The First Mage

Chapter 1407: powerful

Immediately after, under Palin's resentful eyes, Lynch and him quickly left the cave, and then cautiously walked towards the entrance of the plane of revival.

But not long after moving forward, Lynch soon discovered an extremely important thing.

After realizing this, he couldn't help but stop.

"What's the matter?" Palin asked Lynch abruptly when he thought they had encountered something dangerous again, so he asked nervously.

Lynch said with a black thread on his face: "Aren't we going to the entrance of the Revival Plane now? But, do you remember how to leave..."

"Damn! How can I remember?" Palin's eyes widened: "Malfa Merlin, don't you be a gangster, how long have I not entered Budapest? Besides, even if I remember the route at the time, it is now Budapest. , What has this become? It's far from what I remember...Under these conditions, how do you let me find a route?"

Lynch was also speechless.

Palin is right. The changes in Budapest today are indeed so great that the surrounding environment is extremely strange to him.

It is also because of this that Lynch himself can't remember the route to the entrance to the plane of revival...

"It's too bad..." Lynch couldn't help muttering.

The corners of Palin's mouth twitched constantly, and he said in disbelief, "Malfa Merlin, have you forgotten the route?"

"Looks like it is..." Lynch smiled helplessly.

Palin almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood: "You're a bit pitted... don't even know the route, how can you take me there?"

"This is indeed a problem..."

Lynch thought for a while, then shrugged and said: "If we really don't know the route, then we can only abandon this plan. By the way, don't you want to find a way to become an archmage? Then we don't need to go. At the entrance to the plane of revival, you can experience it in Budapest..."

"Although it is said that, if it is possible to revive the plane, it is definitely better than staying in Budapest." Palin dissatisfied: "And the specifications of the revival plane are definitely more advanced than Budapest, that's it. What a real place!"


Lynch did not speak. After all, what Palin said was true. If he had a choice, he, like Palin, also hopes to revive the plane instead of staying in Budapest.

However, now that I have forgotten the route to the entrance to the plane of revival, this is indeed a very difficult problem...

In places like Budapest, he doesn't have the ability of Chery Dian after all, and being able to go wherever he wants to go very easily is like a living map.

Budapest is so huge that it is easy to get lost.

Of course, if you can use magic power now, Lynch can also use various spells to speed up his advancement, so as to pass the entire Budapest in the shortest time. In this way, you can still find The entrance to the plane of revival.

But now, because of Chery Dian's presence, he couldn't easily use spells.

Even if he hides his figure with the cloak of invisibility, it is impossible. After all, the cloak of invisibility is very restrictive. Once the spell is used, his figure will be exposed. If Chery Dian perceives it, he will definitely still Came here the first time.

"Palin, you guy, why can't you get an invisible potion?" Lynch glared at Palin very dissatisfied. Under such an occasion, if there are still invisible potions available, it is undoubtedly It can solve many problems, but what is more embarrassing is that Palin has no invisible potions in his hands...

Palin desperately said: "I also want to have invisible potions to use, but I really can't get them out... You scold me, and you can't scold invisible potions..."

Lynch was even more depressed.

Standing there thinking for a long time, Lin Qicai tried to say: "We have been to that entrance before, and we can feel that a lot of special magic powers gush out from it, and it is precisely because of those magical powers and Budapest's magical powers. Because of conflicts, so much chaotic magic is bred here, so now, can we try to sense this magic? If we can sense the specific location of this magic, then we can I found the entrance to the plane of revival."

"This seems to be a way too..." Palin thought for a while: "However, with my ability, obviously there is no way to perceive such remote magic power, and I don't know if you can do it..."

"It's okay, let me try." To be honest, Lynch is not sure if he has such an ability. After all, he is not a wizard yet, but only a seventh-level archmage, not so powerful yet. Magical perception.

However, besides this method, he really seems to be unable to come up with other methods, so now he can't do it, he can only try a little bit, if he can find the fluctuation of that magical power, it would be a good idea. A good try.

However, when Lynch was about to start looking for the fluctuation of that magical power, Lynch was stunned right there, his face slightly stiff.

"What's the matter?" Palin couldn't help but curiously asked when Lynch was no longer acting suddenly.

Lynch said depressed: "I just forgot. If I want to sense the fluctuations of that magical power, then I also need to use a part of the magical power to perceive it, but once I use the magical power, Chery Dian will definitely do it. Be aware that by then, both of us will be in danger."

"No..." Palin's eyes widened: "You have been saying that as long as you use magic power, you will be able to detect Chery Dian, but that Chery Dian is really so powerful? You need to know the range of Budapest, but It's no smaller than An Riel's world... Then how could Chery Dian clearly perceive our magical fluctuations... Maybe Chery Dian is thousands of miles away now?"

"You don't understand..." Lynch explained: "I've been to Budapest several times before, and every time as long as I use magic power, Chery Dian will definitely appear in front of me within a moment. Its perception is too strong. It can cover the entire Budapest. Of course, it may also be because Budapest is a special place, so it has given Chery Dian such an ability. In fact, if you change the plane, it may not be so powerful..."

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