The First Mage

Chapter 119: Dreamland

For a small body like Marfa Merlin, if you delay it for a while, the toxins can get into the bones.

Hawking also nodded solemnly, but before he could say anything, his expression suddenly changed and he turned his head to look.

At this moment, I only saw that in the ice valley where everyone had just escaped, the power of the explosion had not stopped, still coming through the thick ice peak, wave after wave.

Wherever I went, everything froze.


Hawking made a decisive decision. Since the Deep Blue Viper had blew himself up, Falun's plan went bankrupt. Although he didn't get the Deep Blue Viper, as long as Falun was broken, it was not a loss.

The aftermath of the subsequent self-detonation was still too strong, and they couldn't resist a few waves, so they had to leave quickly.

Without hesitation, they took Lynch and began to retreat.

At this moment, Lynch didn't know that the outside world was disturbing...

Lynch's consciousness is extremely vague, as if in a dream, wandering without support, all he sees is darkness...

But at this time, I felt vaguely, I don't know why, the gray light didn't know why, it was trembling violently...

And this tremor is far greater than before. If you insist, when it took Lynch to look for the dark blue viper's lair, it was still looking for some prey, so now, it has found its prey, and is desperately there. Devour the carcass of prey.

This feeling is very strange, and Lynch can only have a vague feeling.

However, this feeling did not last too long. It was soon occupied by a stranger feeling. I don’t know why, it actually has a surging magic power, which is constantly flowing from the outside world, and it penetrates into oneself without any explanation. In the magic furnace of...

The pain of forcibly propping up the magic furnace made Lynch feel a kind of intermittent pain, but no matter how painful, the body is not obedient, the consciousness cannot be awakened, and naturally he cannot speak...

This state, I don’t know how long it lasted. Lynch’s consciousness has been wandering in the chaos and darkness, but gradually, Lynch seems to be able to hear it. There are waves of whispers coming, and there are also waves. A peculiar smell of medicine slid down the dry throat.

The severe pain that came from time to time in the body gradually eased...

Finally, in the darkness, for some reason, Lynch suddenly felt an ice-like world in which a small dark blue viper roared violently.

The strange thing is that the gray light attached to the extended armor is still staring at it beside it, and countless tentacles extend from the gray light, extending to the dark blue viper, actually clamping it down...

When he saw this scene, Lynch felt wrong between the half-dream and half-waking.

The dark blue viper had already blew himself up. What is it that this reduced version of the dark blue viper appeared in my dream?

Not to mention, it was clamped by the gray light...

After a while, I don’t know how long, there seems to be a worried voice...

"Archmage Hawking, how long will he be able to wake up?"

"He was affected by the dark blue viper's frost and toxins. Fortunately, the degree is not deep, and the teacher's potion can keep him safe, but when he wakes up, it depends on him..."

Archmage Hawking?

The remaining voice seems to be Palin?

After hearing this familiar voice, Lynch's misty consciousness became clearer and clearer, and slowly opened his eyes. In the somewhat vague sight, there were indeed two human figures, gradually becoming clear...

"Look at Archmage Hawking, Mafa Merlin is awake?!"

As soon as Lynch opened his eyes, he only saw Palin's rather surprised and happy face, turning his head to call Hawking.

"Hehe, it seems that this kid is in good health, but he doesn't wake up slowly." Hawking said with a smile over there.

"Master Hawking?"

At this time, Lynch was completely awake and saw everything in front of him. Only then did he realize that he was lying in an endless snowfield. The snow was flat and quiet. The sparse and pine forests stood nearby with thick snow. .

"Where are the others?" Lynch looked a little strange looking at the surroundings. Where is the Archmage Rice? Where is Archmage Falun? Where did they all go?

Later, Palin explained it for Lynch.

It turned out that when he was in a coma, Hawking took him all the way, and met Palin who was hurriedly found on the road. Then, a group of three people ran aimlessly and finally left the area where the dark blue viper exploded. But even though he left, he lost contact with everyone else...

"It turned out to be like this." Lynch suddenly realized that he wanted to stand up, but a sense of powerlessness came from his body. He took a few deep breaths and finally recovered.

Immediately afterwards, Lynch began to look at the surrounding environment while asking: "Master Hawking, do you know where we are right now?"

"I don't know..." Hawking shook his head and frowned, "When I left before, I was too rushed, so now I have completely lost my sense of direction, but it is worthy of affirmation that it must be somewhere deep in the Winter Mountains. , I just don’t know, is there some danger here..."

"In any case, the top priority now is to find other people from Oakland College." Palin looked around a little nervously. In such a dangerous place as the Winter Mountains, it would be extremely fatal to lose contact with other people. thing.

"Let's take a look first." Lynch didn't worry at all. Soon, he unfolded a sheepskin scroll from his hand. This sheepskin scroll was distributed by the Oakland Academy a long time ago. It is considered a map. It probably records the specific topography of the Winter Mountains.

Hawking was by the side, looking at the map, and said: "Actually, I see the nearest pine forest. It's not too far away from our place. There are a lot of monsters marked... If you go there, you may be able to find someone indefinite?"

Lynch doesn't matter, "Then listen to Master Hawking..."

Immediately afterwards, Hawking went one step ahead and set off.

As a result, he had just taken a step, and Lynch suddenly changed his expression: "Wait first..."

In the end, it seemed that it was too late for Lynch to say. As soon as Lynch fell off, Hawking had already stepped out...

Then, just hearing a bang, Hawking suddenly stepped in the air, and his left leg suddenly sank into a pit buried by snow...

Originally, there was nothing wrong with it, it was a big deal and then pulled out.

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