Ah, this ......

Jiang Yu was asked by Chu Xueying's words, and he was completely sleepy for a while, and the whole person was stunned.

It's been so long, and she's still thinking about what she ......said just now

That's pretty ......

"Hmm, what about you!" Jiang

Yu was pondering how to answer, but Chu Xueying seemed to be a little impatient, leaned over, and stared at him with a pair of charming eyes.

The big truth shook in front of Jiang Yu's eyes.


swallowed deeply.

"Why are you asking this, it's just ......"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yu saw a trace of disappointment and sadness flashing in Chu Xueying's emotional eyes, and raised his head.

Angrily pulled up the quilt, turned his back to Jiang Yu, and turned off the bedside lamp with his hand.

Only then did I hear the voice of the royal sister full of resentment, and floated sadly.

"It's just a casual joke, right?"


and then there was no movement.

Chu Xueying's flowing movements made Jiang Yu laugh for a while, this is too resentful and cute, right

? I haven't finished speaking, so I'm angry because of this?

Jiang Yu shook his head and smiled, pulled up the quilt and leaned over, and couldn't help but reach out and poke Chu Xueying's back, but there was no response.

Sighing, he explained:

"I haven't finished speaking, why are you sulking!"

"Then give you another chance, finish your words......"

After a moment's hesitation, Chu Xueying asked the same question again.

"If you say you want to marry me...... Is it true......"

The voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end, Jiang Yu was almost unable to hear clearly, but of course he knew what Chu Xueying meant.

Adjusting his sleeping position and facing Chu Xueying's side, Jiang Yu said leisurely:

"When did I say something to lie to you?!"


Only Chu Xueying's signature chuckle answered Jiang Yu.

But from this chuckle, he could already hear the joy in Chu Xueying's heart.


After a moment of silence, Chu Xueying's voice sounded again.


"Really. "

Don't lie?"

"Don't lie." "

Heh~ I don't want to marry you......"

her mouth was stiff, but after she finished speaking, she had already turned around, and the two were lying on the bed opposite each other.

"If you don't marry, you won't marry, if you don't marry, I'll find another ......

" Before the word "person" could be spoken, Jiang Yu felt a heat on his lips, and he was already pressed by Chu Xueying's outstretched jade finger.

"I knew you were going to do this. "

Don't say ......"

Jiang Yu smiled dumbly and nodded.


Good night!" "Good night." "


For the next period of time.

The simultaneous improvement of Lingyue Shenxing's sales and reputation is really beyond everyone's imagination.

In today's period when the entire new energy vehicle has fallen into a trough, after Jiang Yu's propaganda operation, it is a live test drive, and it is to conquer various complex road conditions all over the country.

Of course, the most important thing is that the vehicle itself is indeed equipped with the most advanced energy power and driverless technology at present.

As a result, Lingyue's official website for ordering collapsed several times, and even though the time limit for redeeming the car has been getting later and later, the number of reservations is still rising.


thought that taking advantage of the hot trend of Lingyue Shenxing, the entire new energy smart car market could be re-activated.

As a result, the major car manufacturers have reduced prices and discounted sales, hyped up marketing and publicity, and wanted to take advantage of the east wind of Lingyue to regroup.

But I didn't expect it...... Should the performance be dismal or dismal, should no one buy it or no one will buy it......

Not only did they not take advantage of the opportunity, but seeing such a market performance made people even more desperate.

Look at Lingyue next to it, almost made the bosses of a group of new energy car factories vomit blood, and the delivery time was delayed due to tight supply.

The price of Lingyue Shenxing in the second-hand market has soared, and now a basic car with an original price of 580,000 yuan has risen to more than 700,000 yuan.

You must know that the official price of the top model is only 860,000 yuan

! And the price of the top model has easily broken through the million mark!

That's it, even in the second-hand market, it is still in short supply, and it is extremely hot.

The moment they heard these news, the bosses of the major new energy vehicle factories were collectively silent, and they couldn't sell them at a price reduction on their side, but Lingyue was good, and even paid a premium price that exceeded the original price

! Who could have imagined this!

It can be seen that it is not that consumers do not trust new energy and unmanned driving technology, on the contrary, many people are willing to accept new things.

It's just that they were really frightened by Murphy's two accidents, coupled with their official attitude, which made a large number of consumers disgusted.

The emergence of Lingyue Shenxing perfectly solves this problem and delivers a satisfactory answer to consumers' expectations for high-tech smart cars.

Right now.

Suddenly, a piece of news came out.

The Murphy Company is about to release their latest Murphy X PRO model.

Even before Lingyue released the new car, they also invested a lot of energy in advertising and marketing, and all kinds of publicity and publicity.

It's even bigger than the formation that Jiang Yu made that time.

Similarly, Murphy also changed the traditional press conference model in the past, and switched to the online live test drive to release the new car.

As soon as this news came out, everyone could see that Murphy meant something.

This is clearly for Lingyue!

The early stage of the crazy momentum, arouse people's curiosity and sense of expectation, and finally develop the project, a whole set of processes is a non-falling.

It's really how people do it, they learn how to do it, and even imitate this part of the live test drive.

What's even more outrageous is that Murphy has a strong yin and yang weirdness in many promotional advertisements, which makes people very uncomfortable.

[The new generation of Murphy X PRO, crushing all small car factories

!] [Would rather believe in a drone maker, than trust an international manufacturer?

] [Three days later, the live broadcast conference, no gimmicks, all dry goods!]

and many other advertising slogans that explicitly and secretly refer to Lingyue.

was even about to name names, not only implying that Lingyue was just a small car factory making drones, but even saying that Jiang Yu and Chu Xueying were testing live together at that time was a gimmick......

Such a direct irony makes people very embarrassed.

For a while, many people on the Internet spoke out one after another, holding grievances for Lingyue.

"Good guy

! Murphy still has the face to say?" "The tone of the scholar's propaganda live broadcast is still so crazy?"

"Even if we believe in Lingyue, we don't believe in Murphy's irresponsible company!" "

It's still an international factory?!It's disgusting!" Public

opinion is everywhere, and the reason why many people speak for Lingyue is that they are not satisfied with Murphy's attitude after the previous two accidents.

What's more, it's also their love and trust for the Lingyue Shenxing car.

The first customers had already picked up the car and driven it for a while, and it was because of this that they were able to get a sense of what was so great about the car.

Absolute pride of domestic production!

At this time, seeing Murphy slandering him like this, how can he sit idly by?


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