The First Mage

Chapter 139: Daddy hunting journey

However, before the voice fell, the whole person flew out...

"What are you running?" But at this time, Lynch's suspicious voice sounded in Kasman's ears.

"It's violent, don't you run?" Kasman just wanted to turn around and remind him again.

However, at this moment, I saw Hawking who had been standing behind the crowd suddenly raising his arm, and as he raised his arm, thick flames swept over the three heads over there at this moment. The giant python was surrounded by a burst of fire, and the three-headed giant python that started the rampage, which was supposed to start a massacre, was now in a wailing sound, and quickly fell to the ground. Burned to black, take away its last breath...

"This is?" Kasman looked at Hawking, his eyes widened suddenly. To be honest, he had never taken Hawking to his heart. After all, this person was too low-key to let people notice him, but at this moment However, he never expected that Hawking could be so powerful.

With one shot, the violent three-headed python was directly solved!

"That's Archmage Hawking from our Oakland College." Lynch kindly reminded.

"Archmage Hawking?" In an instant, Kasman's eyes widened. After all, the name Hawking, even in the Crimson Devil Realm, is unusually loud.

Unexpectedly, such a low-key person is actually an archmage, and also an archmage Hawking!

Think about his negligence towards him before. In an instant, Kasman was in a cold sweat. If the archmage is angry, then he can't bear the other party's anger...

But now, obviously it was not the time to talk about this, the three-headed python was dead after all, and Lynch didn't bother to care about what Kasman thought, but went to the front to examine the three-headed python's body.

At this time, whether it was Kasman or the others, they just glanced at each other and then closed their mouths tacitly.

If this had happened in the past, they would have said that they would not give up easily when they encountered such a violent three-headed python, and they would have to have a big battle.

But now, they didn't say much about the ownership of the magic core of these three giant pythons.

After all, the battle just now is obvious to all...

That was the hand of a great mage...

Give them some courage, and they don't dare to **** things from an archmage.

As for Lynch's side, he did intend to dig out the magic core of the three-headed giant python, but at this moment, his feet suddenly moved slightly.

"There is still something!?"

Lynch's heart was shocked, but he didn't expect that there would still be Warcraft here.

However, just as Love lit up at the top of Lynch's staff, there was a sound like a pig.

"Don't, don't do it, I am a human being, not a Warcraft!"

As he spoke, Lynch lifted the ground under his feet, a chubby face covered with dust, and looked at it with a probe. Suddenly he saw Lynch who was staring at him, and hurriedly shouted: "I'm really a human, I'm a real human , Don’t believe me, look..."


At this moment, Kasman heard the sound, and when he saw the fat man’s face, he suddenly screamed in unbelievable exclamation. He couldn't care about anything now, and he quickly dug him out...

He was a little fat man with a gray head and face. He was in his early twenties. His face was pale at this time. He couldn't stand still while standing there. His footsteps were vacant. It was obvious that he was scared and scared during this period of time.

He is the target of Kasman's trip...

Crimson Demon Realm Crimson Mage, the only son of the Great Wizard of Keen...

At this time, Kasman quickly let the panicked little fat man sit down and rest, and introduced Lynch by the way.

Unlike his tough background, this little fat man didn't have many spoiled habits. After hearing Lynch's contribution, he just supported his trembling body and quickly thanked him.

Lynch waved his hand and had a good impression of the little fat man. After looking around for a while, he suddenly remembered something and asked a little strangely: "How did you survive the mouth of those three giant pythons?"

The voice fell, and Kasman's gaze turned towards Peter.

In fact, this is also a question in many people's minds. Everyone has seen the cruelty of the three-headed giant python. It is not an exaggeration to say that if there is no Lynch's intervention, it will sweep the mages present, it will be a problem. Big.

This Peter looks like a fourth-level mage, why can he live so long in front of the three giant pythons, and support him until rescue comes...

Speaking of this, the little fat man didn't know what to think of, and his face suddenly paled.

Kasman took a look and quickly said: "This is not in a hurry, you should rest first. If you have anything to say later..."

After the little fat man drank a few bottles of primary life recovery potions, his face finally got more bloody, and he finally recovered. Seeing the puzzled eyes of everyone, he scratched his head and said: "In fact, I don't understand the whole thing..."

"Huh?" Lynch questioned: "Then start from the beginning, how did you encounter these three giant pythons..."

"This..." Speaking of this, the little fat man glanced at Kasman in a little embarrassment before he said: "To be honest, I thought about looking for my father first, that... he said there was something Good, I want to give it to me in private..."


Kasman gave a wry smile. Obviously, people came here with the idea of ​​fighting father from the beginning. No wonder he didn't know his news at first.

Lynch was not surprised by this. With such an old man, he could only tell his abilities, nodded and said, "What happened later?"

"Yes..." The little fat man nodded and said: "At that time, I wanted to go back to the camp and find my father, but who knows, the original road has disappeared without knowing anything..."

"I don't know what the situation is. I can't find the original path. At the time, I thought I was lost, so I had to come back and try to go deeper... to find my father."

Lynch nodded, this choice was correct. After all, the existence of the Great Sorcerer will definitely not be active in the periphery of the Winter Mountains...

Little Fatty’s journey to find his father, at least the route is right...

It's just that he overestimated his strength, so he encountered so many dangers.

"Actually, I have a lot of uncles and uncles, and there will be someone escorting along the way..." At this point, the little fat man felt embarrassed...

But at this point, the little fat man showed fear again: "But then, I found out that the message I sent along the way did not receive a response. I thought it was because the uncles and uncles did not receive it. Later, I kept encountering big The corpse of the mage, and I don’t know why, the frequency of the second-order beasts is increasing...

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