It can be said that everyone was stunned when they saw the robot dog for the first time, and how shocked they were now!

I thought that Lingyue had made a children's toy to come out ......

Who would have thought that this was clearly a military product!

The mountain raid and rescue drill just now really had a great visual impact on the audience.

This is different from previous product launches.


it was the battlefield simulation area, the soldiers of the two sides participating in the exercise, and even the mobilization of three anti-armed tanks, it all showed the hardcore and professionalism of this live broadcast!

However, after the live broadcast began.

Only then did everyone realize that compared to the performance of the Xiaoyue generation of robot dogs, these military equipment suddenly became less important.

From beginning to end, the six soldiers of the blue team basically did not make any major moves, and they have been sitting firmly in the base camp.

Only through the central control screen on the arm, controlling the six robot dogs, they completed the tasks of raiding, counter-killing, dodging, besieging the anti-armed tank, and rescuing the hostages, and won the victory perfectly, without any casualties.

On the other hand, on the side of the red team, although there were many people, they took the initiative to attack, and even coordinated with Butan, but they were still defeated by the Xiaoyue generation.

Especially when it comes to the raid speed and sharp route evasion displayed by the Howling Moon generation, there is simply no solution.

What's even more terrifying is that in addition to its own highly intelligent action, through its real-time images and positioning, it can provide a perfect command space for the controller.

It's like a mechanical soldier in action.

Moreover, this soldier is not afraid of casualties, he has mechanical limbs of amazing strength, and his attack power and speed far exceed that of ordinary soldiers.

Under the combination of the two, the audience gradually understood the product positioning of the Xiaoyue generation.

This is completely a ground drone, plus individual cooperative equipment of intelligent machinery and equipment!

What is it if it is not a military product? Which commercial company can make this thing?

The audience in the live broadcast room is still full of emotion.

At this time, on the battlefield simulation area, the camera turned and changed again.

"The ...... you see next

will be the role that the Howling Moon generation will play in the narrow and cramped street battles.

Jiang Yu explained in a timely manner.

Everyone saw that in the picture was a large narrow alley composed of dilapidated or relatively intact streets and houses.

Street fighting, also known as "urban warfare", is the most brutal and dangerous type of battle with a very high casualty rate.

Due to its narrow and compact special environment, it is simply impossible to arrange large-scale offensive and defensive equipment or weapons, such as tank missiles and the like.

It can only rely on the soldiers of both sides to fight hand-to-hand and engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Therefore, once the two armies meet, it is basically a tragic combat mode that never stops.

At this time, in the street battle simulation area, as just now, the two teams have been divided.

It's still the red and blue sides, the red side has a large number of people, and the five blue sides each have a Xiaoyue generation.

This time, the rules are simple, the victory is to capture and destroy the enemy's base camp.

Soon, the exercise began! The

red side still took the initiative, but this time it was much more cautious, working in groups of three, observing the surroundings while moving slowly.

And the blue side ...... It's kind of outrageous......

The five people sat firmly in the base camp and controlled the five Howling Moon Generation to move forward and detect, and what made the audience feel outrageous was that these five Howling Moon Generation were also equipped with 3D stereoscopic search and thermal induction imaging devices......

I saw the head of the robot dog scouting around, and at the same time transmitting the picture to the rear in real time without delay.

Compared to the red soldiers, who are only equipped with radar devices, the blue side is almost like a hanging!


After all, from the perspective of a third party, this is really outrageous

! One side is completely searching little by little with manpower, and the spirit is fully tense, for fear that the two soldiers will intersect, then it will be a situation of life and death!

However, on the other side, no one has gone out, not to mention relying on five terrifying robot dogs to come forward to explore the way, and it is also equipped with such advanced instruments, and it also has a certain ability to attack and kill.


enough, when a robot dog detected a group of red soldiers in the alley ahead, it went around directly from the other side and climbed a collapsed high wall.

The three small incendiary projectiles equipped on their shoulders shot out and immediately hit the red team, and there was no suspense, and the three of them immediately simulated the ...... of death

At this time, it was only six minutes before the drill began.

Next, two more teams collided head-on with two robot dogs, and immediately started fighting.

Allowing the firepower of the red team to attack, under the high-speed rush and intelligent dodge, the Xiaoyue generation completely dodged, and then a rush killed to solve a squad.

Finally, something happened that stunned everyone.

Since the attack on this side has attracted the attention of the surrounding red teams, many soldiers are coming.

However, in this case, the two Xiaoyue generations turned over one by one, changed their form in an instant, and transformed into a four-bladed paddle drone shape.

The two afterimages swept by, and under the control and intelligent navigation of the rear personnel, they flew away from the battlefield at a low altitude and went straight to the base camp of the red side.

This scene really made everyone look stupid.

No one would have thought that this special robot dog could still fly!

"Oh yes, a little bit more. "

The Howling Moon generation has a certain low-altitude flight ability, and the climbing altitude is about 1,000 meters.

"The speed is comparable to that of the Heavenly Imperial Generation.

Jiang Yu suddenly explained.

Hearing his words, the audience, who were already incredible, couldn't hold back at all.

"What the hell...... It also has a flight function

!" "It's comparable to the speed of the Tianyu Generation?"

"Sure enough, there is UAV technology!" "

Convinced! Lingyue's product is specially produced for the military region!" At

this moment, many people are convinced that this Xiaoyue generation is definitely exclusively for the military

! Look at what functions are built-in!

Automatic navigation, real-time surveillance, low-altitude and high-speed flight, three-dimensional search and scanning, and thermal imaging induction......

Dare to say that you Lingyue is not a military industrial enterprise?!

Just when the audience was shocked with emotion, the battle situation in the simulation area was nearing the end.

The five Xiaoyue generation had already broken through the red defense line and directly captured and destroyed its base camp, although there was a certain degree of damage, but it was not affected at all, and the five people from the blue side came out of the base unharmed ......

This is not surprising.

After all, compared to the two, it is like the era of cold weapons, fighting against future weapons



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