The First Mage

Chapter 145: reward

The field of vision is unobstructed, but there is also nothing. On the vast ground, it seems that Lynch himself is here...

Is this wrong...

Although he was in a coma just now, Lynch clearly remembered that he had fallen into the river of blood, and then I don’t know how long it took before he was sent ashore by the river of blood. What is going on now?

Where is the blood river?


Just kidding...

How did you get here?

"and many more……"

At this time, Lynch suddenly discovered that there were faint dark brown traces under him, as if something liquid had evaporated...

During that period of time, the river of blood that sent me was evaporated?

Even if it only evaporates for a while, it is exaggerated...How long did I have been in a coma?

Lynch suddenly panicked.

If you are in a coma for too long, I am afraid that everything will lose control. Is it because I am lost here?

But soon, Lynch calmed down, because he found that he was not in a coma for too long. After all, he had been in a coma before, and it was hard to avoid some minor injuries. Now those wounds have not healed. Obviously, he was not in a coma. Three days.

But there is a problem with this place...

Because he had been immersed in the blood river and his body was covered with filth, he was about to release a water curtain technique to clean himself up.

As a result, the effect of the water curtain technique was extremely poor, and the maximum amount of water was one-third of the outside world...

And when the water drops on the ground, it will be quickly absorbed by the black sand and disappear...

Lin Qi realized that the water element in this space had been reduced to a very abnormal state, even on the edge of a volcano, it would not be so small...

Lynch picked up a handful of black sand and let it slip between his fingers. He suddenly felt a faint wave of magic remaining in the sand.

Furious, fiery...

What the **** is this place...

Lynch frowned.


While thinking about this, Lynch suddenly noticed that the transmission crystal flashed suddenly, and Lynch was a little surprised. He couldn't even take care of constructing life, so he quickly found the transmission crystal and checked it.

The transmission crystal was given to him by Hawking before. It was used to receive news from Oakland College. At that time, I didn't expect this thing to play a big role. After all, it had been out of touch for a long time, and it was just used to prepare for emergencies.

Otherwise, they don't need to look for people from Oakland College now.

Now that the messaging crystal is flashing, someone actually starts to deliver the message?

On the surface of the crystal clear transmission crystal, a string of magic runes appeared, and in an instant, it faded back...


This message seems to have been set in advance, as long as someone from Oakland College comes, it will be sent out...

And in this whole piece of information, these two words are included, except for one word...

But what does the north mean...

Where is it safe? Or did the wizards of Auckland College gather in the north? And it doesn’t say how far north is...

The most important thing is, are the people at Auckland College there?

"do not care……"

Lynch shook his head and made a decision quickly.

No matter how far to the north, he finally received the information, so just go and see it first. Anyway, staying here, there will be no results...

The next day, Lynch was on this black wasteland and headed north.

In less than an hour, Lynch walked out of this black wasteland, and the surrounding environment suddenly became normal. There were sparse forests along the roadside, and sometimes there were gurgling streams.

Along the way, I was still trying to find Hawking and others.

It's just a pity, and I don't know what the reason is. I didn't find Hawking and others along the way. It was not cold here at night, and Lynch continued on his way.

Finally, on the second day, just before the dawn, Lynch found something.

That is a staff...

There was the emblem of the dark furnace tower on it, and Lynch knew it very well, it was Hawking's staff.

It's just that the staff is now broken. On the side of the staff, there are still some blood stains and unknown animal hair...


When Lynch saw this situation, there was no reason he didn't understand. Obviously, Hawking once lived here and had a battle with some kind of monster.

Moreover, Hawking's situation is not optimistic, otherwise, the staff will not even be broken...

Hawking also has a transmission crystal on him, so he should have received the information too...

Lynch paused for a while, and after judging the general situation of Hawking, he continued to set off.

It's just that the more you go, the more weird and changeable the environment of this place.

At this moment, Lynch is still walking in a vigorous forest, but within ten minutes of walking, he will come to a lifeless desert, and if he walks less than a few kilometers, he will come to a gloomy swamp. .

Moreover, this kind of environmental change is extremely abrupt, often one step apart, two worlds...

"Really distinctive..."

Lynch was walking on a rocky mountain road at this time. The surrounding area was bare. The gusts of cold wind made the surrounding mountain road quite cold. The road was long and curved, and it seemed that he could not walk all the way.

However, Lynch knew that maybe he would take the next turn, and then there would be a brand new scene...

Lynch walked almost ten more miles, and suddenly there was a wave of magic power nearby...


Lynch looked a little surprised and saw a purple flower growing on the edge of a cliff not far away.

Under the shining of the sun, the palm-sized purple petals are soft, like a gorgeous purple ribbon, showing a gorgeous and compelling feeling...

The moment when he saw this gorgeous flower, Lin Qi's eyes opened wide, and his eyes were a little bit surprised.


It is said that this is a naturally poisonous flower. The more gorgeous the flower, the more poison it contains. Even the water droplets falling on the petals and then sliding down will become deadly venom.

That kind of venom was enough to kill him instantly...

Of course, that is only the most superficial usage.

In fact, the toxicity of this Bauhinia thorn flower is quite strange. Although it is severe, it has a kind of irritation to magic.

Simply put, it is the right amount of application that can help the magician of the mage reach a boiling state.

Based on this idea, the mages have developed a variety of application methods. Two of the more popular ones are to use this feature to make an alchemy potion. With just one drop, the mages can explode beyond ranks.

The second type is the important juncture of the mage's breakthrough level. Taking a small amount of it can make the magic power instantaneously overclock, so as to break through the level in one effort.

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