The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3992: Someone break through?

Those few people had already let Wang Feng be beaten away, and Wang Feng himself did not hesitate. He took away the space ring of the person he had beheaded, and then he left the body of this person here.

Anyway, this corpse was of little use to Wang Feng. The small creature in his original hand was also let him abandon it, so this corpse Wang Feng held was just a corpse.

"Too strong, instantly kill a strong person at the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, is he the supreme of the mid-level of the Immortal Martial Realm?"

At this time, someone spoke, thinking that Wang Feng’s cultivation is likely to be in the middle stage of the fairy martial realm. After all, he can kill the powerhouse at the early stage of the fairy martial realm. His own cultivation is definitely stronger, otherwise how could he kill the early stage of the fairy martial The level of powerhouse.

In the eyes of many people, the monks at the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm are irresistible.

But such a strong man was now beheaded by Wang Feng, not his opponent at all.

"There are only a few mid-level supreme in the world of Xianwu, and I haven't heard of anyone who has broken through the mid-level of Xianwu." At this time, other people spoke with some doubts.

"I wonder if you have forgotten someone."

"You mean Wang Feng?" Hearing this, someone suddenly reacted.

"Except Wang Feng in this world, I'm afraid that no one can kill a cultivator of the same level in the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, right?"

"I think even Wang Feng may not be able to kill an opponent instantly. The last time he did something in this place, I saw it with my own eyes. Although he can crush a cultivator of the same level, he has no way to kill a person of the same level. So This person is definitely not Wang Feng." At this time another person put forward a different opinion.

This person killed his opponent in an instant, and although Wang Feng was strong, he absolutely did not have the power of cultivation, so many of them felt that this person was not Wang Feng.

"Do you think this person would be Tianyi who stepped on Wang Feng's head on this **** list before?" At this time, someone said again.

Hearing this, everyone’s mind almost involuntarily showed the original ranking of the **** list. In the cultivation world, although many people expressed their support for Wang Feng, after all, Wang Feng is a real monk with a real reputation. Many people can see its combat effectiveness.

But what about this day?

Since the appearance of this gods list, none of the people at the beginning of the word Tian have been seen before, and they don't even know whether these are people at all. They only know that this person named Tianyi is riding on top of Wang Feng.

Since Wang Feng does not have the ability to kill monks of the same level in seconds, it is very possible to do it this day, because since this **** list can rank him in the first position of this young generation, it naturally shows that he has something extraordinary. Place.

So many people think that the monk who just killed the same level in seconds is the person called Tianyi.

It's just that none of the people present can prove it, because none of them have the ability to verify the authenticity of this incident and can only guess.

As for whether this speculation will come true, none of them can say, anyway, this matter has now become a mystery.

"It seems that after the soul power is strong, I can deal with the monks of the same level more calmly."

After leaving the Chuang Shenfeng, Wang Feng stopped in an unmanned starry sky, with a smile on his face.

Taking that silver blood really improved Wang Feng's soul power, otherwise Wang Feng would definitely not be able to kill an early-level cultivator of the Immortal Martial Realm in an instant.

After all, if you want to kill such a person in a flash, unless your combat effectiveness is far beyond the opponent, you can't do it.

The change in the star map is like guiding everyone step by step to follow the path described above. Wang Feng will not let others lead his nose. He wants to walk his own path.

Today, several cultivators of the middle level of the fairy martial realm have broken through to the middle of the fairy martial realm in a normal way. If this star map can really allow people to break through to the middle of the fairy martial realm, wouldn’t this world want Messed up?

Therefore, Wang Feng believes that this star map is definitely not that simple, and he will not practice according to the above.

To be precise, Wang Feng can't afford to toss about that kind of cultivation.


Just when Wang Feng was guessing in his heart what the star map was going on, he suddenly felt the world tremble violently. The feeling was like someone slammed the starry sky. The strong wave was extremely strong. The tremor caused Wang Feng's body to jump.

"What's the situation? Another big explosion?"

There was a muttering voice in Wang Feng’s mouth. He was a little confused about the situation. Last time the Ye family fought against the royal family, Wang Feng also felt that way. Now that the Ye family is going to retaliate so soon The emperor?

Wang Feng didn't know what happened, and his heavenly eyes couldn't see anything, but he knew that something must have happened, otherwise the starry sky would not have such trembling ripples.

"Today, I will definitely ascend to the summit and enter the middle stage of the realm of Xianwu!"

At this moment, a voice sounded in the starry sky. The voice was so loud that it spread all over the world, and the starry sky was filled with the remaining sound waves of this voice.

This shows how powerful this person's cultivation base is.

This is someone who is about to hit the middle stage of the Xianwu realm. The trembling wave just now is probably because this person has officially started to hit the middle stage of the Xianwu Just hearing this voice, Wang Feng's expression Wei Wei was a little confused, because he felt that the voice seemed familiar.

"Don't be you, otherwise, I'm afraid I will regret even my intestines."

There was a muttering voice in his mouth, and then Wang Feng did not hesitate, his body turned into a stream of light, and he swiftly moved forward. He was going to the front to see who was going to break the realm.

If it’s just the tremor that just happened, it would be a little difficult to find the source, but now it’s easy to find the other side by following this voice, Wang Feng, because this sound wave has a direction, just look for it in the opposite direction. , Then Wang Feng can see the origin of the sound burst.

At this moment, not only Wang Feng, but many other monks were flying in this direction.

"This fellow Taoist, do you know what's going on?"

Just as Wang Feng was rushing forward, a monk suddenly chased him from behind and asked.

"If I knew what was going on, now I won't be on the way in the starry sky."

"If someone wants to break into the middle stage of the Immortal Martial Realm today, new changes will definitely take place in this world."

A dragon that broke through before has already let the emperor win over, but today the person who wants to break through doesn't know who will be overtaken by him.

Today, two big forces, the Ye family and the royal family, have very powerful forces. So if this person breaks through the realm, his position will be very important, and even his position will determine the future direction of the world. , So how could they not watch it.

You should know that if you missed such a wonderful scene, I am afraid that they will regret it for life.

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