"Okay, stop playing, go to sleep!"

Jiang Yu shook his head, he was indeed willing to bow down, if the two of them continued to tease like this, he really couldn't help it.

I don't know if it's because I drank too much alcohol at night, or what.

At this time, Chu Xueying was extremely energetic, shy and shy, but it did not hinder her from making all kinds of teasing of Jiang Yu.

made Jiang Yu turn over for a while, facing her is not, and it is not ...... to turn his back to her

In the end, I could only lie down.

"Okay, I won't tease you~

" "Sleep!" "

Give me my hand."

Chu Xueying's chuckle came.

Before Jiang Yu could react, she felt that her left hand, which was close to her, was held by a warm and delicate jade hand.

"What are

you doing?" "Sleep!" "

Why are you holding my hand while sleeping?"

"Prevent you from secretly doing bad things while I'm asleep." "

I ......"

Jiang Yu was completely speechless, and argued fiercely, wanting to save his face.

"Who do you think of me?"

"No matter how you say it, it's impossible to be in front of you!"

"That maybe

~" "Okay~ Good night, go to sleep~"

Jiang Yu shook his head secretly, what is this called!

I was sleeping well in bed, and I was suddenly squeezed by Chu Xueying, and now I am sleeping together so headlessly.

It turns out that Chu Xueying is like this after drinking too much?

In this way, she really has to be allowed to drink more ...... in the future

While thinking wildly, Jiang Yu only felt that Chu Xueying's palm holding him suddenly opened, slowly parting his fingers.

Then from the fingers, slowly held in, the palms of the two were tightly pressed together, palms facing each other, and the ten fingers were crossed.

There was a burst of warmth from Chu Xueying's soft and boneless hands, which was very comfortable and soft.

Jiang Yu also closed her fingers, and even unconsciously used her fingertips to gently outline the back of her hand.

"Hmm~ Itchy......

" "Oops~ Sleep obediently, don't make trouble~"

The back of Chu Xueying's hand was tickled by Jiang Yu, and she couldn't help but protest in a whisper.

But he didn't have the slightest intention of withdrawing his hand.

After Jiang Yu played for a while, he gradually stopped, but he still interlocked his fingers with her.

"Mr. Chu, remember to wake up early tomorrow, don't forget to go back early!" was

about to sleep, Jiang Yu couldn't help but remind him.

"Well, got it!" Then

there was silence in the room, except for the sound of even, faint breathing.

Jiang Yu turned his head, and through the faint moonlight outside the window, he found that Chu Xueying had fallen asleep, and there seemed to be a faint smile on her exquisite face.

After tossing for a long time, and it was already late at night, Jiang Yu was actually very sleepy.

But at this time, looking at Chu Xueying's quiet and sleeping delicate body, Jiang Yu was stunned, stretched out the quilt, straightened up, and couldn't help but get through.

Mr. Chu ...... Sleep?"

I waited for a while, but I didn't get a response from Chu Xueying.

Jiang Yu was a little bolder.

Slowly and gently let go of the hand that was clasped with her ten fingers, and then got up, with her legs propped up at her sides, and the whole person fell on her stomach.

Then he lifted the quilt and covered his body, covering both of them in the quilt at the same time.

Although there is no light in the dark, I can't see a piece of spring light under me.

But the faint body fragrance and temperature from Chu Xueying's body still made Jiang Yu very upset.


swallowed unconsciously.

Jiang Yu slowly lay down, Chu Xueying's breath hit the tip of his nose, and he was even more hot.

I couldn't help but adjust the position of my legs.

Tucked the arms that were propped up at her sides on the bed, clinging to the curve of her slender waist.

Jiang Yu slowly lowered his head, groped in the dark, and lightly touched her forehead, followed by eyelids, the tip of her nose, and her cheeks, ......


"Huh, ......"

Chu Xueying under him heard a rapid inhalation and exhalation sound.

Then Jiang Yu felt that Chu Xueying's head was slightly offset, and he seemed to turn his face away.

"Mr. Chu?"

tentatively called a few times, but did not get any response.

Jiang Yu pondered for a moment, then lowered his head again, extending from the root of her ear all the way down to her warm and soft ......neck


Another faint but clear grunt came from underneath him.

At this time, the tip of Jiang Yu's nose could already clearly feel Chu Xueying's charming collarbone, and he couldn't help but bite it gently.

If you turn on the lights now.

Jiang Yu could clearly see Chu Xueying's flushed pretty face, as well as her tightly wrinkled and gradually soothed eyebrows.

I can see her unconsciously slightly opened eyes, squinted instantly, and then quickly closed the ......

However, in Jiang Yu's opinion.

Chu Xueying's whole person seemed to have fallen asleep a long time ago, except for a slight swing of her body, most of the time she was quiet and ......motionless

After playing for a long time, Jiang Yu was really sleepy and dazed, and felt a burst of heat and discomfort in his body.

In the end, he returned to his position, and he was going to lie down and rest to continue, but he felt his eyelids sink and fell asleep.

Before going to bed, I was in a daze.

It seems that I heard Chu Xueying whispering the ...... "Little villain......

". Jiang Yu only felt that he had an extremely beautiful dream, and he was still in the aftertaste.

Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on the door.

At the same time, accompanied by the familiar and anxious cry of the old mother.

"Knock! knock!" "

Xiaoyu! this kid ...... What kind of door do you lock when you sleep

!" "Something happened! Xue Ying is gone! You're still sleeping! Go and take a look!" In a

daze, Jiang Yu rubbed his eyes and gradually woke up, still confused in his mind.

Chu Xueying is gone

, wrinkling her eyelids, Jiang Yu asked casually and weakly, "Mom...... What's the matter......

" "You kid is still sleeping!" "

I got up in the morning to see her in the snow room, but when I opened the door she was gone. "

You've lost your wife!" this little bunny is still sleep......ing!"

Jiang Yu shook his head and struggled to get up, at this moment, outside the door, his mother was still knocking on the door and knocking loudly.

It seems that he is really in a hurry.

Suddenly, Jiang Yu felt as if his hand was being pulled, turned his head to look, and was stunned.

Isn't Chu Xueying sleeping beside herself?

A lotus root arm and a snow-white thigh are still pressing on herself.

At this moment, he was also rubbing his slightly squinted eyes, and he seemed to have been woken up by his mother.

Suddenly, a series of things that happened last night emerged.

From her sneaking into bed inexplicably, to the two teasing each other, and then holding hands to sleep, and finally she couldn't help but do something......

All the scenes were recalled.

Look at the already bright sky, and the anxious voice of the mother outside the door.

Jiang Yu knew that it was over, after all, he didn't let Chu Xueying go back to ...... before his mother found out

"You kid, don't come out to find it yet!" "

Xueying, this kid is not familiar with life, what if he gets lost!" It

seems that my mother thought that Chu Xueying had gone out in the morning and got lost and didn't ......come back


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