The First Mage

Chapter 106: Hidden

There were only a few devil ice fishes that seemed to think something was wrong, but they couldn't find the target. They just swam beside Lynch, but never attacked.

Soon, Lynch fell to the other side.


Seeing Lynch's success, Hawking also brightened his eyes, and followed without any hesitation, leading everyone to follow.

This glacier is about ten meters wide, and it can be passed by in normal times.

But now, everyone didn't dare to be careless, stepping on the ice floe cautiously, looking around nervously, holding the staff tightly.

If there is any movement, they will return as soon as possible.

However, compared with them, Lynch looked as usual. After all, the system was pitted, and the tasks given made people want to kill.

But the things given are all of high quality, which can be described as childish.

However, Hawking didn't know this. After all, this place was too dangerous. If the car was overturned here, it would be the end of a group.

Especially the devil ice fish swimming around, seem to be desperately there, and even more so that the timid mages, their hearts are raised in their throats.

Fortunately, the effect of the potion was indeed extremely obvious, no matter how strange those devil ice fish were, they couldn't detect everyone.

Everyone is on top of their heads, one by one passing through the glacier...

When the last mage successfully passed through the glacier and landed on the shore, Hawking finally breathed a sigh of relief. Even if it was him just now, he raised it in his heart, and now he is finally relieved.

"This kid, hides deep enough!"

Les also looked a little rejoiced, and looked at Lynch with some admiration. They trusted Lynch and were a dead horse in desperation. They were a bet.

But Lynch really did not disappoint!

Fortunately, I brought Lynch with me earlier, which is really lucky...

"If you succeed this time, you will choose the loot first except for the core thing."

Hawking looked at Lynch and also officially made a promise. The role Lynch played during this trip was too great.

It was the news of the Deep Blue Viper again, and it was the glacier that helped everyone get through this troublesome glacier. Even after that, Lynch did nothing. These rewards were all due.

"It should be the case. After I go back, I will tell the teacher again, saying that he won't see you anymore." Les also smiled and said with a smile. After this class of disciples, he must be serious about coming to the teacher. .

Hearing this, the wizards beside him also showed admiration when they looked at Lynch.

One of these two archmages is Rudolf’s right and left hand, and the other is a trusted person who follows Rudolf. They promised to allow a mage to immediately climb into the sky in the dark furnace tower and enter the circle of core mage. .

Not to mention the spoils of this trip, if they can be harvested, they are definitely of great value, and Lynch will pick a few of them at will, and they will have to distance themselves from everyone immediately.

Regardless of whether everyone is better than Lynch in level, but after returning, the gap between everyone must be quickly widened.

One step behind, step by step, and in a few years, everyone and Lynch may not be on the same level.

But no one is jealous. After all, Lynch’s contribution is obvious to all, and he really deserves it.

It's just that some smart wizards have completely put away the faint arrogance that they had before facing low-level wizards, but they are all positive and approach Lynch...

But Lynch still looks like that, not too close to anyone, and hasn't changed anything because of everyone's attitude.

This kind of appearance fell in the eyes of the two great masters, but they looked at each other and nodded secretly in their hearts. This kind of peace of mind is even more precious and can be cultivated in the future.

This trip hasn't even ended yet, and Lynch's position in the dark furnace tower seems to have been established.

But Lynch really didn't care about this. The Darkforge Tower was just a springboard. If they couldn't settle down on the Senjin Plane, these and none would be equal to zero until the end of the world.

At this time, Hawking said: "I was wasting a lot of time just now. The Dawn Tower should be close to the dark blue viper, and now I can't rest anymore. Make preparations and speed up."

As soon as these words came out, everyone thought of their own situation, and one after another broke away from the joy of getting out of trouble, their expressions shrank, and they all responded.

After a little rectification, everyone set out again.


At this time, in a glacier.

Falun frowned when he was on the move, and then he took out the Falcon Eye.

I saw that the falcon's eye seemed to have discovered something, and moved slightly, and then a picture appeared in it.

That's the scene where Hawking and the others left the glacier and set off!

"Did they actually cross that glacier? This, this is not right!"

At this time, when Na Suolin saw the scene in the picture, he was stunned and said in disbelief.

"This fellow Hawking, the preparations are really adequate..."

Falun also frowned deeply, his expression a bit solemn.

He had prepared this glacier a long time ago to stop Hawking and the others. It was originally in his expectation that even if it could not stop them, it should be delayed for a while, and he had to fight the devil ice fish.

In this way, even if Hawking and Les came over, they would definitely be the only two of them, and they would still have injuries on their bodies. When the time comes, let alone fight with them, they even have the opportunity to directly control their life and death.

But now, this preparation has not played any role!

That Hawking looked unscathed, let alone say, and even the wizards he had brought over came together, and everyone looked intact!

It seems that Hawking made a lot of preparations before he set off...

I underestimated him.

As if he had noticed Falun's face, Thorin also cautiously asked, "Archmage Falun, what shall we do now? Do you want to ambush them?"

They have the eyes of the falcon and can control the movements of Hawking and the others in advance. It is precisely by this that they can detect the approach of Hawking and the others in advance, and use the snowy mammoth to make their layout.

Although Hawking and the others are getting away, they still have the initiative and can lay ambush again.

However, Fallon shook his head with a slightly ugly face and said: "No need now. Hawking and the others have made a lot of preparations for this trip. Ambushing them may not be useful, and even both sides will hurt, which will affect the next thing..."

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