The First Mage

Chapter 118: Shock

The people at the Dawn Tower, who had originally shown a fiery face and were expecting to start harvesting, also immediately discovered this situation.

"Damn, this dark blue viper..."

Falun was shocked and angry, this was not expected, this dark blue viper was going to be forced to explode!

How could this be!

The vitality of this deep blue viper is extremely strong, and he clearly left it alive. The self-detonation of the Tier 3 alchemy golem can only severely damage it, and it will never fall.

Why does it explode? !

"How to do?"

But when he felt the devastating wave of magical power, Karl also turned pale and looked at Falun.

Falun looked at the explosion scene in the battlefield, his expression extremely unwilling, but still gritted his teeth and said, "Go!"

If they don't leave now, they will never be able to save under this self-destruction.

At this time, he also endured the **** pain in his heart. For this deep blue viper, he made various plans, and even invested a priceless Tier 3 alchemy golem. Even if he could mobilize the resources of the entire morning tower, this It was a huge investment.

But now, in the face of fate, he didn't care about these losses, endured heartache and gave up the idea of ​​getting the idea of ​​Deep Blue Viper.

When everyone in the ice valley turned and flee, the fluctuations in the dark blue viper were also packed to the extreme.

Then I saw it screaming desperately, and amidst the blazing flames, a piece of frost suddenly soared into the sky, suppressing the flame in one fell swoop.

Then, its body was completely exploded...

For a time, the icy frost completely suppressed the sky full of flames.

Wherever this wave went, it formed a thick layer of frost, and everything seemed to be frozen.

This wave of volatility has lasted for a long time and has been spreading through the ice valley to the outside.

Although Falun, Hawking and others all escaped from this ice valley in time, the force of the impact that followed was still sending everyone out directly.

Hawking and Fallon and other archmages have been in the ring of white sand for a long time. In addition, they have been prepared and used various spells to protect them. At this time, there is not much damage, and they are soon relieved. stand up.

But just behind him, in the ice valley behind him, there was another wave of violent and icy frost magic power, sweeping towards everyone.

When Hawking noticed it, his face suddenly turned pale, and it was too late to escape.

There was no communication between Hawking and Hawking, they all directly exploded with full-body magic power. The two-layer elemental shield was released, and then the stone skin technique, frost armor, and holy light blessed.

One spell after another was imposed on the body, protecting all three of them.

Then I only heard a bang, the frost wave slammed into it, and the defenses formed by the three people suddenly appeared cracks, and the bone-thin frost elements penetrated out, and the three people suddenly formed a layer of frost. ...

Lynch couldn't hold it first, and quickly contracted his magic power to resist the frost on his body. If this is not dealt with in time, I am afraid that the whole person will soon be iced and become an ice sculpture.

Hawking and Hawking, the two archmages, are resisting this wave of frost. They consume their magic power violently. Although the surrounding ice is so cold and their faces are pale and blue, their foreheads are all Some fine sweat came out.

However, the two of them did not dare to relax a little bit. If they couldn't resist it, it would be a death...

But as time passed, the two of them resisted more and more hard, and more and more cracks appeared on the elemental shield...

Finally, with a bang, the elemental shield was directly blasted open, and a powerful frost current surged out, blasting the two directly away.

Although most of the power was blocked by the two archmages, the remaining small part should not be underestimated.

At that time, even though Lynch turned on extended armor and other means of defense, he only persisted for a short while. The whole person was like a small sailboat in a stream. Under this powerful frost torrent, it fell. Fly away.

On the rugged glacier ground, after sliding over several tens of meters, leaving a long ravine on the ground, he barely stopped.

When Lynch was struggling to stand up, his body was already covered with scars. It was as if he had been trampled back and forth by a giant beast, and his bones would fall apart...

"I rely on..."

Lynch suppressed the severe pain in his body, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he felt like a few pieces were broken in his body.

This is just the aftermath of a aftermath. If I didn't have the two of Hawking to resist, I was afraid that I would be half dead...

The self-detonation power of this dark blue viper lasted too long.

When Lynch supported his body and barely stood up, trying to find Falun and the others, he suddenly looked back and his face changed suddenly.

Because behind him, there was actually a frosty cold current toward him, suddenly hitting!

"not good!"

At this time, Hawking also suddenly changed his face. He noticed the changes on Lynch's side, and his heart suddenly became anxious. It was a fireball technique that struck towards that frosty current.

However, this is useless.

The fireball technique just approached, and was melted away by the frosty current...

But Lynch was just blocking the path of that cold current, and he was head-on!

"It's over."

But Lin Qi didn't have time to think about anything. He just felt that an extremely strong force rushed towards him. In front of this force, he had no resistance and was almost inevitable.

Even any defensive methods were too late to use. The next moment, a cold and complete chill was to completely envelop yourself.

Then I just felt like I was hit by a rushing snowy mammoth head-on, the whole person was dark in front of his eyes, and his body rushed back uncontrollably, and then his consciousness instantly blurred, and the whole person was completely completely Fainted...

Fortunately, at this moment, Hawking finally arrived and took Lynch, who was flying upside down in the air, in time.

Just seeing Lynch’s whole person, almost covered by a thick frost, and even a little black on his face, fortunately, at least there is still a breath...

"Mafa Merlin is not doing well, you have to deal with it quickly..."

From there, Hawking also came close, only seeing Lynch's appearance, but his complexion changed. You know, that dark blue viper is known for its two attributes, ice and poison.

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