of feathering, they slowly descended, and for a while they did not feel like touching the ground.

The surroundings were dark. Lynch used lighting techniques. Under the effects of lighting techniques, the surrounding environment appeared in front of them, but these environments were nothing strange, that is, some damp soil and rock walls. Category.

"Let's go up, it's so strange here." The dim surroundings, coupled with the bottomless cracks, made Palin look very nervous, and kept urging Lynch to go up.

Lynch glared at Palin: "Why are you so much nonsense? Believe it or not, I forcibly blocked your magic power so that you can't even release feathers and just fall?"

"Then I can't fall to pieces?" Palin shrank his neck and didn't dare to provoke Lynch. After all, he knew that Lynch belongs to the kind of personality that dares to speak and act. If I really push him into anxieties. , Then Lynch really dare to do this...

"Just be afraid." Lynch was undoubtedly satisfied with Palin's reaction, and immediately reminded: "Okay, it will be here soon, don't worry."

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