Ah, this ......

It's really worthy of being the president, your thinking is really clear, I should not have mentioned this ...... if I knew it

Jiang Yu fell silent instantly, the red light ended, and he drove the car intently.


" "What??, do you treat your boss like this?", "

Don't even give some feedback?"

"Or ...... Do you want to be in the car?"

Chu Xueying seemed to be interested, and her charming sexy body twisted towards Jiang Yu.

She had already taken off her coat and only wore a tight shirt.

Fold your legs in your seat.

From time to time, the black silk worn in the trouser leg is exposed, and the silver diamond heels on the feet are shining.

There are also some words that make people's blood surge.

If Jiang Yu hadn't had to look at the car and pay attention to the surroundings, he was afraid that he ......would have been firmly staring at her a long time ago

"Mr. Chu...... It's too much......" "

You have to pay attention to safety when driving!" Jiang

Yuyi solemnly persuaded Chu Xueying, but the corner of his eye couldn't help but glance at her.


Chu Xueying was unexpectedly obedient, sat up straight again, and faced forward.

"Then you go to the intersection ahead and make a U-turn and find a place where no one is around.

"Let's stop the car and ...... again"

? I know! Suddenly so well-behaved and sensible must not be well-intentioned!"

Mr. Chu ...... I don't want to be on the peachy news section tomorrow!" "


Chu Xueying smiled slyly and stared at Jiang Yu's side face for a moment.

Suddenly, he sighed faintly and muttered to himself:

"Alas~ Why do I like to tease you so much~ My treasure little boyfriend~" Why

? It's not because you're bored! Jiang Yu complained silently.

Before the two returned to Huading Tianmu, they went to a very famous Western restaurant for dinner together.

According to Chu Xueying, this is to celebrate Jiang Yu's promotion banquet as a minister.

Seeing that Chu Xueying was happier and happier than herself, Jiang Yu's heart was warmly moved.

Obviously, it was a new department she opened for herself, and even this minister, I am afraid that she planned it in advance.

But Chu Xueying's current appearance is really like a little wife who suddenly heard that her husband was promoted and raised, and she sincerely felt happy for herself.

After dinner, when the two of them got home.

It's already past ten o'clock.

When Jiang Yu and Chu Xueying just stepped out of the elevator.

A sudden and excited greeting voice directly gave him no way.

"Sister Xueying~ I haven't seen you for a long time

!" "Ah! Hello brother-in-law

!" "Why did you just come back? But let me wait!" "

Well, sister, brother-in-law? Hearing this title, could it be that Chu Xueying's cousin is here

? This is too sudden, isn't it? Kill directly at

the door! Sure enough, after leaving the elevator room, Jiang Yu saw a girl with a suitcase standing at the door of the house.

The girl looked like she was about nineteen or twenty years old, and she was looking at herself curiously.

The clothes are painted all over the place with various cartoon bear patterns.

Well, this dress should be the "meow bear" that's right......

"Small, why are you here?

Chu Xueying was also stunned, obviously not knowing the news that her cousin was coming.

In an instant, she seemed to have reacted to something, approached Jiang Yu's side quietly, and naturally took his arm.

Jiang Yu also realized something, and silently cooperated with Chu Xueying and took her hand.

Although it was only a cousin, this cousin's observation was very detailed!

At that time, the incident of coriander almost getting into a gang was still vivid, and it was just a photo in the group, and she discovered the key point.

It's good now, I came directly, and I wanted to come to Chu Xueying for fear that the relationship between the two would be discovered, so I leaned over closely.

"Oops~ As soon as we met, we began to show affection.

"But, it's really worth it to see my cold Sister Xue Ying

with my own eyes!" the cousin looked at the two of them curiously with a look of amazement.

Especially Chu Xueying's current appearance.

The gentle and virtuous wife who snuggled up to Jiang Yu was like seeing some rare species to her cousin who knew her character too well.


"As soon as I see your brother-in-law, I unconsciously want to lean in~"

Chu Xueying is really okay, she was more and more energetic by what her cousin said, and even took the initiative to grab Jiang Yu's hand and let him stretch it out from behind him, so that he could hold his slender waist.

The action is extremely intimate and ambiguous.

Seeing Chu Xueying's appearance, Jiang Yu just wanted to say one thing.

Come on, cousin, go on! The more you talk about it, the more excited she becomes, and I, too, can only cooperate silently with ......

"Sister Xueying, do you want me to avoid it, you and your brother-in-law will talk about it after we are done?"

The cousin's eyes widened, looking at the two of them almost hugging each other, and she really felt that her big light bulb was really inappropriate to appear here.

"Okay, what are you doing here?"

Chu Xueying shook her head and smiled, and Jiang Yu stepped forward to open the door and let Xiaoxiao into the room first.

During this period, Jiang Yu and Xiaoxiao also greeted each other.

"Hmm...... It's nothing~ I just want to snow ying~ I came to see you!"

Referring to the reason for his sudden appearance, Xiao Xiao scratched his head a little weakly, and said with a dodgy look.

Seeing this, Chu Xueying glanced at the suitcase she brought, and asked with some suspicion,

"Come and see that I still carry such a big suitcase

?" "What? Do you still plan to stay here for a long time

?" "Doesn't Sister Xueying welcome me?"

Xiao Xiao blinked his eyes wide, and Chu Chu looked at Chu Xueying pitifully.

"Not welcome. "

Don't disturb me and your brother-in-law's two-person world. "

Sister Xueying, are you really okay to be so direct?"

She just asked casually, but she was so disgusted by Sister Xueying, it seems that the woman in love is not only obsessed with showing affection, but also refuses to recognize her six relatives!


~" "Okay~"

Chu Xueying caressed her cousin's little head and asked with concern:

"Uncle and aunt don't know that you came to me, right?"

I'm afraid you didn't get into some trouble and took refuge with me.

Xiaoxiao, who was poked in the center by a word, suddenly wilted, and lowered his head with an embarrassed look.

"Didn't cause any trouble......"

Seeing that she was a little embarrassed to speak, Chu Xueying stopped asking.

I had to let Xiaoxiao go and put things down and rest first.

In addition to the two bedrooms where she and Jiang Yu slept in, there were also two other rooms that were not small, and one was vacated for Xiaoxiao to live in first.

Chu Xueying accompanied Xiaoxiao to the room to pack up her things.

And Jiang Yu followed Chu Xueying's instructions, quietly chatted with Chu Xueying's aunt privately, and told them about Xiaoxiao's coming here first, so as not to find anyone at home to worry about.

Sure enough, Chu Xueying's aunt was anxious for a while, and when she heard that Xiaoxiao ran to find Chu Xueying and the others, she was relieved.

"This kid is so worrying! and he's running to you.

Jiang Yu could only persuade first, and at this time, Chu Xueying walked out.


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