The First Mage

Chapter 1425: sluggish

Lynch thought about it: "I don't know this, but encountering a little devil on the plane of revival is definitely not a good thing. In short, we must be careful when we act next."

"Okay." Palin saw Lynch's serious face, but it was rare that he didn't talk back, but directly nodded.

At the moment, Lynch was about to leave this place with Palin.

However, just when he was about to step off the cliff, suddenly, Lynch was looking at the opposite side of the cliff and fell into a complete sluggishness.

At this time, he suddenly realized that what he had missed was...

Palin had his back to the cliff before, and the little demon flew over from under the cliff. It stands to reason that after driving away the little demon, Lynch should have looked under the cliff, but he didn’t know why. , But Lynch forgot about it...

So that when he looked at the cliff now, he found that there were countless little demons, flapping their wings from under the cliff, and flying directly up, and their targets were obviously Lynch and Palin. After they appeared, nothing else. He said that he rushed towards them directly.

"How come there are so many little demons?" Palin stared: "In the world of Anriel, demons are almost extinct. It is difficult for us to see a living demon, and even if we do, then It is also a high-level demon, but how can there be so many ordinary demons in this ghost place of the plane of revival?"

"I don't know..." Lynch's gaze also fell on the overwhelming little devil. I have to say that even if Lynch saw so many little devil, he couldn't help but feel a tingling scalp.

This is terrible...

The previous little demon can spray out the abyssal flames, which means that the new little demons in front of them can also spray out the abyssal flames, and once the power of the abyssal flames is formed, it will be destructive. It will rise in a straight line. If these little demons in front of you are spraying abyssal flames at the same time, then even if you try your best, I guess they are not the opponents of these little demons...

"Then we now? Run?" Palin swallowed subconsciously. It was the first time he saw so many demons crowded together. This exciting scene made his heart beat wildly.

"Definitely have to run..." Lynch's brows were tightly furrowed together. During this wasted time, he could already see that many of the little demons had opened their mouths, revealing sharp husks. At the same time, there was already an abyssal flame in his mouth.

After seeing this scene, Lynch turned around and grabbed Palin without saying a word, and the two ran forward together.


And at the moment they just turned around, the many little demons also spewed abyssal flames from their mouths at the same time. When a large number of abyssal flames gathered together, a large sea of ​​flames instantly formed, burning everything they could see. all.

Looking at the sea of ​​flames formed by the flames of the abyss, Lynch’s eyelids jumped. Although he could also use spells to create a sea of ​​flames, his own sea of ​​flames was not comparable to those made by these little demons in terms of the power of flames. Of fire.

At this moment, facing these little demons who can spit out the flames of the abyss, Lynch did not dare to stay and fight them. After all, once he was completely surrounded by the little demons, then these abyssal flames alone would be enough to make himself Drink a pot.

However, the little devil flies extremely fast after all. Even Lynch and Palin have added swiftness to themselves. However, there will be no way to get rid of the little demon for a while. Instead, the dense group of little demons, It's getting closer and closer...

"Palin, use gravity." Lynch yelled to Palin.

"Huh? What do you do with gravity at this time?" Palin asked in surprise.

"You don't use gravity technique on those little demons to slow down their flight speed, are you still planning to use swamp technique?" Lynch said in an angry voice.

"Got it..." Palin suddenly realized. He just thought that Lynch was going to let him release the gravity spell on him, so he was surprised, but now it seems that he was wrong, what Mafa Merlin meant. , Is to use gravity on these little demons... But think about it carefully, this is indeed a good tactic, after all, what they need now is not to defeat the little demons in front of them, but to simply get rid of these little demons.

Immediately afterwards, Palin followed Lynch to release gravity.

I have to say that the effect of gravity is indeed very good. When gravity is applied to those little demons, the flying speed of the little demons, who originally flew very fast, dropped by more than half in the blink of an eye. Those little demons are too densely packed together, and as a result, the number of little demons that can be covered by gravity has reached an astonishing level.

Lynch and Palin can easily deal with all the little demons with gravity without consuming too much magic power.

Soon, with the help of gravity, the distance between Lynch and the little demon was getting farther and farther, and after dozens of minutes, in their sight, they finally completely lost the trace of the little devil.

At this time, Palin patted his chest, and said with lingering fear: "Damn, these little demons are too difficult to deal with? Not only can they eject the flames of the abyss, but also their flying ability is so powerful, and it is also fortunate to have you. By my side, otherwise, relying on my strength alone, I must have died in the hands of the little devil."

Lynch frowned: "It seems that this revival plane is not as safe as we thought... as simple as..."

In the few days before entering the plane of revival, Lynch and Palin explored a lot of areas together, but in these areas, they never encountered any enemies, which is why Lynch gradually relaxes. , I feel that in this revival plane, there may be no trouble. This seat plane is much simpler than they thought. After coming here, they only need to look for the buildings left by the elves and Resources will do.

But now after encountering the little devil, he realized that behind the calm of the plane of revival, there has been a raging undercurrent...

Among other things, the huge number of little demons alone was enough to cause Lynch to be extremely troublesome.

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