I'm afraid many people didn't expect that in today's situation where the Spirit Moon Divine Movement occupies an absolutely dominant market.

Murphy not only did not retreat, but also took the initiative to release new cars, especially in advertising, frantically touching Porcelain Lingyue, for fear that others would not know their goal this time.

This naturally caused dissatisfaction among many people, especially the owners who have become Lingyue Shenxing, and after a period of experience, they seem to have become loyal fans of Lingyue's car.

Now seeing competitors, especially the famous Murphy Company, which is not responsible for accidents, took the initiative to touch porcelain, and directly went back.

However, some people believe that since Murphy dared to choose this time to hold a new car launch conference, I am afraid that there is indeed something powerful, otherwise how could he be so arrogant?

But more people think that Murphy is completely rubbing the heat, and the handling of the previous two accidents has not been solved until now, so he dares to release a new car? And it's the same

one? Who dares to buy it? Not to mention buying it, I'm afraid that no one dares to test drive it......

After all, the reason why many people have regained confidence in new energy and self-driving cars is only because of Lingyue.

For other car manufacturers, especially the so-called international manufacturers with a long history like Murphy, they don't have any expectations.

But in any case, Murphy's marketing effect this time has indeed achieved its goal.

For a while, the major forums on the Internet debated endlessly, and almost all of them were speculating about the latest model of Murphy's newly released X PRO this time.

Has the previous problem been solved, and how does it compare with Lingyue Shenxing?

Many people can't help but be curious about Murphy's upcoming new car launch.

At this time, Lingyue Company, in the conference room of the new technology research and development department.

"This Murphy is really shameless!It's clear that he's rubbing us

!" "Yes! What is a small factory called a drone, can they do it?"

"Anyway, the topic of their new car is really up!"

"Well, there is something about this marketing method.

In the conference room, a group of R&D personnel talked about Murphy's recent campaign.

Although I was very dissatisfied with Murphy's marketing routine this time, I have to say that Murphy's methods are indeed extraordinary to be able to quickly ignite such a high degree of topic and discussion under the condition that the new energy market is so declining.

Everyone here can be regarded as the main R&D personnel of Lingyue Shenxing, so it is naturally very clear.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is no car manufacturer in the world today that can build new energy and driverless cars that surpass the spirit

of the moon! What about Murphy's latest X PRO? There is no doubt that it is the object of crushing without looking at it!

Even many consumers think so.

However, with the warm-up publicity of this Murphy new car launch conference, this absolute confidence in Lingyue Shenxing was slowly broken.

Murphy openly and secretly marked his new car with the Spirit Moon Divine Walk, which will give many people who don't know the truth a false impression.

Thinking that their latest X PRO has a level to compete with Lingyue Shenxing, they immediately elevated their new car that they haven't released yet to a position that doesn't belong to them.

This kind of false marketing can easily mislead consumers and make them make wrong decisions when purchasing.

Otherwise, why did Murphy tie up the Lingyue Shenxing car and not let go, just to give people the illusion that they also have the same advanced technology.

Silently listening to everyone's discussions, Jiang Yu couldn't help nodding secretly, indeed as the employees said, Murphy's move is very extraordinary.

If you are in that environment, I am afraid that it will be like this, although the means are a bit shameless, but business things are like this, there is no absolute right or wrong.


!" "Then we have to respond

too!" "Otherwise they are too arrogant, right?!"

one of the team members suggested a response to Murphy's recent remarks.

"Yes, with their skills, they still have to pull our car to compare with us, isn't it intentional!" "That's

right! If this continues, many people really think that their car can be compared with Shenxing

!" "Yes, minister!" Many

people were indignant, emotional, and very angry.

Although he knew Murphy's intention to do this, it was disgusting

! Therefore, everyone was eager to fight back against the past, so that the world could clearly understand that the current number one in the field of new energy and driverless cars would only be Lingyue Shenxing!

However, in the face of everyone's eager proposal, Jiang Yu just waved his hand.

The conference room immediately fell silent.

I saw Jiang Yu shaking his head and said indifferently:

"Don't care, let them make trouble!" It didn't

seem like he was taking Murphy seriously at all.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and someone still asked in a low voice:

"Minister, do you really have to worry about it? Just let them rub it like this?"

Jiang Yu chuckled and nodded.

Then came a piece of news that stunned all the employees.

"In the next period of time, we have to start the research and development of new cars, how can there be such a thing!"


hearing Jiang Yu's words, all the employees in the conference room were stunned.

Isn't the research and development

of a new car just released? It's still selling hotly! Even the production capacity is a little out of supply, so it's time to develop a new car again?

It's too fast!"

the minister ...... You say a new car?"

"This ......"

Everyone looked at each other, a little confused.

It turned out that today's meeting was not held to discuss how to deal with Murphy's affairs, but to discuss the research and development plan of

the new car! Jiang Yu did not sell it anymore, and said directly:

"That's right, develop a new car!" "

And it is a new intelligent car that is even more advanced than Lingyue Shenxing." "

By analogy, it is equivalent to the UAV Tianyu

generation and the Luna generation!" It is equivalent to the new car of the Tianyu generation? They are too familiar with the Tianyu generation! That is the top product in the UAV products at present, and it is a military-grade product only for the troops!

However, now, Jiang Yu said that the new car they are about to develop will be of the same specifications and status as the Tianyu generation.


thought that Lingyue Shenxing's various technologies had broken through the current limits in the field of new energy and autonomous driving.

Can you see what Jiang Yu means...... He seems to have a plan for the development of a new car?

Ah, this ......

What kind of monster is this young minister!

Looking at Jiang Yu in front of them, everyone was really speechless, and in addition to shock, all that was left in their hearts was sincere admiration and excitement.

To build a car that is more advanced and intelligent than Lingyue Shenxing? Just thinking about it makes people excited!

What's more, looking at Jiang Yu like this, he knows that he already has detailed technical drawings.

Next, just wait for the start of work!


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