The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3993: The most unwilling scene

First, I watched the dragon break into the middle stage of the Xianwu realm, but I didn't expect someone to break into the middle stage of the Xianwu realm now.

Thinking of his breakthrough to the middle stage of the Immortal Martial Realm is still far away, Wang Feng couldn't help making a sigh. He didn't know when he was qualified to attack the middle stage of the Immortal Martial Realm.

The farther forward, the more monks Wang Feng can see. Obviously everyone is going to watch the breakthrough.

It is not uncommon to move from the late Blood Saint Realm to the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm. After all, under the current big pattern, almost every day someone breaks into the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm.

So there is no mystery for such a breakthrough, but it is extremely rare to move from the early stage of the Xianwu Realm to the middle of the Xianwu Realm, and some people will not be able to encounter it once in a lifetime.

When the dragon broke through last time, although some people went to observe the ceremony and study, there were still quite a few monks who did not see that scene. So now that there is such an opportunity, they naturally run faster than the other, and they are afraid I can't keep up.

These people rushed forward as if rushing to reincarnate, but Wang Feng was not as crazy as them, because he knew that even if he walked slowly, he would definitely be able to catch up.

And the reason why he didn't go fast was completely worried in his heart. If his previous guess came true, then if he runs too fast now, he might be killed, so he'd better go slow.

This cultivator at the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm entered the middle of the Immortal Martial Realm, and he had already seen it once, so this time he did not look at it or not.

After all, after seeing them break through the realm, they didn't have much to learn. Wang Feng mainly wanted to make sure this time, so walking slowly has no effect on him.

"Although the early stage of the Xianwu realm is strong, compared with the people in the middle of the Xianwu realm, it is as small as dust. If you want to stand up, I am afraid you need to break through to the middle of the Xianwu realm."

Seeing more and more monks around him, Wang Feng couldn't help but express this emotion in his heart.

In the entire cultivation world, there are only a handful of people who can beat Wang Feng in the world, but because of these few people, Wang Feng will be restrained in a lot of things. If he wants to be truly free from any restraints, Wang Feng will also break through. Only in the middle of Xianwu realm.

Following the crowd all the way forward, black clouds began to appear above Wang Feng and their heads. Seeing this black cloud, Wang Feng immediately recognized what this thing was. This was the edge of the sky.

Heavenly Tribulation has already appeared, and it seems that someone is really going to break into the middle stage of Xianwu Realm.

"This is a catastrophe?"

Among the people who came, not only Wang Feng was knowledgeable, but also others recognized this day robbery at once, and there was a shocked voice.

"It seems that this person is really going to break through to the middle stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, otherwise there will never be a catastrophe here." At this time, other monks spoke, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"It seems that my guess is likely to come true."

There was a muttering sound in his mouth, and Wang Feng's complexion was also very ugly, because this place is very close to the main star where the imperial city is located. If the person breaking through here is really the person Wang Feng imagined, then this is probably not the case. It's fun.

As the crowd moved forward, Wang Feng felt a strong pressure. He didn't know if it was caused by man or the pressure from the world.

"I've lived a lifetime, this is the first time I have seen someone from the early stage of the Xianwu Realm to impact the middle of the Xianwu Realm." A voice from the crowd spread out, with a trace of expectation.

Although the relationship between other people's breakthroughs and them is not very big, they can increase their own knowledge. What is this life for? Isn’t it just to see the world more?

Many people have lived their entire lives and have never seen anyone from the early stage of the Xianwu realm to the middle stage of the Xianwu realm, so this is undoubtedly a good opportunity for them to increase their knowledge.

"Yeah, after today, I don't know if I have a chance to see such a grand event again." An old man said, shook his head.

These people are people with little lifespan. They are here today just to increase their knowledge and see if they have the opportunity to break into the middle stage of the fairy martial realm.

It’s just that it’s basically impossible, because it’s not so easy to enter the middle stage of the fairy martial realm. If this level is such a good breakthrough, I am afraid that many things have already appeared in this world. The mid-level powerhouse of Xianwu Realm.

Wang Feng had already reached the vicinity of the person who crossed the calamity, he could see the person standing in the void without opening his own heavenly eyes.

When Wang Feng saw this man, his face couldn't help showing a bitter smile, and even a trace of regret, because this man happened to be the one he didn't want to see the last.

This person who is about to move from the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm to the mid-level of the Immortal Martial Realm is impressively the big prince who almost died in the hands of Wang Feng last time.

He was almost killed by Wang Feng last time, and then he was caught by Wang Feng to threaten his father. Without him, perhaps Wang Feng would have been gone the last time, but what Wang Feng didn’t expect was that the prince now It is about to hit the mid-term of Xianwu Realm.

The last time Wang Feng had seen his fighting power, he had no resistance at all in Wang Feng's It was very simple for Wang Feng to kill him, but what Wang Feng didn't expect was that the prince would attack now. The realm of Xianwu is in the middle stage.

Before coming here, Wang Feng was guessing whether the person who made this breakthrough would be the prince. After all, his voice was very similar to his.

But what made Wang Feng helpless was that the person who was about to break through the realm was really him. He was far from the ability to attack the middle stage of the Immortal Martial Realm last time, but why can he attack this realm now?

Wang Feng really couldn't figure out how he qualified so quickly?

Even if his father is a powerhouse at the mid-level of the Immortal Martial Realm, and his father will find a peculiar training place for him, there is no reason why he can attack the mid-level of the Immortal Martial Realm in such a short period of time. It is totally unreasonable.

But the current situation is that this big prince is indeed going to hit the middle stage of the Xianwu Realm. How does he practice?

He is still so young, why can he break into the middle stage of Xianwu Realm in such a short time?

Could it be that as Wang Feng had guessed last time, what shocking chance did he encounter?

Obviously there was a chance to kill the opponent before, but Wang Feng didn't cherish it. Until now, seeing this guy about to break through to the middle stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, Wang Feng regretted it, but it was too late to regret it now.

The emperor was standing in the air not far away. If anyone dared to make trouble at this moment, he would surely die suddenly. Although Wang Feng wanted to do damage, he was not the emperor's action at all.

Even if he had this kind of thought in his mind, he could only suppress it at this moment, completely afraid to show it.

Because the shadow of being chased by the emperor last time is still lingering in Wang Feng's heart.

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