The period before the holidays.

Lingyue is really busy.

Even if you have been mentally prepared for a long time, the popularity of the two smart cars of Shenxing and Xianyi still exceeded everyone's expectations.

Shenxing's production capacity has just barely kept up, but the supply of fairy wings is extremely short, and the redemption time has been scheduled for almost three weeks.

However, even so, the number of appointments continues to soar, and most of the orders come from overseas countries.

This time, Lingyue fairy wings are really fragrant outside the wall, and the car itself has been reported by major international media, not to mention, even Jiang Yu has become a man of the hour.

After all, with the title of the world's No. 1 creator of drones and smart cars, it's hard not to ......attract attention

For a while, I don't know how many domestic and foreign media wanted to interview Jiang Yu, but unfortunately they were all rejected, and it was Chu Xueying who came forward in person.

In this way, Jiang Yu's image in the hearts of outsiders is even more mysterious, and what also makes people speculate is the ...... of his delicate relationship with Chu Xueying

The president and minister of the company interlocked their fingers at the live broadcast press conference, which is really the ceiling of showing affection ......


" "Many people have already guessed our relationship!"


" "But the most, I still say that I have unspoken rules

for you......" "There are even people who ask you for a guide to "Conquering the Rich Woman"~

" "Aren't you thinking about publishing a book?"

Chu Xueying brushed up on the recent scandals about the two of them, and laughed coquettishly.

Look at the way she laughs and trembles.

Jiang Yu sighed in his heart.


it?! I used to be a sunny young man, and I was happily interning ......

Suddenly I was told to turn positive, and suddenly I was drawn closer to your family group, and suddenly I had such a president girlfriend, but it wasn't an unspoken rule!

"But we'll have to wait until I hit a home run."

Jiang Yu whispered.


"Huh...... Nothing

......" "I heard it!" "...... "

You heard it and asked ......


"But...... What does a home run mean?"

After waiting for a while, Chu Xueying's eyes flashed, and she looked at Jiang Yu curiously and asked.

Ah, this ......

You don't know!"

"Ahem! It's not interesting, it's just, a baseball term......"

Jiang Yu let out a long breath and said with a weak heart.


" "I'll check ......"

Chu Xueying nodded thoughtfully, and her slender jade fingers were flicking on her phone.

"Don't, what's there to check here!"

"By the way, are you packing up the things you want to go back to tomorrow?"

Jiang Yu quickly changed the topic, but Chu Xueying naturally didn't eat it.


She understood the meaning of Jiang Yu's words.

Looking at the explanation found on the mobile phone screen, Chu Xueying's face was flushed, and her chest rose and fell violently.


A cold "shameless" echoed in the car......

After returning home.

The two began to prepare their luggage for returning to Hangzhou tomorrow night.

In less than forty minutes, Jiang Yu had already finished packing, just a few changes of clothes, and looked at Chu Xueying, who was folding clothes into the second box.

"It's not over yet?"

"Well, you go wash it first~"

Jiang Yu nodded, and when he came back from the shower twenty minutes later, he couldn't help but be curious when he saw that Chu Xueying was still putting clothes in the suitcase.

"The first box, do you need my help?"

"The fourth, no, it'll be fine soon."

Jiang Yu was stunned, and suddenly remembered that last time, it was only two days and one night, and she also prepared a lot of luggage.

But then I found out that Chu Xueying was bringing gifts to her parents, but now her boxes seem to be full of clothes!

Jiang Yu walked over curiously, and just happened to see that in the boxes that Chu Xueying had spread, they were neatly stacked, and there were all kinds of stockings, black silk, white silk, meat silk, asymmetrical black silk, torn stockings, ......

On the other side of the box, there are all kinds of hollow or lace underwear, which directly shows him stupid.

What is this? Tips for going out on a trip with your boyfriend and opening a house?

"Oh! Don't look at it! You ...... Let's go to bed after washing!" Chu

Xueying closed the box suddenly, and her beautiful face was already flushed.

"Ahem, well, good, good ......"

Jiang Yu pretended not to see it and nodded with satisfaction.

I don't know why, I'm looking forward to the beginning of the holiday more and more!

Before going to bed, Jiang Yu couldn't help but remind him.

"What, if you don't have enough suitcases, I have less luggage, and I can still fit ......

" "No!"

Chu Xueying turned her face away, turned her back to him and began to tidy up.


The next day, after getting off work early, the two went directly to the airport, and like last time, they were still on Chu Xueying's private jet, and soon flew to Hangcheng Airport.

In the parking lot.

Seeing Chu Xueying again, Jiang Yu's parents were extremely happy.

"Hello uncle and aunt~"

Chu Xueying smiled sweetly, causing Mother Jiang to take her hand lovingly.

"Xueying must stay for a few more days this time, so that Xiao Yu can take you around

!" "Hmm

!" "Oh, why do you bring so much luggage, Xiao Yu, quickly load Xue Ying into the car, come, let's go up first!"

Jiang Mu instructed Jiang Yu to continue to work as a coolie, and at the same time took Chu Xueying's hand and walked to the car.

Jiang Yu sighed secretly, he had already expected such a result......

Forget it, who made Chu Xueying's suitcase very energetic!

Although I don't know what she packed exactly, judging from the various sexy stockings and underwear that I hurriedly glimpsed last night, I am afraid that they are not too much ......

"Auntie, you and uncle should get in the car first!There are too many things, Xiao Yu can't get it alone, I'll be with him

~" "Look at this kid is really considerate~"

Jiang Mu said with a smile.

After putting away their luggage, the two got into the car.

When they got home, it happened to be eight o'clock in the evening, and at the suggestion of Jiang's father, the four of them went out to find a restaurant to eat.

After a pleasant and lively dinner, when I got home, it was almost ten o'clock.

Like last time, Jiang Yu still slept in the vacated small bedroom, and Chu Xueying slept in Jiang Yu's room.

"Let's stay at home for one night first!"

"Tomorrow you go out with Xiao Yu, take a good walk in Hangzhou, if you are far away, you don't have to come back, just live outside." "

Okay aunt~"

Chu Xueying agreed sweetly, her pretty face was slightly red, and she didn't know what she thought.

After Jiang Yu finished washing, he closed the door and lay down on the bed.

I couldn't help but think of the last time, when I was attacked by Chu Xueying in the middle of the night, and then the two slept like that all night.

After turning off the light, he looked at his watch, it was already eleven o'clock, I don't know why, he always had a feeling that Chu Xueying would accidentally go to the wrong room tonight.

But it was almost one or two o'clock in the morning, and there was no movement.

So, Jiang Yu decided that this time he would accidentally ...... it


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