The First Mage

Chapter 144: Black wasteland

In an instant, like a thunderbolt smashing into the river of blood, the billowing blood splits on both sides, and a **** terrifying black figure floats out of the river of blood.

In this turbulent river of blood, the black shadow hovered quietly, without any movement, but occupied all eyes. The burly body was three meters high, and there were cracks one after another on the body, and dark red light was flowing between the cracks, as if There is magma flowing quietly in its body.

His eyes and mouth were sewn together by dense golden silk threads, unable to open...

But even if his mouth was sealed, there was still a vague roar from his throat.

The overwhelming pressure swayed like waves from the burly body, filling the entire space, suffocating everyone...

At this time, everyone knew that at the most dangerous time, no one dared to keep their hands.

Lynch used the wind blade technique, and the overwhelming wind blade seemed to chop the air, while Hawking’s side was a pyroblast technique, and a fiery dark red fire wave swept out, brewing terrifying energy. burst.

In Hawking's hand, a magic line of fire with the thickness of an arm shot straight out.

Lynch released a structured flying insect in the first place, and it flew out. Floatation can be prohibited here, but this kind of alchemy's long-established little things can't be prohibited, and their messages are transmitted...

Then, he also summoned his magic power and blasted towards the demon...

Including Palin, now there are any spells that can be released, so they don't know how to save mana. After all, they can only fight desperately now, but what they encounter is a demon!

This is not something they can resist...

If you still keep it at this time, you are undoubtedly having trouble with yourself.

Unfortunately, it's not very useful.

In the face of absolute gaps, these magical methods have little meaning.

Whether it was wind blade, flame or other means, when it hit the demon, it just dissipated quickly, but was unable to leave any scars. From beginning to end, even the devil's defense could not be broken.

When everything disappeared, the demon was suspended there, never moved a little...

And it's not over yet...

When all these methods failed, the power of the demon's roar also exploded, directly blasting several people out.

The demon obviously wanted to move forward, but just as his body moved slightly, he saw under the turbulent river of blood, a chain of thigh-thick chains tied to the waist of the demon made it difficult for the demon to move. .


Lynch spotted the chain for the first time and greeted him in a hurry. He didn't care if the road led to the Beastmaster. After speaking, he ran along the blood river...

And at this time, the demon didn't know whether he was angered by Lynch or the chains around his waist. In his throat, there was again a series of ambiguous angry roars.

This voice lifted like a shock wave, carrying unparalleled power, setting off a **** wave, and rushing towards several people again...

"I [] depend!"

At this time, Palin bears the brunt at the end...

"It's over..."

At this time, Palin's heart was almost cold.

Along the way, I have encountered a lot of dangers, but now, feeling the huge pressure behind him, Hawking now has no way to deal with it...

For a while, what Palin can do is to vent the remaining magic power and raise an ice wall...

Even though all this was done, Palin hardly had any hope in his heart. This ice wall was simply not enough to stop the impact, and himself behind the ice wall would also be hit directly...

Just when Palin's face was as gray as death, he was about to close his eyes and wait for death. Some of Lynch in front of him suddenly threw a vine technique and wrapped it around Palin's waist, just as the ice wall was shattered. , Dragged Palin out.

However, the prey in hand escaped like this, and the demon seemed to be in a rage.

Because of the chain, he couldn't escape, so he suddenly grasped the chain behind his back and slammed it.

The chain didn’t know how long it was, and it was buried deep in the river of blood. At this moment, the blood river that was implicated suddenly turned into a monstrous wave, and the waves with terrifying power spread all the way, and finally slammed towards the people of Lynch Photographed.


This wave of blood is actually not too strong, but it contains an irresistible force...

Lynch was shocked, and quickly activated the magic furnace, with a few ice wall techniques blocking him, besides that, Hawking also used their own methods...

In an instant, in front of a few people, layers of defenses were formed.

It's a pity that this is a blow from the devil's anger, even if the power is transmitted through blood waves, it is definitely not a few first-order spells that can stop it.

Several defensive methods just persisted for a moment, the ice wall shattered, the magic shield dissipated, and the blood wave "boomed" and fell on several people...

In this huge force, several people were directly knocked down into the river of blood.

The blood poured into the mouth and nose, suffocated in the rich **** smell, everything in front of me became blurred...

Just in the midst of this suffocation, I heard a few loud "rumbling" loud noises...

In that moment, Lynch simply lost his sense of surroundings...

I just felt that I was being swept by a huge force, and it was like a small sampan in the storm, drifting with the flow...

I don't know how long it took...

Lin Qicai felt that the **** smell around him gradually dissipated, and the sticky feeling disappeared, as if he had finally gone ashore.

Lynch wanted to open his eyes and look around. Finally he opened his eyes and saw a piece of land through the blood on his eyelids...

"Fortunately, the demon is locked..."

Thinking of this, there was no devil's roar in his ears, and he knew that he was probably out of danger, his mind was relieved, and the exhaustion hit the sky, and Lynch finally passed out completely...


I don't know how long it took, Lynch moved his eyelids and opened his eyes with some difficulty...

His eyes were sour, as if they were sealed by a layer of wax. It was because of the coagulation of blood. Lynch opened his eyes forcibly, but he had no time to see something.

For a while, I only felt the headache was splitting, as if being trampled back and forth by more than a dozen Bimengs. After a while, Lin Qi's headache subsided and looked around...

"Where is the blood river?"

After seeing everything in front of him, Lynch was stunned.

This is a black wasteland, endless, the black sand on the ground is dry and warm, and there is a cloud of misty white light above the head, which is a cloud of sun.

There seemed to be lava flowing under the ground, and the whole land exuded a hot feeling, and it felt a little warm when stepped on it.

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