"Ah...... Auntie found out......"

When Jiang Yu was thinking about how to deal with it, Chu Xueying woke up faintly, and also realized the situation at the moment, and said in a low voice with flickering eyes.

He even yawned rather lazily......

No matter how you look at it, there is no trace of panic.

Jiang Yu: ......


now completely suspected that Chu Xueying had deliberately not returned.

"You kid is stupid

!" "Why don't you get up and find Chu Xueying!"

"No, you still have

to call the police for this, right?" The mother's anxious voice sounded, blaming Jiang Yu, and she planned to call the police directly.

"Hey, Mom, Mom, don't ......,"

Jiang Yu hurriedly stopped his mother.

Glancing at Chu Xueying, who was lying beside him, covering the chest of his pajamas with the quilt, he sighed secretly.

Rushed out the door and said,

"Mom...... Xue Ying didn't lose her

......" "She...... She's in my room......"

Suddenly, the anxious knock on the door disappeared immediately.

But soon, I heard my mother's voice sound again.

"What are you talking about?"

"Why is Xue Ying in your room

!" "Hurry up and come out for me!"

Jiang Yu shook his head, glanced at Chu Xue Ying, and motioned for her to explain herself.

Chu Xueying nodded obediently.


"Where am I here......

" "When I got up last night to go to the toilet, I went to the wrong room

......" "I didn't find it, this is just ......"

After hearing Chu Xueying's own voice, the mother outside the door fell silent again.

It was quiet for two or three minutes.

"Ahem...... It's okay...... Xueying,

you're fine......" "Auntie still thinks you're lost~" "What's

that...... You guys stay, don't be in a hurry to get up~

" "Auntie and uncle go out for morning exercises, you play slowly......"

Mom's voice sounded, and she was no longer as anxious and panicked as she was just now.

Instead, there was a ...... of surprise, joy, and relief

Jiang Yu was also stunned, why did he never know that the two of them still had the habit of exercising in the morning? I'm afraid he didn't deliberately find an excuse to make room for them!

Also, what does it mean to play slowly? What can I do when I get up in the morning?

Obviously, my mother will be completely wrong, but the matter has come to this point, and it is useless to argue, after all, the two of them are still lying on the same bed......

Jiang Yu got up helplessly, and was about to change his clothes, when he turned his head and found that Chu Xueying was still spread out on the bed.

"Can't afford it?"

"Hmm...... Auntie won't be urging, let me squint for a while~

" "Can you go back to your room and sleep?" "

No, it's warm here." "

Little lazy worm ......

" "Who is lazy? I didn't sleep well last night, and I always feel uncomfortable on my body...... "

Ahem! Then you sleep, I'll go wash up."

Thinking of some of the things he did last night in the quilt and lying on Chu Xueying's body, Jiang Yu felt weak for a while, and he didn't change his clothes, so he walked out of the room with them in his hands.


Looking at Jiang Yu's back and running away, Chu Xueying laughed, and then lay down where Jiang Yu had just slept, and covered the quilt with great enjoyment.

Jiang Yu arrived in the living room and found that his parents were indeed gone, so he really went out on purpose.

After he finished washing, as soon as he came out of the bathroom door, he saw that Chu Xueying had already gotten up and was standing in the living room, enjoying the warm sun spilling in from the window.

Stretched out very pleasantly.

Suddenly, the silk pajamas couldn't be sealed at all, and Jiang Yu was dazzled.

"You're done~"

Jiang Yu nodded, and saw Chu Xueying enter the bathroom with the clothes to be changed.

"Didn't you take a shower last night?"

Chu Xueying leaned against the door, turned around and said,

"Hmm...... When I woke up in the morning, I felt sticky and uncomfortable......

"Especially my neck, I don't drool when I sleep?"

said and touched her snow-white neck and collarbone very puzzled.

"Ahem!, is it?Maybe you didn't notice it yourself

......" "It's like some people sleeping and snoring and they don't know......"

Jiang Yu glanced at the good spring light on Chu Xueying's chest, and seriously analyzed for her.


Chu Xueying chuckled and shook her head, squinting at Jiang Yu with a sly expression.

"It can't be that you have done anything bad to me, right

?" "How is it possible! In your heart, am I such a person?"

Jiang Yu shook his head decisively, pushed Chu Xueying and went to the bathroom.

"Okay, let's go wash and eat!"

"Someone is weak~"

Chu Xueying's proud voice floated from the bathroom ......

Coincidentally, fifteen minutes later, Jiang Yu's parents came back.

Seeing that Jiang Yu had already changed his clothes and was busy making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Hey, you're awake. "


Xueying?" As soon as my mother entered the door, she looked for Chu Xueying first, and Jiang Yu looked at the bathroom, "What about taking a bath!"


Jiang Mu nodded, not to mention how meaningful this tone was.

At night, the two secretly slept together, couldn't afford to rely on it in the morning, and went to the shower ...... when they woke up

These things are connected together, not to mention the mother with super brain replenishment ability, even Jiang Yu himself feels that there is a big problem.

Therefore, he felt that it was necessary to explain.

"It's not what you think

!" "It's true that she went to the wrong room at night!" Mom

nodded with a look of relief.

"Well, I know!" Now

that you know, why are you still looking at me with such eyes!

At this time, Chu Xueying just finished taking a shower, changed her clothes and walked out of the bathroom.

"Uncle and aunt are back~"

Mother Jiang immediately happily went up and took Chu Xueying's hand, thinking that the two of them were going back to the magic capital again in the evening, she was really reluctant in her heart.

After that, the four of them sat around for breakfast.

Since the two of them set a time to return to the magic capital at half past seven in the evening, there was only more than half a day left.

Jiang Yu proposed to take Chu Xueying to a nearby scenic spot, and the four of them went out together.

Although the magic capital is very close to Hangzhou, Chu Xueying is busy with work all day and basically hasn't traveled much.

This time, accompanied by Jiang Yu's family, I had a lot of fun visiting scenic spots and tasting snacks.

It's past seven o'clock in the evening.

Jiang's father drove the two to Hangzhou Airport.

Before leaving, Jiang's mother held Chu Xueying's hand for a while, but after just over a day of contact, in Jiang's mother's heart, she already regarded Chu Xueying as a family.

"Auntie~ I will come back to see you with Xiao Yu as soon as I am free~"

Jiang's mother nodded with satisfaction, and then told the two of them not to be busy with work, but to pay more attention to physical health and other things.

After that, I watched them enter the airport and drove away.

Just like when he came, he still didn't have to wait, and got on Chu Xueying's private plane directly.

Arrive at Modu Airport at 10 o'clock in the evening.

went to the parking lot, drove the car that had been parked when Chu Xueying came, and returned to Huading Tianmu.

After returning home, Jiang Yu didn't even change his clothes, and planned to just lie down and rest before going to wash.

I don't know what time it was last night, plus I was out all day, and I only felt my eyelids sink.

Sleepiness hits.


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