The First Mage

Chapter 1408: Human breath

"What you said is too exaggerated." Palin was a little unbelieving: "Then if you can't perceive the existence of that magical power, don't we even have the last hope? Then how can we find the plane of revival? Entrance..."

Lynch thought for a while, then shrugged helplessly: "From the current situation, we really haven't found the entrance to the plane of revival at all, but it doesn't matter, we can also rely on the power of two legs in this world. Slowly look for...If the two of us are lucky, we might be able to find the entrance to the plane of revival..."

"Then I have to find out when I went..." Palin rolled his eyes: "No, I seriously doubt what you said, I don't believe it. This Chery Dian is really so powerful that we can't even do the slightest magic. Use it, I will try it now."

"Damn! What do you want to do?" Palin's words undoubtedly made Lynch surprised instantly, and immediately wanted to stop Palin, but it was still a step too late. Before he could stop him, he saw that Palin had already Raising his hand, a first-order spell was released.

Moreover, Palin deliberately injected extremely rich magical power into this first-order spell, which also caused the power of this first-order spell to increase in a straight line. When it whizzed through the air, it destroyed a large area of ​​vegetation.

"It's all right now, I'm going to see if Chery Dian will really appear..." Palin stood there, not taking it anymore.

But at this time, Lynch had an urge to scold the street. This Palin is really a bastard! I have reminded him countless times, for the sake of safety, not to use any magic power, but never thought that this **** would not believe his words...

At this moment, even Lynch didn’t know what to do. He took a quick glance at the surrounding environment, followed by pulling Palin and shouted directly: "Run quickly..."

"Run? Run? Run? What is there to run? Anyway, Chery Dian won't show up..." Palin looked indifferent, and even wanted to struggle out of Lynch's hands to get Lin Qi understood that what he was worried about was something unnecessary. In fact, even if they used magic power at the moment, they would not attract that Cheridian.

But Palin soon realized that this time, he seemed to be in trouble again...

Just when they left the area less than two hundred meters away, they suddenly felt a wave of shaking, and, with the shaking of the earth, an extremely terrifying and powerful aura was also enveloped in an instant. Between this world.

After feeling this breath, whether it was Palin or Lynch, their faces changed drastically at the moment.

"No... that Chery Dian really showed up?" Although Palin hadn't been to Budapest for a long time, he still remembered Chery Dian's existence too much, so he became Chery Dian. When his breath came again, he immediately recognized it.

"Do you think? I warned you just now and told you not to be foolish, but you **** just didn't listen to me, now it's alright, you know you are afraid? Damn, you know to make trouble, now Cheridi Ann is attracted, I see how you can solve it..." Lynch was unable to maintain his demeanor at this moment, and directly sweared at Palin.

Palin opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. After all, the strength of Chery Dian was so incredible, it was far beyond his imagination.

Who can imagine that his perception covers the entire Budapest? Even more, not only is the range of perception incredibly large, but the speed of action is so fast that it can appear in front of them in the blink of an eye...

Looking from Palin's direction, you can already see Chery Dian's extremely large figure at this moment. Chery Dian's appearance has not changed much from before, it is still the same, but this is also strange. , After all, Budapest is changing every day, but only Chery Dian is always the same...

But now, obviously it’s not the time to care about Chery Dian’s appearance. At this moment, Chery Dian followed the breath released by Palin to the area where Lynch and the others stood before. When Chery Dian descended, that huge body, Immediately carrying an astonishing gravitational force, the ground in that area was stepped into a depression.

At the same time, the black flame that was shrouded in his body was now madly burning the surrounding plants, causing the area that was full of vitality to be burned to ashes, a scene of apocalypse.

And now, Chery Dian's strength is faintly stronger than when Lynch saw him last time. Besides, Chery Dian's body is surrounded by an extremely terrifying lightning. , The lightning is black, and it is everywhere on its body. Although there is no close feeling, you can know at a glance that the power of the lightning is definitely full of boundless destructiveness...

"Damn it, that human mage actually dared to come to Budapest. This time, I must completely kill him!" When Chery Dian descended on this area, he immediately let out an angry roar from his mouth.

It has been waiting for Lynch to come to Budapest for too long...

Since the last time Lynch hacked it again and escaped from it, Chery Dian has fallen into a complete irritability. In recent times, although Lynch has not entered Budapest, Chery Dian has He has been waiting for Lynch’s breath to come again, and because of his anger, Chery Dian has not been idle during the waiting time. He has been doing damage in various areas of Budapest to vent his anger. ...

Over time, many places in Budapest have been ruined by Chery Dian... If it weren’t for Budapest’s own resilience, it is estimated that this seat would have to be completely destroyed by Chery Dian. Once...

And just today, after Chery Dian was carrying out a complete destruction and turning the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of miles into a wasteland without any life, it felt tired, so it planned to find a comfortable place as usual. It’s been a good sleep for a while in the place, but what it didn't expect was that when it just found a good place and planned to close its eyes, it inadvertently felt a human breath.

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