The First Mage

Chapter 105: Cross the river

Things like the crucible are not a problem. His pocket space extension technique has become a small storage space.

As an alchemist, one of them naturally has all kinds of simple alchemy tools and magic materials.

Just want a crucible? What is the purpose of preparing the medicine at this time?

When these words fell, everyone else looked at Lynch in surprise.


Lynch smiled and said: "I have seen a potion formula in an ancient book. It seems to have a good confusing effect on low-level beasts like Devil Ice Fish. The main ingredient is their magic core. Now the materials are complete. It's ready to be configured."

Hawking and Rice looked a little weird when they heard it. You saw it in ancient books?

Their knowledge is definitely better than Lynch, so why don't they know of any ancient books that record this kind of medicine?

But at this time, Lynch stopped saying more.

Just after the cauldron was prepared, it was preheated with magic flames, and then the prepared devil ice fish magic core solution was poured into it.

Then, it was stirred slowly, and several auxiliary materials were mixed into it while stirring.

Suddenly, the solution in the crucible was tumbling, and the color gradually turned to crimson, and a strange wave of magic was gradually emitting.

But Lynch's expression became more focused, and at this time he was just concentrating on controlling the flames, making the magical fluctuations gradually stabilized.

Hawking and Les looked at each other, both were a little surprised. With their eyes, it was natural to see that Lynch's operation was so smooth and flowing, as if he had practiced it many times in a laboratory.

Compared to those old alchemists who have been years of age, it is not much better.

But this is even more weird. Lin Qi is full of calculations, and it only takes a year to enroll in school. In alchemy, he has only just started to learn. The basic apprentice-level experiments are enough for him to do. How can he still have time to practice? This medicine?

Could it be that Marfa Merlin still has such talents in alchemy?

Thinking of this, the two of them looked at Lynch with a little surprise.

And at this time, Lynch suddenly used the flame to control the temperature of the flame, and it changed, and the strange magical fluctuations in it suddenly became violent, and even almost reached the edge of the explosion several times.

Even Hawking, who was next to him, almost shot to stop it when he saw it, that is, seeing Lynch's face focused and unmoved, as if everything was under his control, he barely suppressed it.

After a while, the magic wave finally eased and gradually subsided. At this time, Lynch also slowly breathed a sigh of relief: "Alright."

At this time, everyone only saw that there was a strong breath of devil ice fish in the cauldron. When it floated out, it immediately filled the air, slightly covering a few parts of the breath of the people.

When the smell of the potion wafted out, even the devil ice fish in the glacier that was attacked by spells into a violent state seemed to have lost its breath and calmed down slightly...

"It's really useful..."

Even Hawking was quite surprised when he saw this effect. This immediate confusing effect seemed to be able to help everyone through this glacier.

"What kind of potion is this?" Then, he raised his head to look at Lynch, his gaze even more puzzled.

He also knew several kinds of medicines for masking the breath effect. For example, the Iceborne medicine Falun used before was one of them, but the medicines were not easy to configure. Obviously, Hawking had prepared them long ago.

It must be impossible for him to take it out now.

It's just that Lynch has this configuration now, but he has never heard of it.

"That ancient book is called Confusion Potion." Lynch thought for a while and said.

"Confusion..." Hawking was speechless when he heard it. What kind of confusing potion, such a copycat name, I knew it was made up now, and it was really a ghost.

However, in any case, the deceptive effect of these potions now seems to be good, and it is of great practical value when the plane colonizes and pioneers.

"Hehe, in fact, this kind of potion is only for low-level beasts like Devil Icefish, which are witless. Those who are a bit wise can directly see through our body, and this potion is useless."

As Lynch spoke, it was a pity.

This potion formula was exactly what he had exchanged from the mall just now.

This is only worth fifty merits, and you get what you pay for. This potion can only confuse things like the devil ice fish, otherwise, Lynch must have exchanged it long ago.

Apart from other things, this powerful disorientation effect is definitely a popular potion to be snapped up for the wizards who have pioneered the land.

"It turned out to be so."

Hawking heard this and stopped asking more questions, but he felt in his heart that he seemed to underestimate Lynch before...

Now it seems that it is really not possible to treat Lynch as a common mage...

After all, what mage can do these things he did?

I really don’t know what else is hidden in the hands of this seemingly gentle boy...

Although they are also a bit unsure whether this method will go smoothly, but looking at this posture, after all, it makes people a little confident.

When everyone looked at Lynch again, their eyes changed somewhat. Many people didn't know about Lynch's previous experience, and some even felt that bringing a second-level mage into the team was somewhat of a drag.

It's just that Hawking personally arranged this after all, so no one can say anything.

But now I can see that Lynch, who was silent before, has actually played such a big role...

This second-level mage... not easy.

"Try the effect."

But Lynch didn't care about so many, he just distributed the potions he made.

Then he took a portion, swayed it all over his body, and then entered the glacier.

The glacier itself is not in a hurry, and there are many remaining floating ice, which can be leveraged. It was only because of the existence of the devil ice fish that everyone was afraid to enter.

But now, Lynch gently stepped on a piece of ice floe, using the slow fall technique on his body, and suddenly his figure floated up and stepped on another ice floe with force.

Sure enough, the surrounding devil ice fish seemed to have not found him.

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