Jiang Yu didn't understand what Chu Xueying meant for a while.

It wasn't until she went to work in the lab after the lunch break that she didn't wait for the surprise she said.

I didn't care, and devoted myself to product research and development.

At the afternoon group meeting, Jiang Yu announced the signing of a contract with the military region, and at the same time, also showed the research and development plan of military-grade UAV equipment.

Not surprisingly, all the members of the group were stunned and excited.

After repeatedly confirming that this set of design drawings was really not a dream, everyone was boiling.

Being able to develop such high-tech equipment with such a high technical content is still exclusively for the military, which really makes this group of technicians proud and excited.

In the end, Jiang Yu personally transferred many technical experts and started the research and development of military-grade UAVs with him.

Aim for on-time delivery in three weeks.

The rest of the personnel will continue the series of research and development planned before, after all, gaining a firm foothold in the commercial market is still the core road of Lingyue.

Under Jiang Yu's command, everything went on in such an orderly manner.

However, just when she was about to get off work, the surprise that Chu Xueying said at noon came quietly, and she directly put Jiang Yu away.

It was the Minister of Personnel who personally came to the laboratory to tell him.

After going to work in the afternoon, Mr. Chu held a special plenary meeting, and all the company's senior executives were present.

At the meeting, Chu Xueying directly proposed that she planned to open a new department called "new technology research and development".

It is different from the development direction of the company's existing technical department.

Chu Xueying's plan for this new department is to specialize in the research and development of emerging technologies like drones.

Drones are just one example, and if other new technologies or equipment appear on the market in the future, they will be handed over to this new department to carry out the work.

Even if you specialize in overcoming some technical problems that can't be solved now, you can't get any commercial benefits.

In a word, only this department will specialize in various high-precision technologies, and the traditional R&D work will be under the management of the previous R&D department.

Regardless of whether the product makes money or not, just research and develop the latest technology!

As soon as this proposal came out, the executives thought about it for a while, and really felt that Mr. Chu's idea was feasible.

The road of scientific and technological research and development is full of unknowns and mysteries, and you never know when and which emerging technology will suddenly emerge and become the trend of the future.

Stick to the inherent R&D technology, and don't think about the future ahead of the times, and you will eventually be eliminated.

The new technology research and development department proposed by Chu Xueying just solves this problem, just study it, and when the time is ripe, it will naturally achieve commercial benefits.

When the technology research and development of the new department is mature and the market is stable, it will be handed over to the old R&D department.

In this way, the two departments do not interfere with each other, but they can transition smoothly from each other and maximize the technical business, which is perfect.

With stable market income, we will give back R&D funds and form a virtuous circle.

In this way, Lingyue can go longer and steadily.

For example, the recent drone project, no one expected that Lingyue would lead the progress of the entire industry as soon as she made a move.

As a result, Zhang Sencheng, director of the R&D Department, was the first to raise his hand to agree with Mr. Chu's proposal, and other executives echoed him.

Finally, Zhang Sencheng suggested that Chu Xueying promote Jiang Yu, the current leader of the UAV project team, to serve as the head of this new department.

As soon as the suggestion came out, all executives also reacted and agreed.

So, Chu Xueying waved his hand, and the new technology research and development department was established, with Jiang Yu as the minister, and the department researchers could be selected by him in the existing research and development department.

"Congratulations, Minister Jiang!" "

Oh yes, your office is still in the same place. "

But don't worry, when you go to work tomorrow, it will be reorganized!" The

Minister of Personnel came to tell Jiang Yu the good news with a smile.

"Ah...... Good...... I also trouble you to run in person......"

Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses and reluctantly agreed.

After sending off the Minister of Personnel, he couldn't help but sigh.


was really excited and confused in his heart, and he had a deep helpless ...... for Chu Xueying

Not to mention that he became a regular in advance, he has already broken through Lingyue's employee record.

Subsequently, he was directly promoted to team leader.

Now it is even more outrageous, directly with less than two months of service, he has served as the minister of the new department, ......


This is a proper senior level of Lingyue!

I used to meet Zhang Sencheng, the head of the R&D Department, but I couldn't greet him respectfully, but now it's good, the two are directly on an equal footing.

As for Liu Jingsheng, now that he sees himself, he has to bow his head and call him "Minister Jiang", ......

Not to mention, Chu Xueying is really trustworthy! This surprise is not a big surprise......

Before leaving work, the personnel department sent a collective email, and all employees knew about the company's special establishment of a new technology research and development department.

On the column of the head of the personnel structure, Jiang Yu's name is impressively written.

Suddenly, all the employees were shocked, Jiang Yu, the handsome man of the R&D department who had a close relationship with Mr

. Chu, who was the commercial and technical genius who single-handedly led the drone project,

and achieved the position of Lingyue minister at a young age, it was simply terrifying!

If most people's impression of Jiang Yu before was only when he and Chu Xueying had an unclear relationship.

Then, since the Lingyue drone became famous, everyone gradually reacted.

The person who can be favored by Mr. Chu is really one in ten thousand!

No one dares to question Jiang Yu's skills and strength in the slightest.

After all, the two drones of the Luna generation and the Moon Rabbit generation have already become a sensation all over the world, and they are even extremely popular overseas.

The core technologies involved in it are simply not possible for anyone to study them.

Jiang Yu's move not only allowed Lingyue to gain a firm foothold in the new field, but also brought countless business wealth to the company.

On this basis alone, he will not have any objection to his appointment as head of the new department.

Everyone is more emotional and longing......

"Damn! Xiao Yu is directly the minister

!" "Return Xiao Yu! I will call Minister Jiang in

the future!" "The first time I saw Xiao Yu, I knew that his future was limitless!"

"Are you sure you didn't like his face?"

When Jiang Yu's former colleagues, Li Zheng, Lao Song and others learned the news, not to mention how emotional and excited they were.

Anyway, they are also people who came out of their group C, and everyone is naturally sincerely happy for Jiang Yu.


"Mr. Chu, am I really okay with your blatant unspoken rules?"

On the way home, Jiang Yu, who was waiting for the red light in the car, looked at Chu Xueying in the passenger seat and quipped.

"Do I have it

?" "No, how can Lingyue have such a young minister as

me?" "Yes~ Then do you have to give me something back?Otherwise, how can it be called an unspoken rule?"


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