The First Mage

Chapter 140: Fayes

"Later, I met the body of Archmage Fayes..."

"What, Fayes?"

Hearing this, Kasman's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at the little fat man in an incredible way.

In the Crimson Devil Realm, Fayes is also considered to be a well-known person. He is less than 30 years old, and he is advanced to the archmage. Although there is no way to compare with the top geniuses, it is also a deep Cultivated by the backbone of the Red Devil Realm.

Did it fall like this?

"Yes." At this point, the little fat man looked nervous: "Actually, at that time, I didn't dare to go anymore, but when I wanted to come back, I met these three giant pythons..."

"These three giant pythons didn't know where they came from. After they caught me, they didn't eat me right away. Instead, they brought me to this place. I was also at that time, seizing the opportunity. Sending you a message..."

"I just stayed in its lair like this, until now, I finally waited for you..."

"Really?" Hearing this, Kasman on the side glanced at him suspiciously: "It hasn't moved you for so long?"

Peter scratched his head, "I also feel strange..."

"Okay." Kasman thought for a while, so he frowned and nodded. He looked at Lynch and said, "By the way, Master Mafa Merlin, now Peter has also been rescued. Our purpose in coming to Pine Forest is almost the same. It's done. I really thank you Oakland Academy this time. I believe that the Great Sorcerer Kidd will also thank you after knowing this."

"Thank you, then?" Palin's eyes over there couldn't help but brighten. He naturally knew what a great wizard's thanks meant. In any case, it must have been a big profit this time.

Even Lynch nodded secretly. The gratitude of a great wizard might be useful any time. At least, when he met the great wizard Kidd in the future, the great wizard gave them Attitude, it will definitely be unusual...

As for the next thing, it is much simpler.

In this cedar forest, there are many magic springs, and these magic springs are undoubtedly divided equally by Lynch and others with Kasman and others, and even now they have saved Peter and Kas. Out of gratitude, Man also gave most of the magic spring water to Lynch and others.

After finishing all the magic spring water and putting it away, Lynch and others bid farewell to the wizards of the Crimson Demon Realm like Kasman.

Before they chose to cooperate, it was only temporary cooperation. After all, the two parties belonged to different forces. If the exchanges were too deep, they would inevitably encounter trouble in the future. Therefore, Lynch and Hawking did not choose to involve them too much. Many, after the pine forest matter came to an end, they left separately.

Since they dispersed with the wizards of Auckland College, Lynch and the others are now a bit aimless, but even if they don’t have any goals, it’s always right to go to the periphery of the Winter Mountains. After everyone is separated, they will choose whenever they want. Escape.

Keep going like this. In the end, you should meet the talents of Auckland College.

Hawking led the way, stopping to hide from time to time, but it took a lot of time. After walking like this for almost a day, a forest appeared in front of...

At first glance, you can't see the edge at all. The breeze blows, suddenly a continuous forest and sea waves, making people feel a strong and powerful vitality.

At the same time, it was accompanied by bursts of beast roars, which made the scalp numb...

"This is the Boundary Forest." Hawking looked at the forest.

Lynch nodded. The so-called Boundary Forest is actually a dangerous place in the depths of the Winter Mountain Range. They could bypass it before, but now the route has changed a bit on the way to escape. Go to other more dangerous places.

Because everyone had no other choice, and soon walked towards the boundary forest.

There are few traces of humans in this forest, and it has long been self-contained. The trees grow without restrictions. The canopies that can be hundreds of meters high and cover the sky almost block the sky, and the sun only penetrates through the gaps. A few threads.

The fallen leaves and dead branches, the dead bodies of the beasts, piled layer after layer on the ground. I don't know how many years they have accumulated, because it is dark and humid, giving off a strong smell of decay.

When Lynch stepped on them, they were soft, like walking on several layers of cotton...

In comparison, Hawking is relatively familiar with this area, and he did not forget to spread science to a few people: “There are too many trees here, and there are more types of monsters. Some monsters are good at camouflage and don’t know when they will come out. You have to be careful..."

Before Hawking could finish these words, he was caught off guard.

When I was speaking, a blood-colored vine had already sprang out from the ground, tightly wrapped around Hawking's calf, and pulled him toward the deep forest...

But Hawking's response was not slow.

Almost at the same time as they exclaimed, a wind blade came out, two invisible wind blades tore the air, and slashed to the blood-colored vine with two "bangs".

I saw the blood-colored vines snapped, and on the fractured surface, there was a red liquid flowing out, and a sweet **** smell came out...

"Vampire Ivy? Wrong..."

After getting up quite embarrassed, Hawking couldn't take care of the cold sweat, but he was a little surprised when he saw the vine he had just cut off.

If it was a real blood-sucking vine technique, it should have been turned into a magical collapse now, how could it leave substantial things behind?

"Could it be a real blood sucking vine..."

"Be careful!"

Just as Hawking was thinking about this, Lynch's expression suddenly changed, but as soon as he said a reminder, it was too late.

I saw only a few blood-sucking vines with thin arms, rushing out suddenly, abruptly and swiftly, like a few scarlet pythons, this time wrapping Hawking's legs again.

In fact, Hawking's reaction was already fast enough, but he only had time to cut off a vine, and the remaining vines suddenly exerted their strength and dragged him toward the depths of the forest.

These days the vines are really like the legendary blood-sucking vines, with thin and secret spikes growing on the surface, with slightly hooked spikes, which plunged deeply into Hawking's flesh and blood at the moment it was tied up.

Those spikes are like leeches that see blood, constantly sucking up. While the vines are dragging Hawking back, they are also becoming thick and red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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