The First Mage

Chapter 1426: Crow's mouth

"I don't know how many demons there are in the plane of revival. If they are all ordinary demons, it would be okay. Although it is a little troublesome, it will at least not threaten our lives, but if we encounter high demons, That's hard to say, every high-level demon is not easy to deal with." Palin said worriedly.

"The crow's mouth is starting again..." Lynch rolled his eyes: "It doesn't matter if you meet an ordinary demon, do you still want to meet a higher demon?"

"I definitely don't want to..." Palin said quickly.

Lynch shook his head: "In short, when we explore the plane of revival, we must be more careful. If we encounter these demons, try to avoid them. There is no need to engage in these meaningless battles with them, of course. If you encounter a situation where you have to fight, you’d better protect yourself. You have just seen that these demons are masters of the power of the abyss flame, and friction has really occurred. It is difficult for me to face the abyss flame. I can be distracted to protect you."

"Don't worry, I still know this." Palin said with a sad expression on his face. "It's easy to say that you are also an eighth-level archmage now. These little demons want to threaten you. It is not that simple. But I’m in trouble. I’m only a ninth-level mage, not even an archmage. With my power, it is very difficult to deal with a single little demon, let alone a large number of them all at once."

Lynch shook his head: "For now, let's take a step forward. If there are not many demons, we can barely continue to explore here, but if there are too many demons, we may have to leave the plane of revival first. Now, since there are so many ordinary demons here, the real situation may really be the same as you said. Sooner or later, we will encounter higher demons..."

"Oh... wait, what's that?" Palin was about to follow Lynch's words, but at this moment, Palin's face changed completely. He saw the direction above their heads, A behemoth is floating in that place.

"That's it?" Lynch also noticed this scene at this time, looked up, and immediately followed Lynch with a horrible cry: "No, shit, there really is a high-level demon!"

At this moment, floating above his and Palin's heads is a huge demon with a body of several tens of meters tall. Generally, a demon with such a size must be a high-level demon.

"Run!" Now the high-level demon floats on top of their heads, and you don't need to think about it. The high-level demon must have been directed at them, and because of this, Lynch called Palin and rushed forward. Away.

However, the high-level demon obviously did not intend to let them go easily. I saw the high-level demon waving its wings directly at them in the air. Suddenly, an astonishing hurricane swept over Lynch and the others, causing the two Individuals instantly felt the sharp pain like a knife, and the powerful hurricane force even rolled up their bodies, causing them to float directly into the air.

"Gravity!" At this moment, Lynch didn't have time to release other spells, so he directly called Palin to release gravity together.

Before releasing gravity, it was to increase the weight of the little devil, which would affect their flight speed, but now using gravity is to increase their weight so that they can stand on the ground steadily.

Although the high demon’s hurricane is powerful, Lynch and Palin’s gravity skills also produced good results. The two of them forced to fall from mid-air to the ground, followed by rushing towards the distance, and ran out. The scope of the hurricane.

However, the high-level demon soon chased him, and at the same time, a large number of fireballs formed by the flames of the abyss were ejected from his mouth. The fireballs slammed into the ground like cannonballs, and immediately stood on the ground. Palin and Lynch on the scene changed drastically.

"Be careful."

Lynch shouted, and at the same time, he raised his right hand, and immediately a large amount of Pyroblast rushed out of Lynch, colliding with the fireball released by the higher demon.

However, although Lynch successfully used Pyroblast to destroy the fireball of the high demon, after the fireball exploded, there was a large amount of abyssal flames sputtering in all directions at the same time, including Lynch and Palin's. All around the body were directly hit by the sputtering abyssal flames, which immediately ignited a very fierce fire.

"Damn, this high-level demon is really hard to deal with." Lynch frowned tightly together. If he was alone, then there would be absolutely no such pressure to face the high-level demon, but unfortunately, now he is next to him. He also followed a Palin who was only a ninth-level mage.

It would be great if Palin was an archmage. In this way, he could at least help himself to deal with the high demon in front of him, but unfortunately, Palin is not an archmage after all, so there is no way, now Palin, Can't help at all.

"No..." When Lynch took Palin and planned to continue running, he faintly felt uneasy, and after that, almost in an instant, Lynch pushed away involuntarily. Palin.

Only seeing Palin's original standing position, a pillar of fire suddenly swept out of the ground directly, and at the same time rushed into the sky more than ten meters high.

Although it was said that Palin was indeed pushed away by Lynch so that he was not directly hit by the flames of the abyss, but Lynch did not evade in time and all his arms were severely scratched by the flames of the abyss. In an instant, a large piece of his mage's robe was directly burned, and, including the skin under the mage's robe, was now directly scorched. A heart-piercing pain quickly spread throughout Lynch's body.

At this moment, Lynch almost screamed in pain, but fortunately, he gritted his teeth and swallowed it.

"Malfa Merlin, how are you doing?" Palin cried out in gratitude and worry when he saw Lynch who had helped him and injured himself.

"Don't worry, I'm okay." Lynch gritted his teeth. Although he had just been hit by the flames of the abyss, it was just some skin trauma after all, and it would not cause him fatal damage.

However, before Lynch could catch his breath, a huge pillar of fire rushed out from the ground.

They obviously didn't enter an area full of traps. The reason why they rushed out of so many pillars of fire, you don't need to think about it, this must be the special ability of the higher demon.

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