The First Mage

Chapter 1442: headache

At this moment, Novi Watson did not change the target to the Book of the Dead in Lynch's hands, because he is very clear about the effect of the Book of the Dead. If he can solve these undead creatures at once, then In a short period of time, Lynch can't rely on the Book of the Dead to re-summon the undead creatures. Therefore, as long as the undead creatures are solved, there is no need to worry that the Book of the Dead will bring him any trouble.

With the strength of Novy Watson, if these three undead creatures cannot be killed in a short period of time, then it is only a matter of time before he kills the undead creatures. From the current situation, It is difficult for undead creatures to kill Novy Watson...

Looking at this scene in the distance, Palin couldn’t help but yelled anxiously: “Malfa Merlin, don’t put your hope on the Book of the Dead, don’t you have some other means? And your spells, now Take them out quickly."

"You shut up." Lynch yelled to Palin. He has his own tactics and goals. Naturally, he doesn't need Palin's fingertips. The problem is that Palin is still a soy sauce player. What right do you have to interfere with yourself...

Therefore, after cursing, Lynch stopped paying attention to Palin, but quickly sank his consciousness into the Construct Demon Realm, and then went to the construction workshop to check the current situation of the alchemy puppet.

At the same time, Narvi Watson was also in a fierce battle with three undead creatures.

With the strength of his magician, after using appropriate tactics, it is natural to be able to easily solve these three undead creatures.

Just look at the current situation on the field. Along with Novi Watson’s movement, various powerful spells also surfaced on the field at a very fast speed, whizzing towards the undead archers and the undead knights. .

Soon, these two undead creatures were directly submerged by Novi Watson's magic light, followed by the amazing explosions that sounded one after another. In this explosion, the two undead The bodies of the creatures were constantly being exploded and turned into powder, so it didn't take long for them to completely disappear from Novi Watson's sight.

Solving the two undead creatures so quickly made Novy Watson very satisfied.

But after all, there is another undead assassin that he has not solved, so Novi Watson did not relax directly. Following Novi Watson's enhanced perception, he sensed the existence of the undead assassin all around, although the undead assassin did not. The slightest breath is hard to be sensed by a magician, but at the moment the undead assassin started, Novi Watson was sensed in advance.

So in the next moment, an extremely powerful halo appeared on Novi Watson.

Before the dagger of the undead assassin really touched Novi Watson's body, he saw the thrust bred from the halo, and directly pushed the undead assassin into the air.

Moreover, when the undead assassin was still in mid-air, Novi Watson’s already brewing extreme cold rays pierced the body of the undead assassin, and the body of the undead assassin was completely turned into powder and disappeared before it landed. In Novi Watson's sight.

"The undead creatures summoned from the Book of the Undead are just as powerful, haha, like this level of magic weapon, only in the hands of the sorcerer can it exert the best effect, Marfa Merlin, you still Give me the Book of the Undead, it can be regarded as your compensation for me." Novi Watson easily solved all the undead creatures, and it was the moment that laughed.

and many more……

But just as this smile appeared, Novi Watson suddenly realized something was wrong. He saw that in the field in front of him, there were continuous rays of light flashing, and when these rays of light disappeared, accompanied by the appearance, It is a poisonous snake.

He didn't know when these venomous snakes were hidden in this place, but judging from the current situation, they should have been summoned just now.

However, although he has extremely rich experience, he does not know that in the world of Anriel, he can still have the spell to summon the viper. Of course, it may also be summoned by a magic weapon. However, in the hands of Mafa Merlin at this moment, he does not Didn’t see any new magic weapon...

If this guy used a magic weapon, he would definitely be able to detect it for the first time.

But now, obviously it’s not the time to think about this, because just under Novi Watson’s gaze, he discovered that the number of poisonous snakes appearing in front of him now is increasing, thirty, fifty, one hundred, There are too many, and it looks extremely dense, especially the red light that is full of sight, and it makes Novi Watson feel a little scalp numb.

These venomous snakes seem to be highly poisonous!

"No... these are not ordinary venomous snakes." At this time, Novi Watson's gaze was condensed. The venomous snakes in front of him really looked like monsters at first glance, but if you observe so closely, you can find that these are no life at all. Things, all the poisonous snakes are all alchemy puppets!

It's no wonder that Marfa Merlin can summon so many creatures at once. If it is an alchemy puppet, it can be explained. After all, the alchemy puppet can indeed be summoned in an instant with the help of a special storage device.

"Sorcerer Novy Watson, you really deserve to be a Sorcerer. You can tell that these are alchemy puppets so quickly, yes, they are indeed alchemy puppets. Your next opponent is not Me, but these alchemy puppets." Lynch smiled relaxedly after summoning all the alchemy puppets, and then jokingly shouted at Novi Watson.

Novi Watson's face was slightly ugly, and he had never thought that Lynch could have so many alchemy puppets, which was beyond his expectation.

Although he didn't think that alchemy puppets could cause him any major trouble, if there were too many alchemy puppets, it would take a lot of time to solve them all.

Moreover, there is another Marfa Merlin who is eyeing.

If when he was dealing with the alchemy puppet, he suddenly came to plot against himself, then it would also make himself extremely difficult.

"Malfa Merlin, great work! When did you have so many alchemy puppets, why did I not know?" Palin also noticed Lynch's alchemy puppets at this time, and he was immediately excited. Lulu: "Why don't you get this kind of good stuff earlier? Haha, that's a hundred alchemy puppets. Even a magician will have a headache if they see it!"

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