The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Chapter 151: Little Evil Emperor vs Wu Zun! (Five more for subscription)

"If you want to fight, then fight, this young master will accompany you to the end!"

Yang Zheng let go of the two beauties, stepped out in one step, swept into the air, and confronted Wu Zun Bi Xuan!

Invisibly, the momentum of the heavens against the grandmaster's momentum is indistinguishable for a while, the air seems to be compressed to the extreme, gloomy and terrifying, as if a storm and thunder will come to the world at any time!

Heavenly Man VS Great Master!

The two extremely strong auras collided, so that the weaker person could not breathe!

"Master Min, go back with me!"

At this time, the young man who came with Wu Zun saw Zhao Min in front of the gate of the Pegasus Ranch, and said condescendingly.

"What the **** are you! Want my woman to go back with you?"

Just as Zhao Min was about to speak, a voice grabbed ahead of her, it was Yang Zheng! Yang Zheng stared coldly at the Turkic youth, whoever this guy is, he is really tired of living for a woman who dares to rob Lao Tzu!

"I am the Turkic Khan, Minmin Temur's fiance! I admit that you are very powerful, but I have a marriage contract with Min sister first, and the great magician Pang Ban testifies. If you resist, you will be a great master. The enemy of the magician!"

The young man, that is, Tuli Khan, with the support of the great master at this moment, smiled proudly.

"Marrying you + Ma + Bi! Pang Ban is a piece of shit! Now Lao Tzu saves you and tells you that Zhao Min is Lao Tzu's woman! Damn it! If Lao Tzu doesn't show his power, you really think Lao Tzu is a sick cat! Bi Xuan, Lao Tzu will kill him first. For you, kill this **** Turkic Khan!"

Pang Ban!

It's Pangban again!

Pang Ban is here again to press this son!

Grass + mud + horse, I really thought I was afraid of Pang Ban!


Yang Zheng was furious, his eyes instantly turned into blood pupils, and the drop of Nie family's ancestor blood in his body instantly released the power of madness from the depths of his bloodline, making him directly into the devil!




Yang Zheng let out an angry roar, holding both the Snow Drink Crazy Sabres and killing Wu Zun Bi Xuan! At this moment, he can't bear it anymore!

He is going to kill!

Snow drink mad knife wants to drink blood!

"Crazy Demon Kill!"

The shot was the ultimate move, the **** demonic energy was overwhelming, Yang Zheng's whole person turned into a blood beast at this moment, roared and opened his blood to touch the big mouth, and slammed into Bi Xuan with the momentum of swallowing the sky!

"Damn! Yanyang Great + Fa!"

Wu Zun Bi Xuan's face sank, he didn't expect Yang Zheng to be more powerful than the rumors! He used his unique skills in housekeeping to collide with Yang Zheng's crazy magic swordsmanship! This collision, the blood in his body actually churns, as if he was injured! In an instant, he moved Tuli Khan away, roared, his body was on fire, as if it had become a battle between the red sun and Yang Zheng!


"Bi Xuan, do you think I'm afraid of you! I'm afraid of your egg + son! Fuck your sister!"

Yang Zheng, with a roar, killed another madman!

In a state of madness, the combat power is fully activated, one knife after another, each knife is a knife of madness, **** and violent, like a demon in the world, killing a Buddha when encountering a Buddha, and beheading an immortal when encountering an immortal!

"Yanyang Qigong!"

Wu Zun Bi Xuan also roared, and after three moves with Yang Zheng, he did not dare to underestimate Yang Zheng. Yang Zheng's **** saber aura was even more powerful and powerful than his Yanyang Qigong, which was extremely shocking!

He had met Yang Zheng once. That time on Dongting Lake, Yang Zheng entered a state of unity between heaven and man. Although he was surprised at that time, he only regarded Yang Zheng as a talented young man who wanted to catch up with him and Langfan. The pace of the cloud requires at least ten years of work!

But now, only a few short months have passed, this Yang Zheng actually has the strength to fight him! Moreover, the majesty of the true essence is not weaker than the great master himself!

"Yanyang shines in the world!"

Bi Xuan let out a loud roar and swung his hands up, as if there were two rounds of red sun condensed in his hands, extremely powerful, this is one of the ultimate moves of Yanyang Qigong, because the power is too great, even he himself cannot fully control it! At this moment, he wants to use this trick to burn Yang Zheng!

Because, the existence of this kid not only threatens the great master himself, but also breaks the balance between the Central Plains Martial Arts and the Northern Martial Arts!

If such a boy against the sky is alive, if he breaks through again, and give this boy a few more years, this boy may be able to catch up with Pang Ban, the real devil in the North!


Never give this kid a chance!

To kill this kid, this little evil emperor Yang Zheng in the cradle!


Bi Xuan roared!

"You are the only one who will die for Lao Tzu!"

Yang Zheng also let out a roar, holding both snow drinks, and instantly changed a sword stance, and the madness turned into a streamer! That sword qi, crystal clear, vertical and horizontal 100 meters, facing Wu Zun Bi Xuan, is beheaded!

this moment!

Yang Zheng VS Bi Xuan!

Little Evil Emperor VS Wu Zun!

Streamer Sword VS Yanyang Yaoshi!


The knife light, the incomparably splendid knife light, collided with the two red sun-like fire-colored true essences that Bi Xuan shot! The air between the two was instantly swallowed and burned, forming a huge vacuum!

The next moment, the vacuum zone exploded, and the incomparably violent energy exploded, and all visible standing objects within a radius of 100 meters were blasted away!

Tuli Khan was just within 100 meters below, and was affected by the swaying True Essence. He screamed in horror, and flew back and forth again and again, but was hit by the True Essence Shockwave. Blast hundreds of meters!


With a loud crash, Tuli Khan turned his feet up and his head down, smashing into the dirt!

Tangtangdong + Turkic Khan, at this moment, is as embarrassed as a lost dog!

"Be careful!"

In front of Pegasus Ranch, Lu Miaozi exclaimed.

"Take a step back."

Hua Jieyu also nodded, and shot out his true qi, resisting the surging infuriating shock. At this moment, there is only Yang Zheng in her eyes. In the whole sky and earth, there is only Yang Zheng left. At this moment, Yang Zheng has such a majestic figure, so majestic, looking down at the world, and unparalleled domineering.

"Everyone step back 100 meters!"

Shang Xiuxun is also a body protector, pulling Zhao Min, who has been stunned, and swept back.

The confrontation between the great masters is really too powerful. When raising their hands, they communicate the power of heaven and earth, and open mountains and crack the earth. Just that tyrannical pressure, ordinary warriors can't bear it!

"You... how is that possible!"

At this time, Wu Zun Bi Xuan exclaimed, his face full of disbelief!

Because, his ultimate move, his Yanyang True Essence was swallowed up by Yang Zheng's sword light at this moment, and it was still swallowed up to nothing! It looks like Yang Zheng has completely defeated him!

This made him simply unacceptable!

Wu Zun Bi Xuan, a dignified Turkic master, a world-famous master, was unexpectedly killed by a rising star, a young man under twenty years old!

how can that be?


However, this is the truth!

At this moment, Yang Zheng only had the word "kill" in his eyes, and he would not explain to Bi Xuan at all.


A hundred years in the blink of an eye!

This is the knife technique that devours time!


Wu Zun Bi Xuan saw the horror of Yang Zheng's swordsmanship, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he couldn't believe it. Sweat was pulled out of the soil, and after taking a deep look at Yang Zheng, he turned into a cloud of fire and flew away!

Wu Zun Bi Xuan actually chose to retreat! ..

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