The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3969: Hard bones

Wang Feng was too impulsive. If he had just asked the soldier first, I am afraid he would not be broken in front of Wang Feng, but it is too late to say anything. This soldier has been blown to pieces, and he cannot die anymore. Die, which means that Wang Feng just ran away in vain.

I didn't get any news, and I was chased for a while. Thinking about it carefully, I really suffered a lot.

"I will not give up unless I get the news!"

This time, Wang Feng came to this palace all the way to get news about where these people are going, but now Wang Feng hasn't got anything, how could he be reconciled.

Therefore, with a ruthless heart, Wang Feng was ready to return to the palace to capture a soldier to ask them where they had gone before.

Just do it if you think of it, and if the emperor hasn't returned yet, if Wang Feng doesn't hurry up, I'm afraid it's really too late.

Turning back along the road he had walked before, Wang Feng went straight to the palace.

During this journey, Wang Feng was not idle either. He first asked his servants to see if the emperor had returned to the palace. If the emperor had already returned, if Wang Feng went on this trip, it would be simply It is no different from sending to death.

So he has to ask questions first.

"Enlighten the leader, the emperor has not returned yet."

Wang Feng just captured a late-stage Blood Saint Realm soldier, which had almost no impact on the entire royal family, so the emperor wouldn't come back because of such a small matter. Wang Feng really thought too much.

Since the emperor had not returned, Wang Feng naturally did not need to hesitate. He went straight to the palace without any pause.

This time is money and life, so Wang Feng can't have any hesitation right now. He must rush into the imperial city, otherwise, when the emperor returns, Wang Feng will not only have no chance, but will even become very dangerous.

The escape last time was entirely due to the cooperation between him and the divine fortune teller. Now that the emperor has suffered such a loss, his son must have been fully protected by him. Under such circumstances, if Wang Feng wants to go again Catch his son, I am afraid it will be as difficult as heaven.

Returning to the palace at the fastest speed, Wang Feng found that the emperor hadn't returned yet. Under such circumstances, if Wang Feng wanted to capture his soldiers, he would do it directly.

"Come again?"

Wang Feng's speed was very fast, and he almost rushed into the palace directly like a shadow.

However, the people in it weren't any vegetarians. Wang Feng had already snatched someone from them before, and now they were in a state of nervous precaution.

Under such circumstances, when Wang Feng had just arrived, these people had already discovered him and made defensive measures in time.

Several people attacked Wang Feng at the same time, trying to prevent him from arresting people in this place.

It's just that since Wang Feng has already arrived, how could it be possible without taking a soldier.

And just because these people wanted to stop him, that was simply wishful thinking. Although Wang Feng couldn't beat the emperor, but he wanted to deal with the people in the emperor's hands, it could be said to be simple.

With just one punch, the combination of these people collapsed directly, and it was not Wang Feng's opponent at all.

Even if Wang Feng wants to kill them, he can make two or three moves.

But Wang Feng didn't care about them. His goal was these soldiers. Instead of wasting time on these people, Wang Feng might as well grab them and leave here quickly.

He didn't want to wait for the emperor to come back just because he wasted such a small amount of time, and he suffered a loss last time, so now all Wang Feng has to be careful.


These people were forced back in an instant, Wang Feng did not hesitate, at this moment, he went straight into the sky, and disappeared in front of these people.

"Do you still chase?"

Seeing this scene, the people who made Wang Feng's retreat all looked at each other, not knowing what to do next, because they couldn't catch up with Wang Feng before, and now even if they chase Wang Feng again, they might not be able to catch up.

So now they really don't know what to do, and because of their hesitation, now that Wang Feng has run away, they can't catch up even if they want to chase.

"What are you chasing after? This is obviously not catching up."

Wang Feng has already gone far, and these people can never catch up, so at this moment they can only choose to give up.

They have already notified Your Majesty. As long as your Majesty comes back, I believe that no one will want to come to this palace to do things again, so even if Wang Feng has captured a person now, it will not have much impact on them.

Anyway, the cultivation base of these soldiers is not very good, even if one or two die, it is completely harmless.

"Say, where did you go before."

Grasping this soldier and came to an unmanned star, Wang Feng directly threw him on the ground and asked.

It is difficult to get any news from the other party when using the soul search technique, because once their souls are searched, their bodies will explode.

This is like a time bomb, as long as it is ignited, it has to be exploded, and Wang Feng can't control it.

So now the best way is to ask directly verbally, so that Wang Feng may be able to ask useful information for him.

"No need to ask, I won't say anything." Although Wang Feng's cultivation base is much higher than this soldier, this soldier is obviously a well-trained person, so after hearing Wang Feng's words, he immediately became determined. stand up.

It’s just that Wang Feng has his own way of dealing with these hard bones, so at this moment Wang Feng’s mouth shows a and said: "You can choose not to say it now, but will you say the same later? See if your bone is really hard and scary."

While speaking, Wang Feng put his hand directly on the soldier's body, and his fingers began to exert force, instantly squeezing the soldier's bones.

The trained soldiers are indeed much harder than ordinary human bones. Although he has no resistance in front of Wang Feng, when his bones began to shatter, he also forcibly endured without making any screams. sound.

But even so, Wang Feng still saw that the corners of his mouth were trembling constantly, and the veins on his forehead were violent, which was obviously a strong support.

It's just that Wang Feng believed that this person would not be able to hold on for long, and he would beg for mercy, because this was just the beginning. If this soldier really saw Wang Feng's methods of torture, he would probably be unable to bear it.

At this moment, big beads of sweat were dripping from the soldier's forehead and down his face. Wang Feng even heard the sound of his teeth shaking.

"If you can't hold on, just call me. This good show has just begun."

While talking, Wang Feng kicked the soldier's leg directly, kicking his bones in two instantly, and the soldier directly knelt on the ground.

"Have you thought about it? If you think about it, then you won't suffer from my torment."

"Give up, even if I die, I won't say it!"

While speaking, the body of the soldier quickly began to swell, which was completely a precursor to self-destruction.

It's just a pity that he wants to blew himself up in front of Wang Feng, it is completely impossible, he won't have that chance.

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