His idea is also simple.

In the past, if the door is locked, there is no way, and I obediently come back to sleep.

But if you don't have a lock, ......

But that's where it gets interesting.

Without further ado, Jiang Yu got up and got out of bed, walked out of the room, and glanced at his parents' bedroom to confirm that they were both asleep.

Only then did he go to Chu Xueying's side lightly.

When he arrived at the door, before Jiang Yu stepped forward to confirm the status of the door lock, by the moonlight outside the window, he saw that the door was not completely closed, but left a gap of about a finger, just like that.

It's ......

It's very situation!

Since Chu Xueying has made it clear to this, what else is there to say?!

Jiang Yu pushed open the door and walked in without thinking about it.

In the bedroom, Chu Xueying was lying on her side on the bed, looking like she had fallen asleep.

The whole person has her back to the door, even if she is covered with a quilt, she can still see her proud figure, which looks particularly slender and moving in the moonlight.

Jiang Yu closed the door with his backhand, locked it with a "click", and then walked to the bedside.

Stretched out his hand and pressed the bed lightly, but he didn't see any reaction from Chu Xueying, who was lying on her side, as if she had really fallen asleep a long time ago.


Yu didn't believe that she really fell asleep.

didn't say much, just lifted the quilt, took off his shoes, and got into the quilt.

The quilt that had been warmed by Chu Xueying was warm and comfortable for a while, and she turned her head while lying on the pillow, and clearly saw that her whole body trembled.

With a secret laugh, Jiang Yu also turned towards her, just like when the two of them had been sleeping in Huading Tianmu, his left hand went along her sunken waist.

Should I say it or not, since I was attacked by Xiaoxiao and made a fuss, after the two of them shared the same bed, it was really unaccustomed to sleeping alone suddenly.

It wasn't until now that he hugged Chu Xueying that Jiang Yu felt that he could sleep soundly.


Yu sighed with emotion, and couldn't help but get a little closer, and his snort hit the back of Chu Xueying's white neck, brushing the hair on the back of her head faintly, but even so, Chu Xueying still didn't react.

I don't believe it!

Jiang Yu thought about it and decided to make a bold move this time.

"Really slept?"

As the so-called salute first and then soldier, Jiang Yu was still very reasonable, and asked softly in Chu Xueying's ear.

I waited for a while, but there was no response.

"Are you really asleep?"

Chu Xueying was still silent.

Okay, then you can sleep well......

Jiang Yu's left hand around her waist went up and touched Chu Xueying's rich truth.

Just a light touch made him swallow wildly.

Slowly open your hand and press it.

Jiang Yu was shocked, waited for a while, and then put his left hand quietly on it, carefully feeling this profound truth.

Uh-huh, only pajamas, nothing else, good fellows......

Moreover, Chu Xueying's pajamas have always been very thin and close-fitting, so Jiang Yu's feelings are particularly strong.

For a moment, he was completely immersed in it.

Although Jiang Yu couldn't see it, he could still clearly feel Chu Xueying's breathing gradually becoming intense, and his left hand also rose and fell slightly.

And Chu Xueying's front was already flushed at this time, her fair-skinned fists were clenched, and her body was even tighter.

Stinky Xiaoyu

! Dead Xiaoyu

! Shameless

! Ran to bully me again!

In his heart, he even whipped Jiang Yu for a while.

Hmm? Still moving

! Don't rub it

! I hate it!

Chu Xueying only felt that the sides of her cheeks were hot, and she couldn't help but cough lightly.


Sure enough, Jiang Yu's hand was quiet for a few seconds.

But it was only quiet for a few seconds, and after that, it continued to get up and ......

I don't know how long it took.

Chu Xueying, who was ashamed and angry, and Jiang Yu, whose hands were gradually numb, slowly fell asleep.

Jiang Yu only felt that he had a particularly gentle and comfortable dream.

In my dream, I threw myself on a large ball of cotton, burying my head, warm and comfortable, and there were bursts of fragrance wafting, and I didn't want to leave here at all.

But one thing is not good, I have been buried for too long, and I always feel like I am going to suffocate......

Until the next morning.

When Jiang Yu woke up in a daze, he opened his eyes and looked.

Chu Xueying's great truth was placed in front of him, and the tip of his nose was sandwiched in the canyon, and the Wangzi small steamed bun on the truth was clearly visible.

Immediately woke up Jiang Yu.


up, I saw that Chu Xueying was still sleeping soundly, the sunlight outside was shining on her pretty face, and her delicate makeup was particularly charming, looking like a big sister next door.

While she hadn't woken up yet, Jiang Yu was not in a hurry to get up, let alone take her head away, so she immersed herself in ......it again

Although I don't know what time it is, the house is quiet, and my mother didn't knock on the door in a hurry like last time, and Jiang Yu was happy to enjoy it.

After a while, Jiang Yu was almost about to fall asleep again, but in the end, he was found by Chu Xueying, who woke up, and was arrested.


As soon as Chu Xueying opened her eyes, she saw the top of Jiang Yu's thick head in front of her.

The eyes blinked for a moment, as if they were trying to think about it, trying to figure out the current situation, until they felt the pressure on their chests, and then they woke up, and two red clouds suddenly floated on their fair and delicate faces.

I was not in a hurry to get up, so I just lay quietly and waited for Jiang Yu to withdraw automatically.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Jiang Yu was still buried there, and it seemed that he was not going to get up.

Chu Xueying was so ashamed that she laughed and was angry, and she really didn't know what to say.

Only then did he slowly sit up.


Jiang Yu, who was interrupted to return to the cage, raised his head blankly, and saw Chu Xueying's stunning and beautiful face.


!" "What are you doing!" "

Why are you here with me!" Chu

Xueying pretended to be short of breath and asked in a cold voice.

Then I noticed that the silky and smooth pajamas on my body had already outlined her perfect arc, so I quickly took the quilt to cover it.

Jiang Yu was completely awake this time, looking at Chu Xueying's reaction without panicking, and took out the words that had been prepared a long time ago.

"Hmm...... I don't know ...... either

" "Maybe you sleepwalked......

"Really, why didn't I know you were still sleepwalking?"

Actually, of course Chu Xueying knew how Jiang Yu came over, after all, the door was still left by herself!

"Isn't it because of the pressure of work recently!"

Jiang Yu said casually.


?" "Then did you sleep well

last night?" Thinking of Jiang Yu's unexpected excessive behavior last night, Chu Xueying's pretty face turned more and more red.

"Well, it's very good!" "

It feels like I'm stuck in cotton...... Jiang

Yu praised sincerely.


"Knock, knock~"

A soft knock sounded at the door.

"Xue Ying~ That, is Xiao Yu in your house?"


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