The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 4000: The center of the empire?

"Dare to ask who your Excellency is."

Among the huge palm prints that Wang Feng slapped, the man slowly got up, his clothes ragged, and he did not seem to be a powerhouse at the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, but more like a beggar.

How strong is Wang Feng's power? He can truly feel it now. It is completely crushing him. With such strength, how many people are there in the entire cultivation world? So at this moment he wanted to figure out the identity of Wang Feng.

Did Wang Summit tell him? That is obviously impossible.

Now in this circumstance, the experts everywhere are looking for Wang Feng, how could Wang Feng reveal his name, unless he wants to die.

"You don't have to worry about who I am. In short, you only need to understand one truth now, that is, you are my defeated man. If you want to be bigger than anyone else's fist, we can still continue to compete."

"No need, the cultivating world pays attention to the respect of the expert. Since your combat power is far better than me, I am willing to bow down. If you have any questions, please speak up.

He had suffered a severe blow just after receiving Wang Feng's blow. If he continued to fight Wang Feng, would he still live? Therefore, he is considered to be very picky, and he is directly convinced.

The man had to bow his head under the eaves, he understood the truth.

"I only have one question, what on earth does this star attract you all to come here? If a small star does not attract you, you are afraid that you will not gather here together."

"You don't even know this? Why did you come here again?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, this man's face showed a weird color. He thought Wang Feng knew what was the secret of this place, so he came here. .

But now it seems that Wang Feng is completely unaware.

"If I know this, do I need to ask you?"

"In fact, this is the case. Although this star doesn't seem to be rich in aura on the surface, do you know that this star has broken through more than ten immortal martial realm cultivators?"

"so much?"

Hearing this, Wang Feng couldn't help but his eyes widened, a little surprised.

Although the world has changed drastically now, this monk can rush to the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm more easily than before, but what Wang Feng did not expect is that there are so many powerful people in this small place, which is really incredible.

There are five people in the heavens who can make breakthroughs. It is completely dependent on the excellent cultivation environment created by Wang Feng for them. But what about the monks in this place?

The aura they absorb is not strong, how did they break through so many powerful people?

"Yeah, it is for this reason that we gather here as a group."

"I can't stop it, right?" Hearing this, Wang Feng shook his head repeatedly, and said: "No matter how many immortal martial realms this star has broken through, after this cultivation level reaches the early stage of the immortal martial realm, this cultivation is not so It’s easy, so there must be some other reasons to attract people like you, otherwise you won’t stay in this place forever."

Hearing what Wang Feng said, this person remained silent for a while, because he didn't expect Wang Feng's observation power to be so careful.

Wang Feng is right. Although this star has produced a lot of masters, after this realm breaks through to the early stage of the immortal martial realm, this is not the same thing in practice, so there is another reason that attracts them here, and It is still a very important reason.

He could have prevaricated Wang Feng, but now it seems that it is already impossible.

"Since you have already asked, let me tell you, in fact, this star is the center of our empire." This person said, making Wang Feng's face uncontrollable.

To know that the universe is boundless, there is no central point, this reason seems a little untenable.

"How did you distinguish this place as the center? What basis?" Wang Feng asked again.

Said it was a question, in fact, Wang Feng had already asked a lot, but since his fighting power is stronger than this person, he naturally has to ask clearly, otherwise, what is the point of calling the other party out?

"I'm not very clear about this, but I heard others say that there is a basis for the center, but I don't know these things. I'm afraid you have to ask others."

"Okay, you go back."

Since this person didn't know anymore, there was no need for Wang Feng to follow up. It was enough to just go to the divine fortune teller for such things.

You know that he can be regarded as a good old man, and his calculations can calculate the history of this star. Wang Feng does not need to ask others anymore. People have already said everything that should be said. Then Wang Feng still has no intention of the other party. .

Leaving the place where this person was, Wang Feng went straight to the place where the fortuneteller was. With Wang Feng's eyes in the sky, it was too easy for him to find the place where the fortuneteller was.

He just used his own heavenly eyes, he immediately found the location of the divine fortune teller, and his figure came to his vicinity in a flash.

I saw that the fortuneteller was still making calculations at this moment, with a face full of magic, and Wang Feng wanted to beat him.

"Brother, how is it?"

Beside this divine fortune teller, at this moment, there was still a monk with a flustered expression. He didn't know what he was looking for to calculate.

"Don't worry, if you worry any more, I'm afraid I won't be able to figure out what you want." The fortune teller made a flat voice, and then he continued to help the person calculate.

Since the fortune teller is helping people calculate, there is no need for Wang Feng to appear at this time to disturb the fortune teller.

God fortune teller this guy now regards the pill more important than his life. Once Wang Feng's appearance disturbs his good deeds, it is strange that he does not seek compensation from Wang Feng.

"Okay, if you flee in that direction, you can escape, they won't chase." At this time, the fortune teller pointed a direction to the person.

Following the direction pointed by the **** fortune teller, Wang Feng saw a group of murderous people swiftly sweeping towards the place where the **** fortune teller and the two of them were. Ten breaths of effort will come to this place.

This divine fortune teller is all about pushing people into this fire pit.

"Thank you."

Hearing the words of the **** fortune teller, this person did not hesitate, he quickly rushed towards the direction pointed by the **** fortune teller.

"It's a pity." Seeing this scene, Wang Feng can almost predict what will happen next without watching. This person will definitely die without a place to bury him, because those who chase him will definitely not let him go. .

Originally, it took ten breaths of time for those people to get to the place where the two of them were, but as this person rushed towards their opposites, the time of their contact was naturally greatly shortened, and they hardly Five breaths are already face to face.

"This time, you can't escape."

"Ah, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go."

A scream of screams resounded in the void, this person was just himself, and there were quite a few people who chased him, how could he escape under this situation, only death.

So there was a roar in his mouth, which was completely aimed at the **** fortuneteller, because the **** fortuneteller not only didn't help him escape, but it also exacerbated his death. How could he not hate the **** fortuneteller.

It's just that hate has no effect at this time, because he is already dead, even if he hates this divine fortuneteller, it will have no effect on the fortuneteller.


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