The First Mage

Chapter 1443: Alchemy Golem

"...Shut up." Lynch was really unwilling to hear Palin's voice now, his attention was only on the alchemy puppet in front of him.

In fact, before summoning these alchemy puppets, Lynch had never used alchemy puppets to fight. This was the first time he had used them to use this power to enter the battle.

And this first time, it was particularly exciting. After all, the first enemy of the alchemy puppet was a genuine wizard.

Therefore, Lynch is still somewhat nervous now.

"Haha, it's just a group of alchemy puppets. I have solved your undead creatures. Do you think these alchemy puppets can cause me trouble?" Novi Watson experienced the initial After a pause, he burst into laughter soon, looking at its appearance, it seemed that he really didn't pay attention to the alchemy puppet.

"Really?" Lynch smiled, and soon began to manipulate the alchemy puppet.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the originally still alchemy puppets squirmed and rushed towards Novy Watson. However, these alchemy puppets did not directly attack the wizard, they Instead, it directly surrounded Novi Watson with an extremely alarming speed.

"A bunch of waste metal." Although he is surrounded, Novi Watson is not nervous at all. As a wizard, he has extremely rich experience in fighting alchemy golems, so he releases all kinds of The spell bombarded these alchemy puppets while planning to break out of the alchemy puppet's encirclement.

However, what is strange is that even though Novi Watson has been advancing all the time, there are still endless alchemy puppets around his body leaping towards him, although in this short time, Novi Wei Watson felt that he had killed a large number of alchemy puppets, but the number of alchemy puppets in front of him was not only not reduced, but it seemed to have increased countless times...

Could it be that it was the **** Marfa Merlin who brought out a new alchemy puppet?

However, he was standing in front of him, without any operation at all...

This bizarre scene also made Novi Watson very confused, but now, just thinking about it is of no use at all, he is still advancing, while killing the nearby alchemy puppet, intending to leave the alchemy puppet as soon as possible. Encircle the circle.

"Mafamelin...what happened to Novy Watson?" At this time, Palin, who had been watching Novy Watson from a distance, stared at him strangely.

In fact, now that Novi Watson's performance falls in Palin's eyes, it is no different from a neurotic...

As early as after Novi Watson was surrounded by the group of alchemy puppets, Palin saw that Novi Watson was always spinning in place. At the same time, some of the spells were even released into the air. Although he released a large number of spells, in fact, the alchemy puppets he killed were only a few, and until now, they were less than one tenth.

Because of this, Palin was extremely puzzled. Could it be that this wizard, in the course of the battle, was driven crazy by these poisonous snakes?

"He has entered the hallucination now..." Lynch explained to Palin very kindly. It was House who went into the valley with him to deal with these poisonous snakes. Palin did not follow him, so he did not Knowing the characteristics of these venomous snakes is no surprise.

However, Lynch is very aware of the special features of these alchemy puppets.

There are a lot of magic patterns on the alchemy puppets. Because of these magic patterns, when Novi Watson attacks these alchemy puppets, he will naturally fall into an illusion. So now, he must think that he There are endless venomous snakes around him, so they keep attacking the air.

This is why Lynch would directly order the snakes to surround Novi Watson.

What he hopes is that manufacturing appears in front of this painting.

As for the same scene, Lynch had already been in contact with it when he was in the valley, so he was not surprised at what was happening now.

When Novi Watson fell into a hallucination, Lynch manipulated the alchemy puppet to attack Novi Watson's body. On the other hand, he also used the vine technique to collect the remains of those alchemy puppets and sent them to the repair shop. Immediately under the high-speed operation of the repair shop, these alchemy puppets were repaired as soon as possible.

I have to say that the abnormal effect of the repair shop is finally manifested now...

Although most of the alchemy puppets have been destroyed in a disastrous manner, even from the harsh eyes of an alchemist, these alchemy puppets can be completely abandoned and turned into a pile of broken copper and rotten iron.

But after they were thrown into the repair shop, the machines in the repair shop were able to restore the broken copper and iron into an alchemy puppet intact...

What's more abnormal is that the whole process did not consume too much time. A dozen alchemy puppets were repaired at the same time, which took less than ten seconds.

This speed made Lynch extremely satisfied.

Judging from the scale of the current repair shop, it can repair 100 alchemy puppets at the same time, which means that if you are on the battlefield, you don’t need to consider the speed at which the alchemy puppets are destroyed, because you only need a short time. Time, you can restore those alchemy puppets...

Even 10,000 alchemy puppets can be completely repaired in about half an hour.

This is the amazing thing about Constructing Demon Realm...

Under the full operation of all the workshops, the alchemy puppet's combat ability was almost amplified to the extreme, enough to make any force daunting.

Now, after putting the alchemy puppet into actual combat for the first time, Lynch is undoubtedly more confident about using the alchemy puppet to deal with the Watson family.

On the other side, the illusion created by the alchemy puppet did not trap Novy Watson for too long.

You know, Novi Watson is also a real wizard after all!

Although he was indeed trapped by the illusion at first, but only ten minutes later, he was aware of the incident and found a way to break through the illusion as quickly as possible. Following that, he was like Like the original Lynch, he stopped casting spells and ran out of the viper.

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