The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3999: My fist is bigger than you

The eldest prince went to participate in this **** list every year, nothing more than to let the world recognize his identity, so that he can take over the position of the prince.

But who could have imagined that their royal family would one day fall to where they are today, but the royal family did not fall directly, and his father was supporting him. He once wanted to be famous, and now he has done it.

Now I am afraid that everyone knows that his realm impact failed, and his reputation is not as loud as Wang Feng.

After all, what Wang Feng was going through was the Peerless Heavenly Tribulation. This was a gimmick, and this great prince was attacked and failed in the middle of the immortal martial realm. This is also a gimmick, so the two are actually comparable.

The only difference may be that Wang Feng succeeded in assaulting the realm, while the great prince failed.

"Leader, it seems that the emperor has not returned to this palace."

At this moment, Wang Feng's messenger talisman lit up, and his servant sent him a message.

"It doesn't matter if you don't come back, you just need to keep an eye on this palace for me."

While talking, Wang Feng put away his own messenger, he felt that he had to go to this **** fortune teller, because to find this prince, **** fortune teller is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Moreover, Wang Feng can only determine the life and death of this prince only by looking for him.

For a reckoner like them, it is very easy to distinguish the life and death of others, so Wang Feng directly took out the messenger talisman of the **** operator and said, "Are you still above the previous star?"

"What's the matter with you?" The voice of the **** operator always seemed like this impatience, and Wang Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

However, Wang Feng was already familiar with his tone, and said: "I have something to do with you, I will come and find you directly."

"It's okay if you want to come over, offset an on-call opportunity." The voice of the fortune teller rang in the message.

"Stopping." Wang Feng couldn't help cursing when he heard this, but he really needs to use the power of this divine calculation now, so he can only agree and say: "Okay, it can be offset once."

"I was on the star where we parted last time, so come directly."


Upon hearing this, Wang Feng cursed directly. Just now, he asked if this **** fortune was still above that star. He didn't expect that he was actually above this star. This is not a waste of Wang Feng's precious time. Chance?

Now that he had known the foothold of the **** fortune-teller, Wang Feng naturally moved towards the star where he was. About ten minutes later, Wang Feng descended on the star where the fortuneteller was.

Just when he arrived above this star, Wang Feng found that the master aura on the star seemed to be a lot more. This star could attract so many powerful people to stop, which really made Wang Feng a little puzzled.

It seems that there is really something on this star that attracts them, otherwise they would not get together in the same place.

It seems that Wang Feng has to find someone to ask what is going on.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng did not hesitate, he moved closer to the early-level cultivator of the Immortal Martial Realm nearest to him.

The monk was cultivating in the center of a mountainside at the moment. There was a cave that he dug out, just enough for him to sit down by himself, very crowded.

"The people inside come out, I have something to ask you."

Standing outside this mountain, Wang Feng's voice passed out.

Only after hearing Wang Feng's words, although the person in the center of the mountain was awakened, he did not come out and did not make a sound. He might not be sure that Wang Feng called him.

But if he doesn't come out, is there no way Wang Feng can do it?

"The people inside, don't have to look around. The person I'm talking about is you. I have a little question to ask you. Come out."

Wang Feng had already said this so clearly, and the people in it couldn't understand it yet, so he just got up and left the cave in the belly of the mountain and appeared in front of Wang Feng.

"It's immoral to disturb others' clean cultivation rashly. Didn't your master ever teach you?" Just when he came out, the person's mouth suddenly made a cold voice.

After all, this practice was suddenly disturbed by Wang Feng, how could he be in a good mood? He was already very polite without shouting at Wang Feng with a black face.

"Do you think I still need a master with my current level of cultivation? I am qualified to be someone else's master."

After talking about this, Wang Feng paused for a while, and then said: "It is indeed a bit embarrassing to interrupt your cleansing, but I only have one question. As long as you tell me, I will naturally leave here."

"Why should I help you?" The man sneered, not taking Wang Feng's words seriously.

After all, Wang Feng was in the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, and he was the same, so how could he be afraid of Wang Feng? This matter was originally Wang Feng's fault, and he was naturally hard to speak.

"Just because my fist is bigger than you." Wang Feng said with a slight smile.


Hearing what Wang Feng said, the man couldn't help but laughed, saying that his fists were big, and this man had not fought him before. Why did he say this?

Where did Wang Feng have the courage to say this?

"It looks like you don't believe it anymore. In that case, let's see the truth under our hands."

While speaking, Wang Feng directly raised his palm and took a picture of him.

On the surface, Wang Feng just gently lifted his palm, but as his palm was lifted, UU Reading suddenly gathered the vast power in the air, and a palm composed entirely of power turned towards The monk was crushed down.

Seeing that Wang Feng said that he would take the shot, this person also reacted quickly. He directly distanced himself from Wang Feng, and also hit Wang Feng back in the same way.

Originally, Wang Feng wanted to talk to him well, but he didn't believe what he said. What else could Wang Feng do? Naturally speaking with his fist.

Anyway, in this world of the weak and the strong, it was originally the uncle who had the biggest fist, and if the cultivation base could surpass that emperor, it would not be difficult to overthrow the entire empire.

Therefore, Wang Feng will now use his own strength to bully him until he is willing to bow his head and cooperate.

The same blow, but Wang Feng's power far surpassed this person, so when the opponent's power and Wang Feng's power collided with each other, this person immediately noticed the gap between him and Wang Feng.

It’s just that it’s impossible for him to evacuate at this time, because Wang Feng’s power has already been bombarded. He has no other choice but to resist. If he chooses to escape at this moment, he will use his back. To forcibly take Wang Feng's attack, his fate will be even worse then, so he can only forcefully resist Wang Feng's power.


The power swept down, the monk only felt that the sky had collapsed, and his whole person directly caused Wang Feng's power to fall to the ground, not his opponent at all.

He directly sprayed several mouthfuls of blood, lying in a huge handprint, and ended up miserably.

"I said that I have a bigger fist than you. You still don't believe it, do you believe it now?"

Seeing this person's miserable appearance, Wang Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

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