"Yo~It's quite mysterious

~" "Well, while my husband is here, let's have a few more rounds~

" "Hmph! I'm going to show my real skills!" Chu

Xueying and her sister quipped.

Jiang Yu secretly sighed, taking advantage of her aunt's time when she was shuffling the cards, she first pretended to hold the quilt with both hands.

Then, quietly slipped into the bed.


moment she saw Jiang Yu's action, Chu Xueying's eyes narrowed, and for some reason, she became nervous inexplicably.


Almost in the next second, she felt her stockings being teased.



hIt's too itchy!

Chu Xueying glared at Jiang Yu protestingly, but it had no effect, but it made him more ......and more energetic

Suddenly made her angry and ashamed, but she couldn't have a seizure, and the more Chu Xueying's emotions were suppressed, the more uncomfortable she was.

Somehow, my mind that had been put on the game was replaced by some strange ideas that came to ......my mind

Just when Chu Xueying's heart was in turmoil, it was okay to deal the cards.

Jiang Yu could only reluctantly take her hand out of the bed, and she was able to escape the clutches.

After another four rounds.

Jiang Yu is really like playing chicken blood, the more he plays, the more energetic he becomes, the more powerful he becomes, and he won four times in a row again, which really shocked the three of them, even Chu Xueying himself, looking at Jiang Yu's charming eyes full of surprise and curiosity.

This stinky Xiao Yu, how can you play so well now

? Is it because of my reward

? Big sai fan

!"This ......

" "Xiao Yu, you're too good, aren't you?"

"Drink so much wine at dinner, this will get

stronger and stronger!" "You two have won! Admit defeat and admit defeat!".

In the end, her sister had to admire and surrender voluntarily, looking loveless.

"Yes! Xiao Yu is really getting better and better the more he plays. "

Oh, it's so late!" said

her aunt, looking back at her watch, and seeing that it was past one o'clock in the morning.

"It's late

~" "Then let's get here today

~" "Auntie, go and rest~"

Seeing that both of them were already sleepy, Chu Xueying hurriedly said, the most important thing is that she can finally get out of bed.

I have been stuffed in the quilt all the time, and my feet have long been numb.

"Well, I have to go to work tomorrow......

" "Hmph, I'll win it all back when I have enough time for the weekend!" her

sister yawned and said indignantly.

"Okay, wait for Sister Eucalyptus!" Chu

Xueying replied with a smile, got up and removed the pillow, lifted the quilt, and finally got out of bed, planning to send off their mother and daughter.

Although Jiang Yu was a little reluctant, it was indeed too late.

But think about it, my brother is really addicted to it today, and he no longer has to envy his eyes like before.

was about to get out of bed and go with Chu Xueying to see them off.

Halfway through getting up, he sat back in silence.

Appearing in front of her family like this, she is too dead!

"Husband, can you clean up the cards?"

"I'll send my aunt and ......"

Chu Xueying keenly noticed Jiang Yu's embarrassment, and glanced at him with disgust.

He took a coat and put it on, covered his stockings, and escorted the two to the door.

"Oh, what else do you have to send at home!" "

Okay, Xiao Xue'er, go and accompany your husband!Rest early~Good night

~" "Okay~Auntie, good night Sister Eucalyptus~"

Sending the two out of the door and into the small elevator, Chu Xueying walked back.

The door closed with a bang.

With his hands clasped horizontally in front of his chest, his eyes narrowed slightly, he approached Jiang Yu step by step.

In this way, it is quite a bit of a reckoning after the autumn.

As soon as Jiang Yu sorted out the cards, he saw a cold and charming face pasted in front of him, and asked silently.

"What are you doing?"

Chu Xueying was silent, but the flush on her pretty face did not dissipate for a long time.

Thinking about what had just happened made her feel a wave of shyness.

"Let's be reasonable......

"Did you stretch your feet first

?" "Did you say that you would reward me if you won a game

?" "Did it make you happy to win?"

Jiang Yu had already prepared her words when she closed the door and walked over.

At this time, the words are conclusive, and they look righteous and awe-inspiring.

Anyone seems to be convinced ......

Only Chu Xueying was ashamed and angry.


!" "Then you are shameless

!" "Stinky

Xiaoyu ......" "Bad Xiaoyu!" "Shameless Xiaoyu ......

" "You just did it on purpose! Deliberately deceive me......


Chu Xueying's extremely charming royal sister's face was full of anger at the moment, staring at Jiang Yu with charming eyes, and said coquettishly.

"I ......" "Good intentions are not rewarded!", "

Then who is so happy when they won

just now?" "Alas, if you want to say that, you can do it, anyway, I was quite happy just now......"



Before Jiang Yu could finish his heartfelt admiration, Chu Xueying stepped forward to cover his mouth, her eyes were full of shyness and resentment, and with her current half-covered plush coat, half of the truth shook for a while, it was very sexy and charming.

"Good...... Don't say ......"

Jiang Yu agreed, Chu Xueying let go of her hand, and suddenly, she found that Jiang Yu had sorted out the cards, and she was still sitting on the bed without saying anything, and even the pillow cushion was still covered on the quilt.

"Come down and change your clothes and take a shower!"

she said, and she reached out angrily to lift the quilt.

Jiang Yu didn't pay attention, and was violently lifted by Chu Xueying with the pillow and quilt.

In an instant, what she saw in front of her made Chu Xueying's whole person stunned.

The royal sister was ashamed

! The beauty was sluggish

! The queen was stunned!

No wonder Jiang Yu was still stunned and refused to get down ......

Jiang Yu hurriedly re-covered the quilt and looked at her innocently.


It's not the first time you've seen this ......

Looking at her panicked and fleeing figure, Jiang Yu sighed, it seems that the private photo link mentioned tonight may be out of play, but think about the experience when playing cards just now.


Yu shook his head and smiled, desperately trying to slowly fade the picture and feelings just now from his mind, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get

out of bed and wash up at all! After Chu Xueying came out of the shower, Jiang Yu got out of bed and ran to take a bath with his pajamas.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Yu washed out, and saw that Chu Xueying had already gone to bed, covered with the quilt, and was lying on her side.

As soon as he went up and lay down.

Just listen to the sound of "pop".

Chu Xueying turned off the light in the room, and it was suddenly dark.

"Hey, you're sleeping

?" "Uh-huh......

" "What did you say you did in the afternoon

?" "What?"


, Chu Xueying, who was in the nest, snickered.

Stinky Xiaoyu, I remember this ...... clearly


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