"It's so late......

" "Aren't you

sleepy?" Hearing Chu Xueying's words, Jiang Yu's heart lit up

, and he felt like a play?" "Not sleepy, not sleepy, quite energetic!" In

fact, he was already so tired that he didn't talk after a day of shopping, and was dragged by her uncle and uncle to drink wildly during dinner, and then played a few games of chess with her grandfather, and then counted a few games of poker just now.

Good guy, this day is really busy, Jiang Yu has no doubt that he can fall asleep as soon as he closes his eyes.

But it's ......

As soon as I thought of what Chu Xueying had promised in the car in the afternoon, I was very reluctant!

Although I had experienced enough benefits today.

But men ......

That's it, the ...... that is simply impossible to be content


" Chu Xueying couldn't hold back any longer, feeling Jiang Yu's inexplicable cuteness, chuckled, and said with some distress:


good~" "I know you're very tired, can you go to bed tonight?"

"Don't worry~I'll make it up for you tomorrow~"

Hearing this, Jiang Yu relieved his heart, but before going to bed, he couldn't help but confirm it again and again.


"Really. "


lie to me?" "Don't lie, did I lie to you tonight?"

Jiang Yu nodded when it came to the reward after winning, and it seemed that she could still feel the temperature of her feet.


! Then tomorrow, take care of your spirits and take a good picture of her!

Jiang Yu lay on the bed satisfied, he was really sleepy, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he felt a rush around him, and it seemed that Chu Xueying had turned over.

After a while.

Chu Xueying, who was lying on Jiang Yu's side, looked at Jiang Yu's side face affectionately by the faint moonlight outside the window.

"Stinky Xiaoyu ......

" "You look so good...... Chu

Xueying never thought that she would be so obsessed with a man's looks one day, but when she thought of what this man did tonight, she suddenly whispered and became disgusted.

"Little Sai Fan ......"

Looking at Jiang Yu's side face that was breathing evenly, Chu Xueying couldn't help but quietly stretched out her hand, and her jade fingers gently rubbed against his thick eyelashes.

Then, he went down between Jiang Yu's eyebrows, all the way to his upturned nose, nose, and tip of his nose, and had a lot of fun.

Finally, he rubbed it from the tip of his nose down to Jiang Yu's lips, and after a while of squirming, he withdrew his hand.


Chu Xueying laughed, couldn't help but lean closer, and the whole person approached Jiang Yu's side.

After thinking about it, he shook his shoulders slightly, and called softly:

"Are you sleeping

?" "Xiao Yu?"


I didn't see Jiang Yu move, nor did I see him react.

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Xueying stretched out her hands and directly hugged Jiang Yu's right arm, and a beautiful leg stretched out from her pajamas and bent it on Jiang Yu's body.

Then he rested on his shoulder with satisfaction.

Suddenly looked up, and by the moonlight, he noticed Jiang Yu's lips.

inexplicably recalled her actions when she fed Jiang Yu milk tea in the car this afternoon.

Come on now.


it's a little aftertaste......


After confirming that Jiang Yu was really asleep.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Xueying quietly leaned over, and a soft and moist hot touch came from her lips, and she retracted it like lightning.

looked nervously and saw that Jiang Yu was still with his eyes closed, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Obediently pillowed on Jiang Yu's shoulder, closed his eyes comfortably, and was about to fall asleep.

"Huh, my wife is not good! Someone kissed me secretly!" Suddenly

, Jiang Yu's anxious voice sounded, of course, it was more of a joke.

When Chu Xueying, who was shocked and ashamed, opened her eyes, she saw that Jiang Yu had woken up at some point, and her bright eyes looked at her with a smile on her face, with an expression of "You can call me caught".

Only then did she come back to her senses, daring Jiang Yu to pretend to be asleep


! Although she couldn't see it really, Jiang Yu already felt that

Chu Xueying's face was red, and she only heard her say angrily: "Ah! Stinky Xiaoyu!"

"You pretend to be ......"

Halfway through the words, Chu Xueying seemed to be angry and didn't say anything, withdrew her legs, spread Jiang Yu's arms, pulled the quilt and turned around, and wrapped herself tightly in resentment.

"I stink, you still kiss me

?" "Who kissed you

?" "Isn't it?"

"Mosquito bite!"

Chu Xueying is very funny and cute, she is really like a little girl, how can she still have the temperament of a domineering president?

Jiang Yu smiled secretly, and did not argue, learning from her just now, lying on her side towards her.

Stretch out a leg and put it on it.


......h I didn't ......"

"Okay! Let's sleep~Good night~"

I couldn't help but say, Jiang Yu put her on her arms, wrapped her left hand around her waist, and closed her eyes contentedly.

Although Chu Xueying in her arms kept protesting, her body was stunned and motionless.

After a moment, he still shrunk back and rubbed back.

"Good night ~ stinky Xiaoyu ......"

after the soft and sweet voice.

The whole room was quiet for a while, and the two of them fell asleep leisurely.

Early the next morning.

After Jiang Yu woke up with his eyes, he only felt that the world was spinning in his head, and the whole person was confused.

"Are you awake?"

said the familiar and charming royal sister.

Jiang Yu saw that Chu Xueying had already gotten up and washed up, and was sitting in front of the dresser to put on makeup, looking at herself through the dressing mirror with a pair of smiling eyes.


~" "What time is it~"

Jiang Yu yawned and asked casually.

"It's almost eleven

o'clock!" Jiang

Yu picked up his phone and looked at it, a little confused, but thinking about what happened last night, it was more than one o'clock in the morning just after playing cards, and after a while of fighting with Chu Xueying, why couldn't it be two o'clock.

Rubbing his skull, he got up and got out of bed.

"Let's go wash up~ Eat some breakfast mat mat mat in a while.

"Oh yes~ The sobering medicine is right next to it, you drink it first."

Chu Xueying looked at Jiang Yu through the mirror while putting on makeup, and it was not until he drank the medicine that he diverted his gaze.


The care and thoughtfulness of the gentle little wife.


Yu sighed with emotion, first drank sobering medicine, and then went to the bathroom to wash.

When he came back, he saw that Chu Xueying was still putting on makeup, so while eating breakfast, he asked,

"What are you going to do today? work, or eat, drink and have fun?"

Jiang Yu has already seen that a business trip or something is simply an excuse, Chu Xueying is obviously taking this opportunity to come to the imperial capital with herself to hang out and travel, and take a look at her family by the way.

But I didn't expect it.

Chu Xueying smiled and said,

"Today is as you wish!

Jiang Yu thought that there was nothing to do, and he could take a good shot tonight, but after hearing this, he was stunned, and suddenly felt that the buns in his hand were not fragrant......


" "Don't worry~" "

I won't forget what I promised you!" Seeing

his depressed expression, Chu Xueying felt a burst of amusement.


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