The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Chapter 150: Wu Zun Bi Xuan! (four more ask for subscription)

150 Wu Zun Bi Xuan!

That person, dressed in a gorgeous! A beautiful robe, suspended in the air, exuding an evil spirit from top to bottom!

He is red and charming in the shemale!

The first master of the magician Pang Ban!

"Haha, Yang Zheng, you have finally come out! Not bad, Jieyu's martial arts cultivation is already at the extreme level of a master, and the demons are already showing signs of success. It is indeed correct to let Jieyu follow you."

Li Chimei's eyes swept across Yang Zheng and fell on Hua Jieyu, nodding in satisfaction.

"Brother, why are you here today?"

Hua Jieyu asked softly.

"Jieyu, don't blame eldest brother, eldest brother is also here at the order of the magician. Your husband, who is bold, forcibly detained the master of Min County, the master of Min County is the key person used by the magician to marry the Turkic Khan. So , let me come and take the Princess Min back. However, after I took a look, Yang Zheng's martial arts are unfathomable, and I am no longer Yang Zheng's opponent."

The **** is red and charming! He smiled, and his eyes fell on Yang Zheng.

"Li Chimei, you are the eldest brother of Jieyu, and I respectfully call you eldest uncle. Since there is no future with Pang Ban, why not follow me?"

Yang Zheng laughed.

She is red and charming, a congenital expert, and she is extremely light and skillful, not much less than a great master. This guy is Hua Jieyu's eldest brother. If he kills him directly, it will definitely make beauty hurt. The last thing Yang Zheng didn't want to see was the distressed look in the beauty's eyes.

So, just pull Li Chimei to the side of your own camp!

"Jie Jie! Yang Zheng, I admit that you are extremely talented and have the ability to shatter the void. However, now the magician has transformed into a real demon in the world, and if you want me to surrender, you should surpass the magician first! Okay! Now, Yang Zheng, for the sake of your uncle calling the deity, I'll let you know that Tuli Khan has invited Bi Xuan to come out and pick up Min County Master in person. You can do it yourself! Deity, go too. !"

After Li Chimei finished speaking, she let out a sharp laugh, floating away like a ghost.

For a while, in front of the gate of Pegasus Ranch, everyone was speechless. Except for Yang Zheng, they were all shocked by Li Chimei's Qinggong.

In fact, even though Yang Zheng had seen Li Chimei's super-light skills before, he was still quite shocked, because even if he had a cultivation level comparable to that of heaven and man, he still wasn't sure that he could catch up with Li Chimei.

Unless Li Chimei is forced into a narrow space, there will be absolute certainty that this person will be captured!

"Wu Zun Bi Xuan, the great master of the Turks, one of the three great masters in the world, actually wants to come in person, alas."

At this moment, Lu Miaozi sighed.

Wu Zun Bi Xuan!

One of the three great masters in the world!

You actually want to come to Pegasus Ranch to have someone in person!

"Yang Zheng evil thief, Tuli Khan and Wu Zun are coming to arrest me, I don't like Tuli, what should you do?"

At this moment, Zhao Min stared at Yang Zheng.

Shang Xiuxun and others were also staring at Yang Zheng. Shang Xiuxun knew what Yang Zheng was thinking, and the rest of the Pegasus Ranch people, such as the housekeeper and the guards, were quite contradictory at the moment.

They have seen Yang Zheng's tyranny, but the one who is about to commit the crime is Wu Zun after all, a great master, one of the great masters in the world that can be counted on one hand!

Yang Zheng, is he the opponent of the great master, can he defeat the great master?

"It's just Bi Xuan! Zhao Meiren, don't worry, no one can take you away with this young master here! Don't say Bi Xuan, even if Pang Ban is here! Hehe, Bi Xuan, he is far from my big brother. At least half a day's height!"

Yang Zheng smiled proudly.

Wu Zun Bi Xuan, he has not seen it before. At the beginning of Dongting Lake, Bi Xuan and Lang Fanyun fought. It seemed that there was no winner. In fact, Lang Fanyun won. Not to mention that later, Lang Fanyun comprehended the sword of sentient beings in the sky and shattered the void perfectly. Although Bi Xuan was a great master, he was just the same as Ning Daoqi. Among the great masters, he could not be considered tyrannical!

My son, I'm all ready to find trouble with the supreme master Shi Zhixuan. A Martial Master Bi Xuan is an egg!

What kind of Turkic Khan, if you dare to come, this young master will abolish your Turkic Khan!


Zhao Min snorted coldly, but still smiled, with a trace of tears in his eyes. He secretly thought in his heart that although Yang Zheng was a bit bad, he still knew the woman who protected him. Originally, if Yang Zheng said he would not protect her and hand her over to Tuli Khan, she had already prepared for the worst.

At this moment, hearing Yang Zheng's arrogance and not taking Wu Zun Bi Xuan in his eyes, saying that no one could take her away, if there were no outsiders present, she would have wanted to throw herself into Yang Zheng's arms and cry! Yang Zheng bastard, why are you being so nice to this county master! Asshole, bastard!

"Young Master Zheng is so bold!"

Lu Miaozi sighed in admiration. Although he has not been in contact with Yang Zheng for a long time, he knows that Yang Zheng is a person who values ​​friendship. A young man like Yang Zheng naturally didn't want to see his woman taken away by others.

However, Lu Miaozi didn't know that those who robbed women from Yang Zheng, whether they were low-hand or high-hand, would either be killed by Yang Zheng or become waste!

For Yang Zheng, gold, silver and treasures can be discarded in the world, but only women, he will not abandon them, even if they encounter a disaster, he will not abandon women and go to live!

"Brother Yang is a person who values ​​friendship."

Shang Xiuxun is wonderful! Looking at Yang Zheng, she knew that if she encountered danger, her elder brother Yang would protect her like this.

"Young master's arrogance makes Jie Yu's heart itch!"

Hua Jieyujiao! With a smile, she was intoxicated with Yang Zheng's domineering.

"The woman Yang Zheng likes, even if I want to **** it from me, I will kill him!"

Yang Zheng let out a long laugh, and immediately took Shang Xiuxun and Zhao Min Ermei into his arms, taking a sip on the left and a sip on the right.

"Really, don't you put this deity in your eyes?"

Yang Zheng's voice has not completely fallen, and in the void, a figure appeared out of thin air!


Not a figure!

But two figures!

An extremely strong middle-aged man came with another young man in the air!

In a fiery red outfit, a black cloak, and dancing without wind, the whole person is like a flame, burning brightly. That middle-aged man is Wu Zun Bi Xuan!

Wu Zun Bi Xuan, the great master of the Turks, is here at this moment!


Everyone felt an extremely tyrannical momentum. In the Pegasus Ranch, the weaker guards felt like they were out of breath, covering their hearts one by one, staring at Wu Zun Bi Xuan!

Bi Xuan, titled Wu Zun, a great master of the generation, is undoubtedly tyrannical and domineering! At this moment, Wu Zun's imposing force is coming, and he wants to force the people of Pegasus Ranch, including Yang Zheng, to surrender!

However, Yang Zheng is different from others!

His name is Yang Zheng, he is a little evil emperor, and he has fought against great masters many times!


Yang Zheng sneered, the power of the heavens erupted, the demons in the body erupted, the majestic demonic energy rose to the sky, and with one look, the pressure of Bi Xuan's Wu Zun was scattered away! ..

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