In the live broadcast room, after a shock, many people couldn't help but have questions.

Such an advanced mechanical dog is sure to be a commercial product and can be used

for civilian use?" "Minister Jiang, are you sure where this

is sold?" "Impossible! This should be exclusively for the military region......

"Yes! Such an outrageous product cannot be for civilian use

!" "Not necessarily! If it is not sold, Lingyue will not develop the development plan!" Everyone

talked about it.

I was shocked by the technology of the Xiaoyue generation, and I was a little disappointed that if such a bullish product was only for the military and could not be used for civilian use, it would only be enjoyable ......

However, what the audience didn't expect was.

Jiang Yu shook his head directly.

"Misunderstanding, everyone

!" "We dare to make it and develop it, of course we will sell it!"

"Don't worry, I'll give you a link in a while."

"And the first batch of goods is sufficient, you're welcome

!" "But I have to explain it in advance

......" "The incendiary bomb built into the shoulder of the Xiaoyue generation that everyone saw just now is not there!" "

Of course, if you want to pretend, you can contact the personnel of the military region, if you have the strength......


!It's really civilian!

." After getting Jiang Yu's assurance, the live broadcast room was boiling again.

"Don't talk about it! As long as you are on the link, I will rush

!" "Damn! It's amazing! This is called a scientific and technological product!"

"Haha! God specially contacted the personnel of the military region...... Everyone

was excited.

Thinking of having such an explosive robot dog, I don't know what to say.

Recalling the various pictures I saw just now, it is really an effect that can only be seen in science fiction blockbusters!

And Lingyue actually produced it and introduced it to the commercial market, doesn't this mean that everyone can have such a military-grade robot dog in the future?"

The last rescue drill in the ruins area is about to begin.

"Please wait and see.

Jiang Yu reminded.

Sure enough, in the live broadcast screen, the venue was shifted again, and it came to an area of ruins that looked like after the earthquake, with broken walls and debris everywhere, and earth and rocks piled up.

It is different from the previous two times when the two armies faced each other to show the role of the Xiaoyue generation in actual combat cooperation.

This last simulation mainly shows everyone the excellent ability of the Howling Moon generation in terms of rescue.

In this huge building area, under the collapsed ruins, nine dummies are placed in each dummy, each equipped with a heart rate simulator and a timer.

It is used to simulate the injury of a wounded person trapped in the rubble.

And the three Howling Moon Generation not only have to find the nine dummies within the allotted time, but also rescue them when their heart rate and timer go to zero.

That's how the mission is accomplished.

Otherwise, as long as the specified time is exceeded, or the heart rate detection on the dummy disappears, or the timer returns to zero, the mission will be considered a failure.

Compared with the first two demonstrations, this last rescue mission is more like a race against time to save people from the hands of death

!"This is a complete simulation of a post-earthquake rescue operation

!"The pattern is bigger

!"Although the conditions are strict, it is better than the truth!"

Indeed! Lingyue is a responsible enterprise!"

Everyone was full of emotion.

Compared with the battle, such a post-earthquake rescue mission can tug at the heartstrings of many people more.

Soon, the show begins!

Without knowing where the dummy is hidden, he can only rely on three soldiers and three Xiaoyue generation to carry out a carpet search bit by bit.

However, such a site is extremely difficult for human beings to move, and if one is not careful, he will be injured, or accidentally touch the collapsed object, leading to the occurrence of a secondary collapse danger.

But for the Howling Moon generation, a robot dog made entirely of machinery, it is simply the most suitable place for them!

Under the control of the soldiers.

The Howling Moon generation quickly ran into the ruins area, its mechanical limbs jumping easily on the rocks, looking more agile and changeable than a real dog, and without worrying about injury.

With the support of slender but extremely strong mechanical limbs, as well as built-in 3D stereoscopic search and thermal imaging sensors, the three Howling Moon Generation quickly searched the first area.

The soldiers in the rear kept an eye on the video transmission, and after confirming that there were no signs of the wounded, they continued to search in the next area.

Soon, two minutes later, a dummy casualty was searched by thermal imaging induction.

Once the target was determined, the rescue operation began.

The next scene made all the viewers in the live broadcast room stunned.

I saw a pile of rocks in front of a collapsed wall, and there was no sign of a dummy in sight, and there was no entrance to rescue it.

At this time, the soldier controlled a Xiaoyue generation to suddenly bow his head, and then moved his forelimbs, directly picked up a large boulder and threw it aside!

A small empty space immediately appeared in the pile of rocks, and without waiting for everyone to react, the Xiaoyue generation continued to step forward and quickly moved away five boulders.

A gap was revealed just enough for his body to pass through, and he dodged in.

Through the real-time transmission of the footage, the audience clearly saw the dummy wounded person placed inside and successfully rescued him.

On the other side, the two Howling Moon Generation also discovered a dummy at the same time.

However, the situation here is more complicated, after removing the rocks, I saw that above the dummy's head, there was a beam about to break to support, on the beam, there were a large number of boulders and half of the collapsed wall.

On the other side of the beam is a gap, as long as there is a slight movement, the beam will inevitably collapse directly, crushing the wounded, and the scene is really dangerous.

Although they knew that it was just a dummy, the audience couldn't help but sweat.

At this moment, I saw a Xiaoyue generation jumping behind the dummy, and then the limbs suddenly stretched out, and the back was topped, just against the beam that was about to collapse.

At this time, the other quickly carried out the dummy and left the scene.

The other one followed.

Sure enough, there was a "boom", and the beam completely collapsed.

However, the two Howling Moon Generation and the dummy were unscathed and continued to search deep into the area for the wounded.

The amazing weight-bearing capacity displayed by the robot dog once again exceeded everyone's imagination!

Ten minutes later, nine dummy casualties were perfectly identified.

It was half the time required to be completed, and the heart rate detector in front of each dummy was shown to be alive.

In the end, without even being controlled by the soldiers in the rear, the three robot dogs automatically returned to the safe area.

So far, the three simulation drills arranged by Jiang Yu have all ended successfully with the anti-sky performance of the Xiaoyue generation.

"Don't say anything! Minister Jiang will put the link

!" "I can see it!" This thing can save my life

!" "The future has come!"


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